


Whales And Dolphins Are People Too
Enlightened Science

The Mirror Test


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On May 4, 2001, at the Dolphins Plus marine mammal research and education center in Key Largo, Florida, a bottlenose dolphin is reflected in a mirror. This test, along with others given elsewhere, demonstrate that dolphins are able to recognize themselves in a mirror. Not only does this set of photos show that the dolphin is self aware, but it also shows the dolphin using the mirror to look at itself from different angles. This is part of the spontaneous intellectual thought process that the dolphin used to determine that the dolphin seen in the mirror was itself and not another dolphin. Given that dolphins do not have access to reflective surfaces, in their natural habitat, the dolphin would never have seen itself in a mirror. It would only have gained a sense, of its physical look, by looking at other dolphin. And yet the dolphin, in this mirror test, clearly determined that the dolphin reflected in the mirror was not another dolphin. This is evidence of what is called ‘self awareness’, which is the hallmark of an individual. This is the definition of a person.
photo: Life

Whales and Dolphins Create, Play, and Hunt with Bubble Rings

Bottlenose Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin Bottlenose Dolphin
Beluga Whale Spinner Dolphin
Humpback Whale Humpback Whale


Go here to watch videos of dolphins creating and playing with bubbles: http://www.formula1movies.com/video/TMCf7SNUb-Q/Dolphin-play-bubble-rings.html

There is an on-going debate about whether cetacean brain mass and size can be used as an indicator of intelligence. Cetaceans have a large brain mass and size, relative to humans. That alone makes cetaceans second only to humans in potential brain power – and hence intelligence. But it would seem, that depending on the point one wanted to make about the value and status of cetaceans, depends on whether one would see this as evidence of cetacean high intelligence or not. Those who kill whales and dolphins, and don’t want the activity to end, choose to dismiss cetaceans as anything but animals that are part of the human food chain.

Regardless of which side of the debate a person, group, or country is on, one thing is certain: cetaceans live in a completely different environment than humans, and by virtue of this have evolved to meet the demands of this water world. Humans are mammals that live on the land, regardless of their origins. Whales and dolphins are mammals who live in the sea, regardless of their origins. If the cetacean brain mass and weight is used as the main point of determining the intelligence of a being, then that tool is flawed. Besides the obvious evolutionary differences, the cetacean brain itself has developed remarkable function that puts the human brain to shame. Unlike the human brain, it’s known that the dolphin brain can keep one brain hemisphere awake while the other brain hemisphere is asleep. This incredible bio mechanism allows the dolphin to sleep while watching out for predators, as well as being able to sleep without drowning. Just something to think about.



This graphic shows the skeletal structure inside of the flipper of a sperm whale, which reveals astonishing information that most people don’t know. Inside of cetacean flippers is the evolutionary remnant of a hand. It’s something to think about. photo: The Smithsonian

Much will be added to this page as the website evolves. So please return often.



The Whale And Dolphin People Project Intro

The Whale And Dolphin People Project Table Of Contents

The Plan: The Game Changer Campaign To Stop The Killing Of Whales & Dolphins
By Changing Their Status From Animal To People

The Science Of Being A Person: Whales And Dolphins As Self Aware Sentient Beings

Saving Lives: The Historical Interaction Between Whales, Dolphins, And Humans

Photo And Information Gallery: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Mass Murder In The First D

Photo And Information Gallery: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Death By Ship Strike

Photo And Information Gallery: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Death By Fishing Net

Photo and Information Gallery: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Death By Habitat And EcoSystem Pollution, Assault, And Destruction

Photo And Information Gallery: Living Whales And Dolphins: The People Of The Sea Free To Be

Photo And Information Gallery: Whales And Dolphins Are People Too: Science And Philosophy

Photo And Information Gallery: Whales And Dolphins And Humans Interacting With Each Other

The Whale And Dolphin People Project on FaceBook



Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine

If you would like to contact the founder of The Whale And Dolphin People Project please address all comments and interview requests to Starfire Tor here:  info@thewhaleanddolphinpeopleproject.org