AND 'PROJECT CAUSE' MOVEMENT© Researched And Written By
Starfire Tor
This report may be circulated on mailing lists, boards, news groups, and web sites, providing it is credited with the author's name and web site where the report originates.
Most people, who have been exposed to Shelley Yates and her 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' movement, will have heard of her and her movement through the internet. This exposure might have been through Shelley Yates's own 'Fire The Grid' web site, other people's web sites, mailing lists, boards, news groups, newsletters, interviews, and/or a series of videos on YouTube.
The intent of this report is to share the results of an in-depth investigation into the claims of Shelley Yates, and her 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' movement. The goal of this investigation was to take an objective look at these many claims, and through documented and corroborating evidence, determine whether Shelley Yates's claims are true or false.
This report was written so that the logical investigative process can be followed to its objective conclusions. This includes focusing on the importance of asking certain key questions, how the answers to these key questions were tracked and obtained, and how all of the key question answers were evaluated to form an objective conclusion. This investigation has yielded unimpeachable results, revealing that Shelley Yates has been dealing in truth, lies, and mass manipulation.
The reason that I embarked on this investigation, was because 'Fire The Grid' promotional information had been posted onto my Inter-Dimension [ID] mailing list. Prior to this, I was not aware that either Shelley Yates or her 'Fire the Grid' movement existed. So I took a look at Yates's material, because I wanted to make an intelligent and fact based comment on my Inter-Dimension list. Because of my own background, in researching much of the subject matter presented by Shelley Yates, what I saw troubled me. Caution flags went up, and warning bells went off. So I went about looking into the claims, made by Shelley Yates, for her 'Fire The Grid' movement, and ended up with documented evidence that disprove the majority of her claims.
Here are Shelley Yates's 9 main claims, as well as a brief review of the investigative conclusions into those claims. A more detailed explanation of these 9 claims and conclusions, as well as the evidence used to arrive at these conclusions, is included in this research report.
CLAIM 1: Shelley Yates and her son were in a car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in which the car and its occupants became submerged in water. Shelley Yates was submerged for about 15 minutes and her son was submerged for over 20 minutes.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 1: Yes. Shelley Yates, and her 4 year old son Evan Robert Grace, were in a single car accident on November 14, 2002. Their car hydroplaned off a water drenched road and landed in a marsh pond of water in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The car eventually submerged, and the occupants were trapped as the car interior filled with very cold, murky water. It is only possible to guestimate how many minutes Yates and her son were submerged, which was gleaned from eyewitness accounts. Based on this, Shelley Yates was submerged for possibly around 10 minutes, and Even Grace was submerged for possibly around 20 minutes, in this very cold murky water.
CLAIM 2: Shelley Yates and her son drowned and died, as a result of a car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 2: No. Although Shelley Yates was submerged for possibly over 10 minutes, and Evan Grace was submerged for possibly 20 minutes as explained in "Conclusion To Clam 1", neither of them drowned or died. They both experienced a cold water near drowning episode, in which hypothermia and the 'diver's reflex' staved off an immediate drowning death. This allowed for rescue and resuscitation. There are documented cases where people have been submerged in cold water for a few minutes to over 60 minutes, and have been revived to make a good recovery.
CLAIM 3: Shelley Yates's son was brain dead, as a result of this car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 3: No. Evan Grace was not brain dead. Besides the hypothermia cold water near drowning effect explained in the "Conclusion To Claim 2", there is further evidence found in news articles published in the Canadian Press. This evidence includes a published personal accounting of the car accident, written by Shelley Yates herself, in which she states that her son was not brain dead.
CLAIM 4: Shelley Yates had a near death experience [NDE] associated with this same car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 4: No. Based on published news articles in the Canadian Press, that reported on Shelley Yates's and Evan Grace's car accident and recovery, Shelley Yates did not have a NDE. The best evidence comes from a personal and detailed accounting of the car accident, written by Shelley Yates herself. Yates does not mention a NDE, nor does she write anything that could be construed as a NDE. In the time and place where Yates currently claims that the NDE happened, and she met beings of light, in a 2002 news article Yates wrote that nothing happened.
CLAIM 5: Shelley Yates encountered beings of light during a NDE related to the car accident, who told her how to save herself and her son, who were trapped underwater as a result of the car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 5: No. Shelley Yates never had a NDE, as a result of the car accident and as explained in "Conclusion To Claim 4", so she never met these so-called beings of light. Therefore, no beings of light instructed her how to save herself and her son. In her own words in a 2002 news article, Yates attributed the double rescues and recoveries to the aggressive actions of a group of heroic rescuers and medical personnel that she called "wingless angels".
CLAIM 6: Shelley Yates was given a message by beings of light, met during a NDE resulting from a car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The message was about how to heal the earth, and that she would be divinely directed.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 6: No. Shelley Yates never had a NDE, as a result of the car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, as explained in "Conclusion To Claim 4 and 5. Therefore, Yates never met so-called beings of light during her claimed NDE, so there was no 'how to heal the earth' message to receive.
CLAIM 7: Shelley Yates continues to have a relationship with these beings of light, first met during a NDE resulting from a car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. These beings of light have been, and continue to be, the source for 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' knowledge, strategy, and directives. These beings of light told Yates that on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 GMT there will be a surge of creation energy that they want everyone in the world to join with for an hour. They named the event 'Fire The Grid'.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 7: No. Shelley Yates never had a NDE, as a result of the car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, as explained in "Conclusion To Claim 4, 5, and 6". Yates cannot have a continued relationship with beings of light that she never met in the first place. Therefore, the evidence shows that the knowledge, strategy, and directives for 'Fire The Grid' and 'Project Cause' did not source from these so-called beings of light. Shelley Yates fabricated her NDE, the beings of light, 'Fire The Grid', 'Project Cause', and any other claim that stems from these fabrications. The July 17, 2007 'Fire The Grid' event was created by and for Shelley Yates.
CLAIM 8: Shelley Yates was directed by beings of light, first met during a NDE resulting from a car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, to contact Oprah Winfrey to endorse and participate in the 'Fire The Grid' event.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 8: No. Shelley Yates never met beings of light during a NDE, because she fabricated the NDE and beings of light as explained in "Conclusion to claims 4, 5, 6, and 7. Therefore, beings of light did not tell Yates to contact Oprah Winfrey about 'Fire The Grid". The source of that idea was Shelley Yates herself.
CLAIM 9: Shelley Yates was told, by the beings of light that she first met during a NDE resulting from a car accident in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, that specific music and lyrics from a song by 'Bradfield' where important in connecting with 'Fire The Grid'.
CONCLUSION TO CLAIM 9: No. Shelley Yates never met beings of light during a NDE, because she fabricated the NDE and beings of light as explained in "Conclusion To Claims 4, 5, 6, and 7. Therefore, beings of light did not recommend any songs by 'Bradfield' - or any other musician. The source of that idea was Shelley Yates herself.
Go To Page 2 "Analyzing The Evidence"
Go To Page 1 "Overview of The Investigation"
Go To Page 2 "Analyzing The Evidence"
Go To Page 3 "Anatomy Of The Deception"
Go To Page 4 "Protection Against Deception"
Go To Page 5 "Documents And Resources"
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