The Truth About The Aerial Drone Claims
And ET Reverse Engineered TechnologyPART I: June and July 2007
PART II: October and November 2007© Researched and Written
Starfire Tor
PART I - Page 5One thing was certain, someone or some group had put a lot of time and energy into getting the 'aerial drone' claims and material into the court of public awareness. Someone or some group had put a lot of time and energy into creating a UFO themed back story, at the very least, to create a worldwide buzz that would ensnare some UFO researchers, promoters, and interested parties. But what was the purpose of such an elaborate hoax? Was its purpose to flood the UFO field with disinformation? If so then why at this time, and what was the disinformation being used to cover up? As a disinformation tool, the hoax seemed pointless. Was yet another person, or team of people, looking to make money promoting a UFO related hoax as real ... again? That was possible. Then again, the hoax might be a viral marketing scheme ... and there was good reason to keep that possibility on the front burner of possibilities, as my investigation revealed.
In June 2007, at a time when the 'aerial drone' story was building buzz, the Halo 3 XBOX computer game series - developed by Bungie Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios - launched a viral marketing scheme that included fake info and odd web sites. Bungie and Microsoft had engaged in viral marketing for their games before, and other companies elsewhere had also engaged in viral marketing. Viral marketing can bring in huge revenues. Therefore, one of my areas of investigation had to be whether the 'aerial drone' material was actually part of a viral marketing ploy for Halo 3, or for some yet unidentified product.
Reading through 'Isaac's' material, it quickly became clear that he put a very heavy emphasis on computer technology. This included 'Isaac's' professed superb computer skills and work history, and how this supposedly lead to his work with the very real XPARC [Xerox Palo Alto Research Center], the very real DoD [Department of Defense], and the hoaxed reverse engineering project at the 'Isaac' introduced CARET Laboratories [Center for Applied Research In Educational Technology] and PACL [Palo Alto CARET Laboratory].
'Isaac's' photographs, documents, and claims presented a convoluted tapestry of connections between his claims and the computer industry. Besides his own computer industry based resume, there were other computer related items that caused me to suspect that there was a high probability that the 'aerial drone' hoax was connected to a computer related viral marketing scheme.
'Isaac' claimed that the ET reverse engineering work took place at the CARET Laboratories. He claimed that 'CARET' was an acronym for 'Commercial Applications Research for Extra-terrestrial Technology'. Interestingly, Bill Gates of Microsoft fame - Microsoft who publishes the XBOX 360 Halo computer games - just happens to have a project called 'CARET', with the acronym 'Center for Applied Research In Educational Technology'. According to the website "CARET is a project of the International Society for Technology in Education in partnership with Educational Support Systems. CARET was founded in 2000 with a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation".
Then there is the 'caret' character symbol itself, which 'Isaac' has on the cover of his CARET manual. The caret symbol, which is also known as the circumflex, is the symbol "^" above the 6 key on a standard United States qwerty keyboard. The caret symbol has a number of uses, including acting as a sign to insert a letter, word, or paragraph at a particular place in a document. The caret symbol is also used in mathematics to represent a square, cube, or other power. For example, 6^3, which can also be represented as 63 or 6*6*6*. Caret symbols are also used in different computer programming languages.
Photo of the 'CARET' PACL Report Cover, as presented by 'Isaac'. Note the caret character symbol displayed on the cover. Researched by Starfire Tor.
The caret symbol, which is also known as the circumflex, is the symbol "^" above the 6 key on a standard United States qwerty keyboard. Researched by Starfire Tor. [Photo: Keyboard Images]
As in most elaborate hoaxes, 'Isaac' mixed authentic information with false information. This is a technique that is generally used by hoaxers and disinformationists, with the intent to trick people into believing their deception. While the gist of his claims are part of an elaborate hoax, there actually is a company in Palo Alto called PARC [Palo Alto Research Center]. Here is some information about the company, straight from their own web site.
"PARC (Palo Alto Research Center, Inc.). Founded in 1970 as part of Xerox Research and chartered to create the architecture of information, PARC was incorporated in 2002 as an independent research business. PARC has contributed to the creation of more than 30 companies and is celebrated for such innovations as laser printing, distributed computing and Ethernet, the graphical user interface (GUI), object-oriented programming, and ubiquitous computing. PARC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox Corporation.
PARC (Palo Alto Research Center, Inc.) works closely with varied enterprises and new ventures to discover breakthrough business and technology concepts that solve real needs, and transform how enterprises deliver value to customers. PARC takes an agile, multidisciplinary approach to open innovation by bringing together physical, computer, biological, and social scientists who have the vision, expertise, and instinct to convert groundbreaking scientific findings into industrial-strength prototypes.
Incorporated in 2002 as an independent research business, PARC is celebrated for such innovations as laser printing, distributed computing and Ethernet, the graphical user interface (GUI), object-oriented programming, and ubiquitous computing. PARC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox Corporation."
Here Are All The Links To All The Pages Of Starfire Tor's Aerial Drone Report
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If you have any experiences or information you think Starfire Tor should review, whether on Time Shifts, Reality Shifts, Enigmas, The Paranormal, Hauntings, UFOs, etc... send it to the Research Department
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