The Philadelphia Experiment Hoax
Biographies and Photo Gallery
© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor
Morris K. Jessup was born in 1900 and was an amateur astronomer, car parts salesman, and author who had an intellectual interest in space, space travel, UFOs, and related sciences. In 1955 his book, "The Case For The UFO", was published. It was a mild success with UFO enthusiasts, with the most infamous enthusiast being a liar and publicity seeker named Carl Meredith Allen aka Carlos Allende the source of the Philadelphia Experiment hoax. In 1956 Allen's delusions became Jessup's problem, when Allen contacted Jessup with false claims that included a secret US Naval destroyer involved in invisibility, teleportation, and time travel experiments. Jessup eventually distanced himself from Allen, and wrote three more books. In 1956 he published "UFOs and the Bible" and "The UFO Annual". in 1957 his book "Expanding The Case For The UFO" was published. None of the three garnered much interest, and Jessup was deeply disappointed that his planned career as an author and scientist wasn't working out as hoped. His wife left him in 1958, which threw him further into depression. Deeply despondent, Jessup took his own life in 1959.
Book cover "The Case For the UFO". "The Case For The UFO" by Morris K. Jessup. First published by Citadel Press in 1955.
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Carl Meredith Allen aka Carlos Allende was born in 1925 and died in 1994. Starting in1956, he wrote a number of letters to author Morris K. Jessup, in response to the publication of Jessup's book "The Case For The UFO". Allen's unbalanced, disjointed, and unsubstantiated claims were the source for the Philadelphia Experiment hoax. In these letters, Allen claimed that the US Navy was engaged in a secret experiment that involved a destroyer and invisibility, teleportation, and time travel experiments. When Jessup distanced himself from the delusional man, Allen sent a copy of Jessup's book to the Navy, complete with annotations that he tried to pass off as three different mystery people with knowledge of extraterrestrials. But there was only one person behind the annotations and the false claims Carl M. Allen. Although his claims were based on nothing more than his delusional mind, the Philadelphia Experiment hoax has done a great deal of damage as a disinformation tool for generations of time travel hoaxers and genuine keepers of time travel secrets … secrets that have nothing to do with the story and myth of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Carl Meredith Allen Hoax Confession This newspaper article, published in "The News of Colorado Centennial Country" August 22, 1986, features a hoax confession by Carl Meredith Allen. He admitted that the Philadelphia Experiment was a hoax, wholly perpetrated by him. Depending on his mood and mental state, Allen would confess to the hoax, retract the confession, and then confess again. His last public spin was to confess the hoax, which he stuck to until his dying day. But by then, few even knew his name or that he had ever been the source of the Philadelphia Experiment hoax. In the same article, he claimed that he was one of only four people who understood the Unified Field Theory because he was taught it by Albert Einstein. Even after his death, the hoax continues through generations of willful disinformationists, who use the Philadelphia Experiment brand as a personal marketing tool. The damage to authentic Time Travel research has been severe.
Carl Meredith Allen Seaman Certificate Carl Meredith Allen's Seaman's Certificate of Identification from the United States Department of Commerce, from August 1943. The serial number is Z416175. That same number was used by Allen, in one of his schemes concerning Morris K. Jessup's "The Case For The UFO" book and the US Navy.
Here Are All The Links To All The Pages Of Starfire Tor's Report
On The Philadelphia Experiment Hoax
Starfire Tor Report: Exposing The Lies and Repairing The Damage
The Beginning: The Carl Allen - Carlos Allende Letters to MK Jessup
The USS Eldridge DE-173 History and Statistics
The USS Eldridge DE-173 Photos
The Philadelphia Experiment Hoax Report Main Table of Contents
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