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© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor


This still, from a video, shows the thick black smoke that I OBE saw after the explosion. It was so thick that it partially obscured the building.

This is another view of the thick black smoke, from a short distance, which is more the way I OBE saw it at first.

This is an aerial view of the bombed Murrah Building. You can see the church, across the street, where I OBE saw the explosion. Below is a map of the same area.

This Street map shows part of my confusion over the words that I OBE saw. When I saw signs that said 'Broadway' and 'Robinson', I didn't realize that these were the street names that were around the doomed building. Where I'm from, in California, we had department stores by those names. I thought that maybe the building I OBE saw was a mall, with these two department stores anchoring it. I never had the time, between the two OBEs and the event, to discover what the names really meant.

These are the faces of the men I saw robbing a store and getting away in an old box-like yellow junker car. The only one I don't recognize is the sketch of John Doe No. 2.

This government exibit shows the yellow box-like junker car I saw the men in.

This is the government exibit of the back of the same car. What's interesting to me is the name 'Ft. Lauderdale' on the back. I picked up the name in the OBE, but didn't realize what it meant.

Initial Precognition Event Report

Precognition Event Confirmed
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