

Initial Precognition Event Report
Experienced and Reported on 10-12-1999

© Researched and Written By Starfire Tor

This OBE was very different from the hundreds of OBEs I have had. Instead of visually witnessing a future event, I heard people talking about it and then saw the dates they were talking about. The information I picked up is very strange, disturbing, and has the appearance of being Occult related. However, because I am confident at what I experienced, I am writing this up as is. Just remember, when you read this, that I am only the messenger. I offer no profound explanations beyond the info experienced in the OBE. Should these events come to pass, you can be sure that I will have done further research into the cause of the events.

In this OBE, I hear men's voices and they are talking about blood sacrifices. The feeling is that they are part of a secret and powerful global Occult group - a secret society. From what I gather, this isn't the only such group and it seems as if they want this blood sacrifice as a sort of victory over the other Occult group. This blood sacrifice also has to involve special dates, times, numbers, and other ingredients special to them. It is agreed that the blood sacrifice will be from a plane crash, and that this will happen on October 31, 1999. They further say that if they will amplify their powers by repeating the sacrifice, on October 31, 2000, with another plane.

I literally saw these dates in front of me. I also heard these men say that only those in the know will realize that these two plane crashes are connected. They mention something about mind control and the pilots. To the ignorant, these two plane crashes will just be coincidental, by date. Even the cause of the crashes will be so different, that no one will suspect that they are connected. Pilot error will be the official cause of both accidents. This has nothing to do with nation against nation, but it is Occult group against Occult group. However, these planes will have special meaning to them.

Starfire Tor


Initial Precognition Event Report

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