Starfire Tor has been writing and lecturing about her "Time Shifts", "Core Matrix", "Co-Existing Timelines", and "Unified Field Theory of Psi" discoveries for many years. Her cutting edge research, and concept-shattering knowledge, has been the inspiration for both scientific advancements and science-fiction story-lines. Starfire Tor understands the transformative nature of her revolutionary work, and her down-to-earth and easy-to-follow explanations makes the 'awareness upgrade' accessible to everyone.
Starfire Tor returns to Whitley Strieber's Dreamland with new and important information about The Core Matrix, Time Line Edits, Time Slips, Precognition Hits, Ancient and Present ETs, The Dark Matter Aberration, Dark Forces Attacks, and The Future Of Mankind. The show premiers June 22, 2018.
Go here to listen to the complete Starfire Tor interview
Go here to read the important Core Matrix report, where you will see the first ever images of the Core Matrix. This is the first time that this information, about the Core Matrix, has been shared with the public. The report and images are discussed in the interview.
Friday June 22, 2018Starfire Tor, the Core Matrix, the Dark Matter Aberration and the Future of Mankind
Starfire Tor makes some extraordinary claims. Amazingly, Whitley and Anne personally had an experience that supports her claims about TimeSlips. So she is welcome on Dreamland with her remarkable ideas and theories
This week, we’re talking about the Core Matrix, TimeLines and TimeLine Edits, Precognitive Dreams, Future Predictions and Dark Forces Attack.
This show is every bit as super-heated and incredible as her previous appearances.
What happens during a TimeLine Edit? She now understands this and explains it on this show.
What is a Dark Matter Aberration? Starfire has an explanation.
This is a link to Starfire’s explanation of the TimeSlip she, Whitley and Anne experienced together,
Now the most famous and best researched such event in the world. You can read about the TimeSlip by clicking here.
On Sunday, May 7, 2017, Starfire Tor was interviewed by Jay Pee on Ever Beyond Radio out of Scotland. The show is titled "The Time Shift Effect", and Starfire talked about many different aspects of her discoveries, research, and experiences. So, Time Shift mark your calendar and enjoy the interview. You just never know what Starfire Tor might say. Go here v=uYQpAzBILSM
Marie D. Jones interviewed Starfire Tor for her 2012 book “This Book Is From The Future: A Journey Through Portals, Relativity, Wormholes, and Other Adventures In Time Travel” by Marie Jones and Larry Flaxman. In this wide ranging interview, Starfire Tor talks about Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, Co-Existing Time Lines, Reality Shifts, and the impact that these items have on people and the planet. Starfire Tor also talks about Time Travel, and explains how to tell the difference between authentic Time Travel claims, and Time Travel hoaxes. Go here:
The Unethical Hijacking of Starfire Tor’s
Unique Discovery and Research
The Time Shift Effect and
The Time Shift Living Dead
Alternate realities, in the form of co-existing time lines, are real and can produce countless numbers of conscious dual time line memory conflicts. The Nelson Mandela dual memory conflict enigma is one of them. The Nelson Mandela mystery, and the solution to that mystery, was first introduced to the public by Starfire Tor. It was part of her unique Time Shift discoveries, and research, into a Time Shift Effect called The Time Shift Living Dead. This important report sets the record straight, about how The Mandela Effect came about through the hijacking, corruption, and misuse of Starfire Tor’s pioneering work. Not only does this report, reveal how and why The Mandela Effect meme and scheme was designed to intentionally deceive the public, the report reveals how and why authentic dual time line memory conflicts work.
Marie D. Jones interviewed Starfire Tor for her 2012 book “This Book Is From The Future: A Journey Through Portals, Relativity, Wormholes, and Other Adventures In Time Travel” by Marie Jones and Larry Flaxman. In this wide ranging interview, Starfire Tor talks about Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, Co-Existing Time Lines, Reality Shifts, and the impact that these items have on people and the planet. Starfire Tor also talks about Time Travel, and explains how to tell the difference between authentic Time Travel claims, and Time Travel hoaxes.
Go Here To Listen to Marie D. Jones's 2012 Interview with Starfire Tor
On January 9, 2011 Starfire Tor guested on Coast To Coast AM with special guest host Whitley Strieber. They discussed the science of precognition and the results of her predictions for 2010, including her high rate of accuracy such as a sub-glacial volcano erupting and disturbing air travel, a world leader killed in a plane crash, the health care bill passing and the political fallout, the stock market reaching 11,000 and more. The response from listeners was tremendous. So Whitley Strieber invited Starfire Tor to continue their discussion on Dreamland Radio, where she advances her precognition information into the year 2011 and beyond. This includes life and death global threats that include earth strikes by incoming space objects, EM pulse detonations, and nuclear problems. But this isn’t just about gloom and doom. Listen in and you’ll discover that Starfire Tor also psi saw the amazing solutions that stop these doomsday scenarios from happening.
Go Here To Listen To Starfire Tor On Dreamland Radio 1-22-2011
Here To Access Starfire Tor's Future Event Precognition
This weekend on Subscriber Radio Whitley Strieber & Starfire Tor interview time anomaly experiencer Bruce Gernon, who flew through a time tunnel in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle. It's the real deal. Listen as Starfire Tor shares never before revealed information about Bruce’s excellent adventure, including that she was on the ground investigating multiple time anomalies when he was flying overhead. Listen as Starfire Tor helps Bruce Gernon to understand more about the mechanism of his experience, as well as the onset of his post time anomaly premonitions. Rob MacGregor and Bruce Gernon wrote the book “The Fog”, which tells the story of that fateful flight and its aftermath. This could be the single most extraordinary interview ever conducted on this website.
Starfire Tor returns to Coast To Coast AM on Sunday January 9, 2011 where she'll be sharing the fascinating and accurate results of her predictions for 2010 with guest host Whitley Strieber. She will also share her research into the science of precognition, and how precogs are an extension of The Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines. Anne Strieber is on board, and will be fielding questions about the 'visitors'. It's going to be a great show so listen in.
Go Here To Read The Results Of Starfire Tor's Predictions For 2010
C2C 1-9-2011 Hour-2 Starfire Tor 2010 Future Event Predictions with Whitley + Anne Strieber
C2C 1-9-2011 Hour-3 Starfire Tor 2010 Future Event Predictions with Whitley + Anne Strieber
C2C 1-9-2011 Hour-4 Starfire Tor 2010 Future Event Predictions with Whitley + Anne Strieber
Starfire Tor joins Whitley Strieber on his holiday Dreamland show. Join her as she gives updates on “The Whale And Dolphin People Project”, her upcoming 2011 Dreamland show reviewing her precognitions and predictions for the year 2010, and her current investigations into time anomalies, time slips and Times Shifts.
Go Here to 12-25-10 Dreamland- Dreamland Christmas Special- Our Fondest Hopes Page
Go Here To Listen To Starfire Tor 12-25-2010 Dreamland Christmas Special With Whitley Strieber
Go Here To Find Starfire Tor's Interviews And Adventurers On Whitley Strieber's Dreamland
Go Here To Read Starfire Tor's Precognitions And Predictions For 2010
Go Here To Visit Starfire Tor's Precognitions And Predictions Future Event Table Of Contents
July 23, 2010
Starfire Tor joins Anne Strieber and Marie D. Jones, on Unknwon Country Subscriber, in a lively and informative round table chat that includes time anomalies.
Listen to the Anne Strieber, Marie Jones & Starfire Tor interview now
Starfire Tor joins Anne Strieber and Marie D. Jones and she begins by asking Marie about a time that she had become mysteriously imprisoned in her apartment while trying to attend a Carl Sagan lecture--which she never did reach, for a most unusual reason.
Starfire's knowledge of time slips and missing time is brought to bear on the very unusual experiences of an expert observer. You will not often hear a discussion this coherent about subjects this unusual, and you will identify a very, very strange area of the world, right in the middle of a large city!
You will NEVER FORGET the discussion of a very mysterious stretch of road on which Marie, and, unbeknownst to her, many others, have come face to face with powerful and unanswerable questions.
Marie D. Jones has only one thing to say: "I'll be darned!"
Don't miss this great discussion!
Help the People of the Sea
Saturday June 26th, 2010
Starfire Tor considers whales and dolphins the people of the sea. They are sentient, they are sensitive, they are emotionally complex and have good minds, and they are hunted down and eaten by countries like Japan, Iceland, Norway and others.In this edition of Dreamland, she issues a call to arms, to completely change the way we look at them, to stop even calling them animals and refer to them instead as the people of the sea, and extend to them the same rights to freedom from interference and the sanctity of life that we extend to each other.
Listen as she tells us about her stirring idea, and how simple--and absolutely free--it is to join the effort to keep countries like Japan from overturning the whaling ban that is now in effect.
Also, as so often happens with Whitley Strieber when he is about to interview Starfire, he had a major time slip on Monday, the day before the interview was recorded. She tells us how we can become more conscious of our movement through different timelines, and why it is that Whitley is beginning to notice timeslips more and more.
This is a very special and important edition of Dreamland. You can do something to help the people of the sea by listening and taking action. It is simple, it is free, and it could be the start of the next phase of human consciousness.
For the first time on television Starfire Tor, Whitley Strieber, and Anne Strieber recount their documented Magic Castle Time Slip experience for The Discovery Channel’s new series “Weird Or What?”. The episode, titled “Grim Reapers”, first airs in the USA on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at 8PM. Later in the year, the series will also air on The History Channel in Canada, and then worldwide.
Schedule for "Weird Or What?" on The Discovery Channel
Along with The Discovery Channel and The History Channel TV episode, you can learn more about the Magic Castle Time Slip, and Starfire Tor’s investigation, by visiting the following link.
Fascinating Background Information on
The Discovery Channel and
The History Channel Time Slip Show
Starfire Tor returns to Dreamland in one of her most powerful interviews. Listen as Whitley Strieber talks to Starfire Tor about their upcoming Discovery Channel show featuring the Magic Castle Time Slip event, and Starfire Tor's in depth and historical investigation. Afterward, Starfire Tor shares important information about time travel related truths and hoaxes, including her ground breaking research that proved that the Philadelphia Experiment is and always was a hoax.
Click on the links below for background material on topics discussed in this interview, and the upcoming Discovery Channel show on Time Shifts, Time Slips, and Time Travel.
Starfire Tor 3-20-2010 Dreamland Interview with Whitley Strieber
Time Line Anomaly At The Magic Castle Experienced 7-15-06
The Philadelphia Experiment Hoax Report
Starfire Tor and Whitley Strieber Dreamland Chat, Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Starfire Tor and Whitley Strieber Dreamland Chat, Wednesday, May 26, 2010
For the very first time in interview history Starfire Tor joined Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM Friday, November 20, 2009. Coast to Coast AM wrote: "Art Bell returns live to speak with psi researcher and experiencer Starfire Tor, who'll discuss Time Shifts and time slips, the Core Matrix, the nature of time travel, and the government's involvement with time travel technology." On Saturday, November 21, 2009, Google Trends ranked Starfire Tor at #2 for the most popular search engine request.
To listen to earlier Starfire Tor interviews with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland, George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, and Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM, and more interviews and appearances go to theInterviews and Appearances section
C2C 11-20-2009 Hour-1 Time Anomalies_Starfire Tor + Whitley Strieber + Art Bell
C2C 11-20-2009 Hour-2 Time Anomalies_Starfire Tor + Whitley Strieber + Art Bell
C2C 11-20-2009 Hour-3 Time Anomalies_Starfire Tor + Whitley Strieber + Art Bell
C2C 11-20-2009 Hour-4 Time Anomalies_Starfire Tor + Whitley Strieber + Art Bell
Listen to Starfire Tor on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory on 9-9-09
Coast to Coast AM - George Noory - Sep 09 2009 - Hour 2 Starfire Tor - Time Shifts
Listen to Starfire Tor on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland on 9-5-09
09-05-09_Dreamland:_Starfire Tor and Whitley Strieber: Time Magic
Starfire Tor can also be found at:
Starfire Tor Official Fan Page
Inter-Dimension List
Interview Audio and Transcript Links
2006 Starfire Tor Dreamland Interviews by Whitley and Anne Strieber on Time Shifts
Saturday, May 6, 2006: Starfire Tor Interview With Whitley Strieber On Unknown Country
Saturday, May 6, 2006: Starfire Tor Interview With Anne Strieber On Unknown Country
Time Line Anomaly At The Magic Castle Experienced 7-15-06
Part 1: Saturday, August 19, 2006: Time Slips: Anne and Whitley Strieber Interview Starfire Tor
Part 2: Saturday, August 19, 2006: Time Slips: Anne and Whitley Strieber Interview Starfire Tor
Part 1 Sept. 1, 2006, Starfire Tor Interview Liz Millar Otherware
Part 2 Sept. 15, 2006, Starfire Tor Interview Liz Millar Otherware
Saturday, Sept. 16, 2006: Transcript of Subscriber Chat Starfire Tor and Whitley Streiber
Oct. 6, 2006 Anne Strieber and Starfire Tor Interview Dean Radin
Subscribers: Chat with Starfire Tor on Saturday! 16-Sep-2006
By popular demand, we are giving our subscribers a chance to chat with time traveler Starfire Tor, who has had some amazing adventures with the Striebers (to read Starfire's version of these adventures,click here). The chat will take place on Saturday, September 16 from 10 to 11 am Pacific.Subscribers had a wonderful time talking with Starfire Tor.
Transcripts of Subscriber Chats
with Starfire Tor and Whitley Strieber
Starfire Tor
Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine
If you have any experiences or information you feel Starfire Tor should review, whether on Time Shifts, Reality Shifts, Astral Tagging, Paranormal, Hauntings, UFOs, etc... send it to the:
Research Department
The Official Starfire Tor Facebook Page
The Official Starfire Tor Facebook Fan Page
The Official Starfire Tor MySpace Page
The Official Starfire Tor Twitter Page
The Official Starfire Tor Inter-Dimension Research List
2006 Starfire Tor Dreamland Interviews by Whitley and Anne Strieber on Time Shifts
Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine