



Table of Contents



This page is the introduction and entry portal to the The Whale And Dolphin People Project, the game changer campaign to stop the killing of whales & dolphins by changing their status from animal to non-human person


This section contains "The Cetacean Nation Declaration", including the in-depth details of the plan to change the status of cetaceans from animal to non-human person


This section contains all articles and reports, written by Starfire Tor, in support of The Whale And Dolphin Project and other important cetacean advocacy issues


This section contains information about "The Science Of Being A Person: Whales And Dolphins As Individuals, Self Aware, and Sentient Beings"


This section contains documented events about "Saving Lives: The Historical Interaction Between Whales, Dolphins, And Humans"


Photo and Information Gallery Page: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Murder In The First Degree


Photo and Information Gallery Page: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Death By Ship Strike


Photo and Information Gallery Page: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Death By Fishing Net


Photo and Information Gallery Page: The Slaughter Of Whales And Dolphins:
The Cruel, Arrogant, Greedy, And Unenlightened Human As Killer
Death By Habitat And EcoSystem Pollution, Assault, And Destruction


Photo and Information Gallery Page: Living Whales And Dolphins: The People Of The Sea Free To Be


Photo and Information Gallery Page: Whales And Dolphins Are People Too: Science And Philosophy


Photo and Information Gallery Page: Whales And Dolphins And Humans Interacting With Each Other


This section contains links to information and resources related to "The Whale And Dolphin People Project".


This section contains important whale and dolphin news and resources.



Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine

If you would like to contact the founder of The Whale And Dolphin People Project please address all comments and interview requests to Starfire Tor here: info@thewhaleanddolphinpeopleproject.org

