Starfire Tor is the
discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core
Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines. These are terms
she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon
in which our reality and dominant current time line is
constantly being edited and restructured.
To learn more about this
ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many
interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on
Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with
Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.
The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts. Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results. The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts. Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Storm Day 10 Earth is experiencing its 10th day of a geomagnetic storm wave. As you can see, in this NOAA k-index chart, the wave would have ended after the 8th day, because on day none there was on a raised magnetic field level and not a full blown geomagnetic storm. But then, from out of the blue, a geomagnetic storm roared back with an intense punch today November 1, 2016. There
is a reason, that this happened, and it has
everything to do with there being another Core
Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot. This one
helped to finally manifest the evolved President
Trump into our dominant time line. Read my previous
report, from today, about this and more results from
The Astral Tagging truth Reveal. In juxtaposition,
it was reported that N. Korea is – once again –
going to test fire one of the missiles it hopes can
carry nuclear warheads to its targets. As I
explained before, different co-existing time lines
have different scenarios as to how the nuclear
catastrophe – which is an extinction event –
happens. In many of the co-existing time lines, that
I psi saw, N. Korea was the culprit. Therefore, it
should come as no surprise that N. Korea is going to
test their failed missile system again. Here are
some very important parts of an article, about this
found here: U.S.
officials say North Korea preparing missile
launch: report “News of
that launch [failed] came during the third and final
debate for the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election. A
study published last month by a U.S.-based North
Korea research project said North Korean missile and
nuclear tests and other major "provocations" had
clustered increasingly closer to U.S. elections.
Washington's Center for Strategic and International
Studies said the trend also suggested the
possibility of an act during the December transition
period for the next U.S. administration.” Besides
the latest reboot, there are also time line edits
involved. Here is a brief summary of what to watch
for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time
line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there
may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano,
tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech
communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may
strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time
Shifts create an amplification of paranormal
activity, ghost activity, haunting activity,
poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi
abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu,
psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of
Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line
events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered
structures, altered world events and more. |
As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted.
Earth is experiencing its 11th day of a geomagnetic
storm wave. The past two days, of this geomagnetic
storm wave, do not have a clear source. Read my many
reports, on this time wave, and you'll see that this
is a repeat of the zero source that triggered the
first day of this geomagnetic storm wave. This was a
marker that Time Shift and time line edit activity was
involved. This happens when a time line edit happens,
and time line continuity elements are lost. In this
case, what was lost was the source that triggered the
geomagnetic storm and the Time Shift. Despite this,
the time line edit retained the effect of the lost
time line element – which was possibly an Earth
directed solar wind, solar flare, or magnetic filament
coronal mass ejection [CME]. All other days, of the
geomagnetic storm wave, had known and expected solar
wind triggers that sourced from a large coronal hole
on the Sun. This NOAA k-index chart shows the last 7
days of the wave. There are new small Earth facing coronal holes, that have opened on the Sun, and the solar wind from them is expected to hit Earth as early as November 4, 2016 or later. Today is November 2, 2016, and there is no physical way for that solar wind to get to Earth 2-3 days early – unless a time line edit is involved. This SDO photo shows the small Earth facing coronal holes.
The continuation, of fractured time line edits, is
usually a marker that a time line edit is part of a
hastily constructed time line edit. It is as if
something happened, that The Core Matrix needed to
deal with immediately, and it did so by using a time
line edit without bothering to work out all of the
continuity logistics. Was this a time line reboot or
something else? I do not know. All I can do is point
out the marker, and put it into context. That context
connects to the many time line reboots, that the Core
Matrix Prime Directive has been engaged in, over the
past months. As I have described in detail, in
previous reports, these reboots have been triggered
because of a time looping nuclear catastrophe that The
Core Matrix has been temporarily editing out of
physical existence – for now. This extinction event is
tied into who becomes the next US President. As has
been demonstrated, and supported through physical
evidence, it is Donald Trump who stops the disaster
and Hillary Clinton that allow the disaster to happen.
It all comes down to each candidates security
policies. Trump’s are strong and Clinton’s are either
weak or non-existent. |
November 2, 2016 Vortex Aurora. This 11 day wave, of geomagnetic storms, has triggered some gorgeous auroras - many of them multi-colored like this one. This aurora appealed to me, because it looks like a huge vortex opening up in the night sky. This aurora was photographed in Alaska, on October 29, 2016, by Marketa Murray. |
Geomagnetic Storm Day 12 – Record Tied Time Shifts, Time Line Edits, & Time Line Reboots 5 Days Before US Presidential Election Changing Catastrophic Events In Time November 3, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted. Earth is experiencing its 12th day of a geomagnetic storm wave. This ties the record, of the number of consecutive geomagnetic storm activity days in a row. The past three days, of this geomagnetic storm wave, do not have a clear source of origin. Today’s official space weather report says “NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of minor geomagnetic storms on Nov. 4th when a solar wind stream is expected to buffet Earth's magnetic field.” Today is November 3, 2016. Read my many reports, on this time wave, and you'll see that this is a repeat of the zero source of origin that triggered the first day of this geomagnetic storm wave. This was a marker that Time Shift and time line edit activity was involved. This happens when a time line edit happens, and time line continuity elements are lost. In this case, what was lost was the source that triggered the geomagnetic storm and the Time Shift. Despite this, the time line edit retained the effect of the lost time line element – which was possibly an Earth directed solar wind, solar flare, or magnetic filament coronal mass ejection [CME]. All other days, of the geomagnetic storm wave, had known and expected solar wind triggers that sourced from a large coronal hole on the Sun. This NOAA k-index chart shows the last 7 days of the wave. The continuation, of fractured time line edits, is usually a marker that a time line edit is part of a hastily constructed time line edit. It is as if something happened, that The Core Matrix needed to deal with immediately, and it did so by using a time line edit without bothering to work out all of the continuity logistics. Was this a time line reboot or something else? I do not know. All I can do is point out the marker, and put it into context. That context connects to the many time line reboots, that the Core Matrix Prime Directive has been engaged in, over the past months. As I have described in detail, in previous reports, these reboots have been triggered because of a time looping nuclear catastrophe that The Core Matrix has been temporarily editing out of physical existence – for now. This extinction event is tied into who becomes the next US President. As has been demonstrated, and supported through physical evidence, it is Donald Trump who stops the disaster and Hillary Clinton that allow the disaster to happen. It all comes down to each candidates security policies. Trump’s are strong and Clinton’s are either weak or non-existent. Today is five days before the US presidential election. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. |
Tagging Truth Reveal Results To fully understand, what this results report is about, you can read all of the reports here, or you can read them on my website.
As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which
is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is
tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not
use any of my reports to express your political
leanings or opinions. You can include political
information, if it directly relates to the topic.
Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in
disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources.
Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be
The FBI's White Collar Crime Division has made its
investigation, into illegal and criminal activity
involving the Clinton Foundation, 'a very high
priority’. They contend, that this investigation has
been going on for a year – which is well before
Wikileaks revealed damning information contained in
Hacked Clinton campaign e-mails. “"There is an
avalanche of new information coming in every
Hard working, and honest, FBI agents were sick and
tired of the Department of Justice blocking their
efforts to bring their findings to a grand jury,
which is what is needed to indict someone. These FBI
agents chose truth over the corrupt politics that
has been protecting Hillary Clinton and others
connected to her and the Clinton Foundation.
This investigation, which has now been leaked, is
not going away. Should Hillary Clinton get elected,
this will put the US into a constitutional crisis
because of the multiple investigations. As far as
the US is concerned, the fallout from this would be
like having a nuclear firestorm hitting the nation.
Ironic, considering that she is the one who opens
the door, for the time looping nuclear catastrophe
to manifest into our dominant time line. It is
Donald Trump that prevents and stops this nuclear
disaster from devastating the planet. No matter how
you look at it, Clinton – and her corruption – must
not be elected. The consequences, of this happened,
are just too terrible and dangerous.
FBI's Clinton Foundation investigation now 'a very
high priority,' sources say |
Tagging Truth Reveal Operation Media Truth
Bias Media Publishes Fake Clinton Presidential Win Presidential Election Rigging Scheme Revealed 4 Days Before Presidential Election Changing Catastrophic Events In Time November 4, 2016 Report To fully understand, what this results report is about, you can read all of the reports here, or you can read them on my website. http:// As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted. On November 2, 2016, fake US election results were published by NBC affiliate WRCB in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This fake election results report had Hillary Clinton winning by a narrow margin. Thanks to the many people brought this news anomaly to my attention. I checked it out and was able to confirm its authenticity. However, to confirm this I had to have more information than some site reporting the incident, since whatever might have been published on the news was no longer there. I was able to track down the original page, as it looked before it was deleted – including the explanation page as proffered by WRCB. Look at these two pages first, and then I’ll explain what it actually means. WRCB fake election results page. http:// WRCB explains the so-called gaff: “Unpublished test election data appeared for a brief time on public servers this week for multiple news organizations that subscribe to the Associated Press election results service, including WRCB. Part of the test is to determine how the "winner check-mark" graphic and layout will appear on different platforms. … Now that testing is complete, WRCB has removed the test data stream to return results to zero in preparation for election night … may do it again” While this explanation may satisfy some people, who do not understand these things, I happen to be someone who does understand these things – which is how I know that part of the explanation is patently false. While graphics are generally tested, prior to airing or publishing, this testing is done off line and not on line. It would have been one thing, had the station just admitted that it had made a mistake, but that is not what it did. The station created a falsehood, as I have noted. Why would the station promote a falsehood? The reason seems clear to me, when one realizes that thousands of people have participated in an extension of The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal called Operation Media Truth. This psi mission has been quite successful, as detailed in previous results reports. It has been proven, that about 80% of the media is biased against Trump and for Clinton. In effect, this biased media is using its considerable power to influence and interfere with the US presidential election. Their goal is to put Hillary Clinton in The White House – regardless of the many terrible acts that she has committed, including illegal pay for play corruption, thousands of breaches in national security, possible treason, habitual lying to the American public, lying to Congress, lying to the FBI, being the co-architect of administrations decisions that lead to the rise of a vicious terrorist group waging war against the US, the complete disregard for security that caused the deaths of Americans in Benghazi – including the US Ambassador, hiring thugs to create acts of violence at Trump rallies – and then blame it on Trump, hire thugs to engage in voter fraud, influence the Department of Justice to block the FBI’s attempt to indict her, got debate questions in advance, and much more. Based on how Astral Tagging Truth Reveals work, this fake election result publishing was a reveal of the larger scheme to get Hillary Clinton elected. It has revealed, not just what is going on with a single small news station called WRCB. This fake election result reveals something that is going on country wide, and it involves rigging the election results so that Clinton appears to be the winner – when the voting was actually rigged. This rigging would happen at the ballot box, and with ballots that were mailed in. This scheme must be stopped, so that the election can be fair – at least as fair as it can be, considering the damage that has already occurred due to the corruption and dirty politics coming from the Clinton machine. Expect this to be a huge issue. |
Tagging Truth Reveal Operation Media Truth Results
To fully understand, what this results report is
about, you can read all of the reports here, or you
can read them on my website. As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Irrelevant, rude, or sheer opinion posts will be deleted. One week ago, the FBI defied the corrupt Department of Justice [DOJ] and released the truth about their year-long investigation into Hillary Clinton. The DOJ, headed by Loretta Lynch, blocked the FBI’s attempts to bring their evidence against Hillary Clinton before a grand jury. This is the process that would lead to her being indicted on possibly 40 or more crimes. It was the rank and file, within the FBI, that could no longer stand truth and justice being crushed by the corrupt DOJ. Read my previous reports for more about this truth breakthrough, and election bombshell. The FBI has begun to leak information, about the evidence gathered, that should see Hillary Clinton indicted and put on trial. However, without DOJ cooperation there can be no justice. The latest leaks yield mire bombshells. The FBI reports, with a 99% certainty, that 5 foreign intelligence agencies hacked Hillary Clinton’s illegal private server. This is the opposite of what FBI Director Comey said in July 2005, when he said that her server had probably not been hacked – despite his also saying that the server was extremely vulnerable to hacking. Because of this, there would be thousands of breaches in national security, all because Clinton wanted a private server to hide her criminal activity. The other FBI bombshell involved what has been found on Anthony Weiner’s computer. He is the husband, of Hillary Clinton’s long-time top aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is under FBI investigation for lewd sexting to a minor. I previously reported, that this sexting investigation found 650,000 e-mails connected to the illegal Clinton server. But the FBI had to await a judge’s okay, to actually read the content of the found trove of Clinton related e-mails. They got that okay. Now it is known, that some of these e-mails are new to the FBI and not duplicates of the earlier Clinton e-mails involved with the earlier investigation into her server. Although it will take time to determine, there is a high probability that some or all of the 33,000 destroyed Clinton e-mails are part of this found e-mail trove. Who wins this election, on November 8, 2016, comes down to a matter of truth – which is why I launched the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal to begin with. If the unfiltered truth, makes it to the people, then Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. This is the outcome needed, because he – and not Clinton – is the President who will prevent and stop the time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting into our dominant time line. But if the people are largely blocked from learning about the truth, because of how the biased media is blocking the truth from to the people, then Hillary Clinton’s corrupt enterprise will take over the office of the President – and nothing good can come of that, even if a time looping nuclear disaster were not involved. This is what the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal has proven. Nothing, that Trump has ever done or said compares to the corruption and crimes that are Hillary and Bill Clinton’s world. And their darkness has either infected those around them, or in some cases has attracted the worst of the worst to act as protectors and enablers. This is what the evidence reveals according to the FBI, Congress, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, and many investigative reports. Truth is the key to our survival. Please join the thousands of good people, who have already joined the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal psi mission. The more who participate, the more truth is found and revealed. The more people who participate, the more powerful the truth becomes – and that raised power gets the truth to the people, no matter who or what is trying to block that truth. Everything you need to know and do is here: |
Catastrophic Events In Time As
usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how
and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into
the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of
my reports to express your political leanings or
opinions. You can include political information, if it
directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal
in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda.
Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude,
or sheer political opinion posts will be
deleted. This is the latest, in a long line of unique and informative reports, relating to the time looping nuclear disaster that is tied to the current US presidential election November 8, 2016. To fully understand, what all of this is about, you can read the reports here, or you can read them on my website. Starting yesterday November 4, 2016, and continuing on through today November 5, 2016, there has been at least one more Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot. This has been determined by a number of observable reboot and Time Shift markers. I’ll lost the Time Shift markers below. As for the time line reboot markers, these appear in the form of natural energy that can be factored in terms of the equivalent of nuclear bombs. This happens, because the Core Matrix – in an effort to edit out the nuclear e34xtinction event – must transform that destructive nuclear energy into a dispersal energy that is its equal. Energy, like this nuclear disaster, cannot be destroyed. It can only be transferred and transformed. Therefore, when the nuclear disaster acts to reinstate itself, into other co-existing time lines – including our dominant time line - it can only be thwarted by transferring and dispersing the energy when it tries to time loop and reinstate itself. As I have already explained in detail, the extinction event is tied to the US presidential election for one simple reason. The Core Matrix has identified the element, that can actually stop the nuclear disaster’s time looping in its tracks. That element is Donald Trump – but only if he is the next US President. If Hillary Clinton becomes the next President, then the nuclear disaster will happen. Even if she is indicted, while in office, and removed from office, this will not change the results. It comes down to each candidates security policies. Trump’s security policies are strong, and they act to stop the event. Clinton’s security policies are weak or non-existent. This weakness allows the disaster to happen. The Core Matrix has no interest in human affairs. But it does have a Prime Directive protocol that protects the planet from extinction events – whether natural or manmade. In an effort to save the planet, The Core Matrix uses the time line reboots to edit in evolved versions of Donald Trump, until the President Donald Trump version is now in our dominant time line. There is no evolved version of Hillary Clinton. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal results explained why this is. Clinton is a dark force entity. Dark force entities do not evolve. They spread their influence in the most destructive of ways. The evidence shows, that the Clinton corruption machine will do anything and say anything to put her in the Oval Office. Even if the time looping nuclear disaster did not exist, Clinton as President would create a constitutional crisis that would damage the US and the world in ways that would not be fixable. Today is three days before the US presidential election. The time line reboot markers are vast. Here are the major ones, as of November 4-5, 2016: Earth recently experienced a 12 day geomagnetic storm wave. During that time there were time line reboots, one of which manifested the evolved version of Donald Trump into our dominant time line. Those 12 days provided evidence of both Time Shifts and Core Matrix reboots, including solar energy and Sun-Earth connections that made no physical sense as to source and action. Since those 12 days there have been 2 more days. NOAA reported that a solar wind was expected to hit Earth starting yesterday November 4, 2016. I reported this. Now NOAA reports this “A solar wind stream expected to envelop Earth on Nov. 4th did not arrive.” Translation: the solar wind vanished. Not only that, by between November 4-5, 2016, up to 5 magnetic filaments erupted on the Sun, sending coronal mass ejections [CME] flying off the Sun’s surface and into space. At least 2 of these eruptions was Earth facing. The physical evidence exists. Yet, neither NASA, NOAA, or any other global space weather agency reported the events. I’m reported it here, as well as providing the images from SDO. Earthquakes Volcano
Cyclone/Hurricane/Typhoon Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.
Learn more about my Time Shift Alerts |
Catastrophic Events In Time As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. This is the latest, in a long line of unique and informative reports, relating to the time looping nuclear disaster that is tied to the current US presidential election November 8, 2016. To fully understand, what all of this is about, you can read the reports here, or you can read them on my website. On November 5, 2016 I reported about a series of filament eruptions on the Sun, which occurred between November 4-5, 2016. Based on my review of available images and data, it was my opinion that at least 2 of the filament eruptions triggered Earth directed coronal mass ejections [CME]. I provided images that proved my observations to be true. Yet, neither NASA, NOAA, or any other global space weather agency reported the events. This was an odd and potentially dangerous omission, since any energy hit from the Sun is potentially dangerous. Protecting Earth is why there is space weather science, and space weather dedicated agencies. A full day after my report, the space weather site has finally reported that at least one of the filament eruptions triggered an Earth directed CME. This site is personally handled by an aware scientist. He expects what I expect, that the CME will hit Earth on election day November 8, 2016. However, this important advisory does not appear on NOAA’s official space weather prediction center site. Why, I cannot say. Here is the info from the space weather site: “'CANYON OF FIRE' OPENS, SPITS A CME TOWARD EARTH: Yesterday, Nov. 5th, a filament of magnetism in the sun's northern hemisphere became unstable and erupted. The blast split the sun's atmosphere, hurling a CME into space and creating a "canyon of fire. … Fragments of the exploding filament formed the core of a CME that raced away from the sun faster than a million mph. NOAA analysts have modeled the trajectory of the CME and concluded that it will probably strike Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 8th. The impact could spark G1-class geomagnetic storms.” It should also be noted, that besides the above Sun-Earth action - which is aimed directly at Earth, and coinciding with the US presidential election - there were two mystery events as well. They both happened yesterday November 6, 2016. The first was the appearance of a geomagnetic storm in the northern latitudes. It was not expected, had no trigger source of origin, and went unremarked upon by anyone except me. Yet here it is in the NOAA k-index chart. If a geomagnetic storm hits, on election day, the resulting Time Shift and time line edit could impact the outcome of the election. If a Core Matrix time line reboot happens, that too could alter the outcome of the election. If the CME vanishes, without hitting the Earth, then that will be a Time Shift marker indicating a time line edit impacting election day results. How might those time line edits or reboot actions change the election? Hopefully the change will be a shift to the co-existing time line where Trump wins – which is what stops the time looping nuclear disaster and extinction event from happening. The other event was a 5 magnitude earthquake in Oklahoma. It happened in the evening Oklahoma time, so the USGS quake map reads November 7, 20016 UTC universal time instead of November 6, 2016 time. There are no major or active faults where the quake happened. Some geologists think the trigger might have been manmade, such as some sort of drilling operation. However, no scientist has yet been able to prove this as a certainty. An earthquake, of this magnitude in Oklahoma, has the force of many atomic bombs. Put all of the events together, and we may be looking at a Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot marker. The quake would be how The Core Matrix disperses the nuclear disaster from other co-existing time lines, so that it does not manifest into our dominant time line. There is a limit, to how many times The Core Matrix can offset this extinction event, before more and more of it will reinstate into our dominant time line.
Another thing that happened, on November 6, 2016, came
courtesy of politically mercurial FBI Director Comey.
In July 2016, he went before the American people and
read off a list of the crimes that Hillary Clinton had
engaged in concerning her illegal e-mail server. Then
he stunned everyone, by saying that she didn’t intend
to bad so he recommended to let her off the hook for
her crimes. The two weeks ago, the same man reopened
the case because the FBI found an additional 650,000
e-mails – thousands of which came straight from that
illegal sever. This caused hope for justice, while
those protecting Clinton’s corruption were upset. Then
yesterday, November 6, 2016, Comey switches again and
gives a big “never mind” to what the new e-mails do
and do not reveal. He says there’s nothing new.
Really? That was just the tip of the iceberg, of what
the FBI didn’t investigate. How about the fact, that
Clinton’s maid was handling classified information via
Clinton’s orders? Both Trump and Clinton presidential co-existing time lines are still viable – still in place. However, the number of them has reduced and Clinton’s have become less distinct. As I have noted before, there is a dark energy mass that is driving her presidential co-existing time lines. This dark energy is separate from the nuclear disaster. It is the dark force energy – now revealed – that is the power behind everything that Clinton and the Clinton machine does. This is what Donald Trump has to defeat, in order to win the election and save us from the time looping nuclear catastrophe. It most certainly can be done – and obviously has been done – or there would not be any co-existing time lines where he is the US President. Stay strong, and keep going with your Astral Tagging Truth Reveal participation. The mission is open through November 9, 2016.
Again, the solution is the election of Donald trump as
President. The Core Matrix determined, that the time
looping nuclear catastrophe can be stopped, based on
the strong security policies that Donald Trump puts in
place. The Core Matrix determined, that Hillary
Clinton’s security policies are so weak or
non-existent, that these policies open the door for
the disaster to happen. It is really that
simple. |
CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME As usual: Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. On August 18, 2016 I made a decision to do two things that I had never done before, and in fact did not want to do. The first, was to reveal what I knew about an extinction event time looping nuclear catastrophe that was imposing itself into our dominant time line. The second, was to reveal that the way to stop the extinction event was tied to the US presidential election. I have known about, the time looping nuclear disaster, for many years. I’ve studied its patterns and learned its purpose. Over the years, I would make mention of a nuclear disaster tied to specific time line edits, but beyond that I said nothing. I saw no point, to informing the world about a time looping extinction event, because I knew of no way to stop it. Then one day all of that changed, because I became aware of a workable solution to the problem. I sat with that knowledge for a long time. That solution was directly tied to who would be the next President of the United States. Even before they won their respective party’s nominations, I knew that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would be the top contenders. I also learned which candidate, the Core Matrix Prime Directive determined, was the candidate who could stop the time looping nuclear disaster. It was Donald Trump. I just didn’t as yet know why it was Donald Trump. So I launched a personal and private Astral Tagging Truth Reveal to find out what I could – and I found out plenty. It came down to each candidates security policies. Trump’s security policies were strong. Clinton’s security policies were weak or in some cases nonexistent. I was now between a personal rock and a hard place, with only my ethics and my conscience to guide me.
Because I have my own internal prime directives,
about saving lives, if I wanted to stop the time
looping nuclear disaster I had to include
information about the election. This was an
unpleasant decision for me. I do not trust most
politicians because I have zero tolerance for anyone
engaging in corruption, lying, cheating, and using
and abusing people to get what they want. Even
worse, political discussion brings out the worst in
people – and by worse I mean the haters, the
bullies, the wrong thinking know it alls, the
intellectually bankrupt, the brainwashed, the under
informed, and the ignorant. But like it or not, I
went public with the information. I did it, in a bid
to save the world. I a detailed series of reports and related posts, I set out to explain what I knew and how I knew what I knew. I made my case. To fully understand, what all of this is about, you can read the reports here or you can read them on my website. Understanding the information meant understanding how The Core Matrix, and its Prime Directive worked. It involved understanding how time line reboots work, as well as recognizing markers left in our dominant time line by Time Shifts, time line edits, and time line reboots. When I was done teaching the problem and solution fundamentals, I asked if you all wanted to participate in an Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. The purpose was to get people to understand what I understood, but not because I said so. It was because the truthful evidence would be overwhelming. Astral Tagging was something that most people had never heard of before, mainly because it is something that I privately discovered and developed – and used it to successfully help others.
Astral Tagging, which is a psi protocol that
involves Angels, acts to locate and expose the truth
where ever it was needed. It could be to solve a
crime, solve a mystery, or discover which people
told the truth and which people told lies. And now,
I was using Astral Tagging to prove which candidate
was the one who could and would stop the time
looping nuclear catastrophe. The request to
participate was large, so I put in the time to
develop a method by which I could teach Astral
Tagging through social media and my website.
Thousands have participated, and the results are
Just one day, before the 2016 presidential election,
I am once again asking that people participate in
the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. There is
too much at stake, and although the truth has proven
as to why the Core Matrix chose Trump over Clinton,
the truth has still had a hard time breaking through
the dark energy driven corruption of the Clinton
machine. This is why I am asking every aware and
caring person to join the Astral Tagging Truth
Reveal mission right now, and keep it going through
November 9, 2016. Whether you already joined, or
haven’t joined yet, anyone can make a difference by
using your psi energy to be proactive. Remember what
I taught, about Astral Tagging. It is absolutely
unbiased. It only reveals the truth. It does not
support anything but the truth. Thousands have
already participated. I would like thousands more to
get involved. The goal is to get the truth to the
people. Part of that is to make sure that voting day
is free from voter fraud. Everything you need
to know and do is here: I have written a lot about the science/psience of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, The Prime Directive, co-existing time lines, time line edits, time line reboots, time looping, and the unified field theory of psi. I won’t repeat that massive treasure trove of knowledge, in this single report, because it is not possible. It is accessible as I described above. Election day is tomorrow November 8, 2016, and both Trump and Clinton presidential co-existing time lines are still viable – still in place. However, the number of them has reduced and Clinton’s have become less distinct. As I have noted before, there is a dark energy mass that is driving her presidential co-existing time lines. This dark energy is separate from the nuclear disaster. It is the dark force energy – now revealed – that is the power behind everything that Clinton and the Clinton machine does. This is what Donald Trump has to defeat, in order to win the election and save us from the time looping nuclear catastrophe. It most certainly can be done – and obviously has been done – or there would not be any co-existing time lines where he is the US President. Stay strong, and keep going with your Astral Tagging Truth Reveal participation. The mission is open through November 9, 2016. Although I have laid out the information for you, and taught you all a way to proactively raise and deliver the truth, there still remains an overarching question that remains to be addressed. This question has to do, with whether or not The Core Matrix will create a dominant time line that has Trump winning the election. After all, The Core Matrix already recognizes that Trump is the element that stops the time looping nuclear extinction event. The Core Matrix, through a series of planet saving time line reboots, has successfully manifested new dominant time lines with evolved versions of Donald Trump. Why would The Core Matrix do all of that, and then not follow through by insuring that the saving element – Trump – was voted in as President? Why would The Core Matrix allow Clinton to be elected, which surely allows the time looping nuclear disaster to manifest into our dominant time line? Why?
Try as I might, and with all of the truth about
Clinton’s corruption, breaches in national security,
lying, and weak security policies coming out, I
can’t find a reason why The Core Matrix would allow
her to be elected and the extinction event to
happen. Since The Core Matrix has shown, that in no
way does Clinton – or anyone associated with her –
stop the time looping nuclear disaster, there is no
reason for The Core Matrix to allow Clinton to be
elected. Trump is the solution, in every co-existing
time line in which he is President. Clinton is the
problem, in every co-existing time line in which she
is President. This has nothing to do with The Core
Matrix caring about human affairs, because The Core
Matrix doesn’t care about such things. The Core
Matrix is not a sentient being. For The Core Matrix,
this is about its Prime Directive to save planet
Earth. Trump saves and Clinton destroys. That is the
way it plays out. Tomorrow, election day, there is an expected coronal mass ejection [CME] coming in. See my previous reports on this event, and how it is related to Time Shift time line edits and time line reboot markers. Will there be geomagnetic storm activity tomorrow? Will there be time line edits tomorrow? Will there be a time line reboot tomorrow? It is a wait and see situation. If yes, then will The Core Matrix use the Time Shift to save our planet? Regardless, the people must physically vote Trump into the oval office. Voter fraud, against Trump, will be a concern. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal has already shown – through physical evidence – that the Clinton machine has paid people to engage in voter fraud. Nothing is too corrupt or too low for the Clinton machine. They want to win at any cost – and that cost is just too high. Join The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal and help save the planet, from a time looping nuclear disaster extinction event.
Starfire Tor |
Stopping The Time Looping Nuclear Catastrophe United States President Qualities, Skills, and Passions Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Front Loading Element November 8, 2016 Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. As I write this, the voting polls are still open – but will soon be closed. I want to thank everyone who participated in The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission. I want to thank you all for caring about the grave danger that the time looping nuclear catastrophe presents. The main element, of the Astral Tagging mission, was tied to which candidate would become the next US President. This mattered, because only one of them will put security policies in place that will stop the disaster from ever happening in our dominant time line. That person is Donald Trump. A Hillary Clinton win is a disaster – literally. If truth were the great determiner, in politics or in life, then there would not even be a Hillary Clinton type in our political system or at all. Not only did The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal prove why The Core Matrix understands the importance of a Donald Trump presidency, but it went a lot further than that. It proved that Hillary Clinton’s mega breaches in security, rampant corruption, and habitual lying makes her a very dangerous choice as President. The truth reveal mission also showed that Trump had his own set of negatives, but they in no way compared rose to the level of Clinton’s negatives. But truth is not a valued commodity, to those who use power and influence to rule and control the masses. This is why The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal was necessary. In a little while, we will all know whether truth triumphed over the dark energy of corruption, lies, trickery, greed, and the use and abuse of innocents to further a dark agenda. Those of you, who participated in The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal protocols, are familiar with the protocols. You have met the Angels. You understand what is at stake. You know that these protocols include a detailed description of what the next US President should be. I wrote them up myself, based on everything that I learned and understood about what America and the world needs in a US President. This includes the assets of the missing candidate. Here is the description, to which the entire Astral Tagging Truth Reveal was attached. US President’s Leadership Qualities, Skills, and Passions http:// 1. The President must be highly intelligent, mentally tough, physically healthy, and a fair minded problem solver with a genuine love of country, a genuine concern and compassion for all US citizens, and a genuine understanding of what the US and its citizens need now and in the future. The willingness and ability, to change strategy in a time of sudden crisis, is vital. Being liked, or approved of by everyone, is not a job requirement. The job is not about appeasing everyone . It is about serving the US, so that all of its citizens can be safe, healthy, financially sound, strong, and respected. 2. The President must be a positive agent of change, be direct and honest with US citizens, be an attentive listener and keen observer, act to heal internal tensions and divisions between different communities and lifestyles, and never engage in any behavior that involves lying, corruption, self serving interests, political or personal cover-ups, security breaches, hidden agendas, or bowing to the demands and control of special interest groups, power brokers, or foreign countries. Accountability, for one’s actions and words, is an essential leadership quality. So is demanding accountability from others. 3. The President must have serious, insightful, strategic, and visionary management and negotiating abilities that work well in business and in politics, and that act to serve in the best interest of the US and its citizens. This includes cooperation and compromise, when needed, but without weakness. Real world experience, outside of politics, is as important as understanding the workings of politics. 4. The President must defend the Constitution of the US, and insure that all US citizens live in a country where truth and justice prevail for all. No one, no matter how privileged or connected they are, is above the law. No one, no matter how poor or disconnected they are, will receive unfair treatment by the law. 5. The President must take every lawful, logical, and strategic step to keep the US safe from domestic and foreign attack. Domestic crime, no matter what form it takes, must be rooted out at the source and prosecuted. All criminals, who are found to have entered the US illegally, must be permanently deported. Identifying and naming, any and all enemies of the US, is understood to be an essential part of winning the war on terrorism. US borders must be made safe. Strategically, and logically, there cannot be an open border policy. Foreign visitors, vacationers, workers, students - including immigrants seeking citizenship - must be logically, properly, and fairly vetted because of the extremely unsafe times in which we live. 6. The President must insure that the US military is ready and able to meet any lawful offensive or defensive situation. This means bringing the military up to its optimal strength, which includes insuring that all branches are modernized, equipped with the best training, the best gear and tactical tools, the best technology, and the smartest and most respected US military leaders. 7. The President understands that law enforcement agencies need to be strengthened in number, modernized, receive better tactical training and gear, and work to gain better relationships with all citizens through more comprehensive officer vetting and training. In turn, citizens need to be educated about why law enforcement is an essential part of keeping their neighborhoods safe. It is understood that mutual respect and understanding, between law enforcement and citizens, is an essential key to a healthy, safe, and peaceful nation. 8. The President must be able to repair the US economy, create millions of new jobs in the US, bring back many US jobs and businesses that were moved to foreign countries, support the practicality and sustainability of businesses in the US, generate job training programs, raise citizens out of poverty and into self sufficiency, balance out the cost of living with fair wages, revitalize neighborhoods, significantly reduce the US national debt, enact fair and affordable taxes, and only engage in global trade deals that are smart and fair. 9. The President must recognize that the health of its citizens is directly connected to the health of the country. Failing and inadequate healthcare programs must be removed and replaced by a medically superior, compassionate, affordable, and well managed healthcare system that works for all citizens including US veterans. |
Landers: I'm watching the election results on FOX.
It'll be a while until all the results are in. Right now
some results are in. Donald Trump is winning with 147
electoral votes to Clinton's 122 electoral votes. The
winner has to get 270 electoral votes. Karen Landers: Trump is still ahead 254 to 215. He only needs 16 more electoral votes to be President. More states results need to come in. Karen Landers: Donald Trump won. He's the next President. Thanks from my heart and soul Starfire. You're more than amazing. Your an angel. Susan Van Der Rassel:'s official..Donald Trump wins 270 votes with Clinton winning 218. Much Gratitude for your posts and guidance throughout this intense period of time during the campaign! I live in Canada and many here are relieved. As he accepts his win, I am aware of the evolved Trump that you continuously spoke about. Indeed, Power is to the People. Sean P Riley: Thanks for letting us join forces with you. John True: Thank you for your hard work Starfire Tor Jeffrey Thompson: My thanks 2 u Ms Starfire Tor!!! Robert Benson Willey: Well.. No nuke..😆 at least that much. Rosey Briggs: heres hoping the timeline has shifted in favour of global peace, but theres much work still to do... Cheryl Lynn Trautwein Bacco: amazing outcome! Suzan Lmt Ryt: Thank you for your postings! Glad to see the outcome! Marquita Lowry Carroll: Whew!!! Now I can exhale! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put in to this Starfire. Crystal Doherty: So...the people chose him. But what if the system betrays.and places her? Azhavee Grajeda: While it is a relief that she is not at power, this is just the beginning it seems to me that the work has to continue to influence his alignment to your points. Thank you Starfire! Dana Rodriguez: I just wanted to share that a few months ago i had the dream of another time line where me and my family (most of them) died in a nuclear explosion. Every time i thought about it i would become almost hysterical! Now today as i woke up i cant even think of the dream properly and that emotional high is nothing! I know the change has happened i know the time line changed! Adrienne Dumas: I feel a HUGE relief with Trump winning! Thanks Starfire for your amazing work! Dawn Redspiralhand: I woke up feeling very excited....I had a huge breakthrough in my dreams last insights and experiences regarding my own work with timelines. Got up to email a friend about it and learned that Hillary was NOT elected. Wow. I'd like to think that we had a part in that, Starfire. I did do the work, as you instructed, quite a few times when I woke up in the middle of the night. As I do with my directed and intentional dreaming I'd frequently fall asleep while doing the work. The connections are clearer that way for me... |
CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME The Power of Truth Wins Donald Trump Elected 45th President of The United States of America Time Looping Nuclear Catastrophe Extinction Event Stopped November 9, 2016 Report Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. Victory – and an Angel guided miracle - is ours. On November 8, 2016 Donald Trump was elected as the 45th President of The United States of America. Hillary Clinton, and the dark and dangerous force that she represents, was defeated. This came about because of the Power of Truth. This Truth got a helping hand, from the intel that I gathered and shared, and from The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission that I created and launched. The truth reveal mission could not have been possible without the involvement of Angels, who accepted the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission as necessary and worthy of their energy. Also, to be thanked, are the thousands of people who participated in The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission – most of whom had never before heard of or participated in an Astral Tagging mission. Your faith, in my knowledge and skills, is very much appreciated and acknowledged. All of you, who participated, helped to save this planet. You rose to the challenge, from countries all over the world. Well done. If you have paid attention to the election, then you know that all of the election experts - regardless of what political party or candidate they favored – said that Clinton was going to win. They said this right into the day of the election. The experts cited this poll and that pool, and all other manner of prognosticators. Yet 99.99% of them got it completely wrong. The experts, and the news media, were so wrong that nothing that they said was worth anything. Trump’s win has so stunned them, and upset everything that they thought they knew, that many are referring to Trump’s win as both historical and a miracle. They just cannot wrap their heads around Trump’s victory. Of course, people who followed what I was putting out knew exactly why and how Trump would win. It was because of the Power of Truth. Amidst all of the dark force energy, thrown at him daily, Trump kept going. He had to deal with the negative, devious, and manipulative scheming of the Clinton machine, the biased media, some from his own political party, and a social media filled with misinformed haters. He alone could stand up to this punishment. The biased media was keeping the truth, about Clinton’s corruption and dangerous and illegal behavior, from the public. At the same time they were slamming Trump, for things real and made up, while withholding information about the positive message Trump was promoting. To correct this terrible and unethical wrong, the truth had to get to the people - despite the bias media and the underhanded politics coming from the Clinton machine. Armed with the truth, about both candidates, people could then make informed voting choices. People did, and the planet is safe. On November 1, 2016 I announced that President Donald Trump was now in our dominant time line. With every Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot, a more evolved version of Trump was edited into our dominant time line. This began in August 2016. I explained that it was the evolved Trump, specifically the evolved Trump that was President Trump, that The Core Matrix identified as the element that would stop the time looping nuclear disaster from manifesting into our dominant time line. Once the evolved version of Trump, that was President Trump, was edited into our dominant time line, I knew that he would win the election. As I further explained, there was no evolved version of Hillary Clinton. A dark force entity, even a human one like her, cannot and does not evolve regardless of how many time line edits or reboots there are. Not only that, but I also knew that the Clinton machine – and the dark powers behind her – would not be able to recognize the evolution that Trump was undergoing. They were clueless, about The Core Matrix and time line edits. This, and the Astral Tagging truth Reveal, put Trump at a tactical advantage. The original version of Trump, that first came onto the political scene, could not have defeated Clinton. What he did to win the nomination – which was crass, foolish, uninformed, and insulting - would never have worked to get him elected as President. The man, that he is today, is not the same man that he was in those previous co-existing time lines. President Trump is in the house. This all means, that the time looping nuclear catastrophe extinction event has been successfully and effectively stopped from manifesting into our dominant time line. What had been a fixed element, within The Core Matrix, is no longer a fixed element. It is no longer capable of reinstating itself as an extinction event. President Trump will be sworn into office on January 20, 2017. Between now, and then, there may be some time line reboot clean up activity regarding the remnants of the time looping nuclear disaster. This is to be expected, due to the fact that Trump is not technically in power yet. That means his security policies are not up and running yet, and this is what stops the extinction event. No worries. The Core Matrix can handle things. Besides a possible reboot – or several, there will certainly continue to be Time Shifts and time line edits. That is business as usual on planet Earth. However, expect some countries and groups to try and take advantage of this presidential lame duck period. You may wonder, what kind of President Trump will make. I’ve already given hints about this, because I psi-saw his presidency in detail. Here is more. Donald Trump is going to do the good and positive things, that he said he would do. This includes trade, security, healthcare, the economy, lowering taxes, creating and bringing back jobs and so forth. But he has also learned, as he has evolved, and this will have an impact on some of his early statements. He will temporally stop immigration, from countries with known terrorist influence, until a realistic vetting system is in place. In the meantime, he will render aide to the refugees. He will build the wall between Mexico and the US. However, when it comes to deportations, his focus will be on criminal elements and not the 11 million Latino people who have established lives in the US – which the un-evolved Trump first said he would deport. He knows better now, and will come up with a different plan to include established dwellers and not export them. He will beef up border law enforcement, and in doing so will stop and return anyone trying to cross the border illegally. Well vetted, and legal immigrants, will always be welcome in the US. He is going to re-invigorate blighted inner city neighborhoods, and bring them back to life from top to bottom and person to person. The educational system will improve, especially in the inner cities. Opportunities will abound, where previously there had been none. He is going to beef up the military and the police, as well as insure that both groups have the tools they need to meet the realistic challenges of today’s world. This includes orchestrating the end of major terrorism groups. He will create a realistic healthcare system, using a combination of free enterprise and government, that replaces the failed Obamacare. He will do the same for veteran’s care. He will put Supreme Court justices in place, starting with the one vacancy, who will uphold the Constitution. He will have a cabinet of very smart people, who get things done for the people – and so much more. He listens. There will still be am ongoing problem with the bias media. They do not like, that their efforts to manipulate the presidential election in Clinton’s favor, failed. But The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal is still in place, so they are in for a rude awakening. Since both houses are now ruled by Republicans, President Trump will be able to work with Congress to get things done. The old guard, who feared his becoming president – because draining the swamp referred to them - will either cause trouble or straighten up their act. Trump will undo much of the wrongs, brought about by Obama and his administration. Obama’s true legacy will be revealed, and it is not the bright one he tried to force on Americans. The Department of Justice will get a shakeup, with a new head for the DOJ – as well as a clean-up from top to bottom. The FBI will once again be the great law enforcement agency that it was meant to be, which means without political interference. Clinton investigations continue, while Hillary and Bill consider leaving the US to avoid the consequences of their illegal activities with the Clinton Foundation – and her illegal and breach of national security activities as Secretary of State. I will keep an eye on things. If I see a need, to boost the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal working, I will let you know. Otherwise, the original Astral Tagging Truth Reveal energy will continue as designed. Here are the instructions to the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal protocols, designed to stop the time looping nuclear catastrophe. http:// Here are all of the reports, that I posted, related to the topic of the time looping nuclear catastrophe and how and why it was tied into the 2016 US presidential election. http:// Starfire Tor |
Expected CME Hits November 10, 2016 Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity 2 Days After Time Looping Nuclear Extinction Even Stopped 2 Days After Trump Wins Presidential Election November 11, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. It has been two days, since Donald Trump won the presidential election. In doing so, he became The Core Matrix element that stopped the time looping nuclear catastrophe extinction event from manifesting into our dominant time line. Yesterday, November 10, 2016, Earth was hit with an expected coronal mass ejection [CME], which in turn triggered both an intense geomagnetic storm and a new round of Time Shift and time line edit activity. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not cause Time Shifts or time line edits. They appear together, at times, because the same solar energy that triggers a Time Shift is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storms. As I explained, in an earlier report, we may experience more Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots between now and when Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2017. This is just clean up work, between the interim of when Trump takes power and his security polices are implemented. It is those security policies which prevent that time looping nuclear disaster from devastating our dominant time line. So don't be concerned if a reboot happens. However, this latest round of geomagnetic storms is not reboot activity. It is strictly time line edit activity. |
For those of you who wondered, what it looks like when I apply my purposeful psi abilities, this photo tells the tale. Check out my serious look. Exciting, right? The date is October 27, 2016, and here I am - in one of my vortex research areas - doing some continuing psi work on the successful Astral Tagging Truth Reveal. I am in public, surrounded by people, and not one of them has a clue as to who I am or what I am doing. Consider me a stealth psi operative ![]() |
Geomagnetic Storm Day 3 Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Continues November 12, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report This is day three, of the latest geomagnetic storm wave. It has triggered a continuation of Time Shift and time line edit activity. I'll be sharing more about this time line edit wave in a future post containing information about The Time Shift Living Dead. Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. |
This breathtaking aurora burst appeared in the skies over Sweden on November 11, 2016. What shape does it look to you? Photo by Oliver Wright. |
November 13, 2016,
Today, there was a 7.8 earthquake and tsunami in New Zealand. Because of this, I have issued a WHALE, DOLPHIN, AND PORPOISE STRANDING ALERT. Go to my "The Whale And Dolphin People Project" FB page to learn more. I will be saying more about this
event, here, in a later report. |
We on Earth will be experiencing a supermoon on November 14, 2016. A supermoon happens when the Moon is at its closest to the Earth. It is at this time that the Moon looks a lot larger than at other times. What makes this supermoon so interesting is that it hasn't been this close or big looking in almost 70 years. This page will tell you more about it, plus when and how to watch it. Enjoy. |
Geomagnetic Storm Day 5 This is day five, of the latest geomagnetic storm wave. It has triggered a continuation of Time Shift and time line edit activity. This includes incidents, of The Time Shift Living Dead enigma. I'll share more about that in a later report. There is a lot more going on, than
the usual Time Shift time line edits.
Yesterday, November 13, 2016 there was a 7.8
earthquake and tsunami in New Zealand. As of
this report, New Zealand has experienced
multiple after shocks ranging as high as a 6.5
magnitude. This earthquake was not a reboot,
associated with the time looping nuclear
disaster and extinction event. As I reported
previously, even though that extinction event
was stopped when Trump was elected as US
President, he is not yet officially in power.
Therefore, there may be some reboot activity
between the election win and when he takes the
oath of office in January 2017. While an
earthquake this size may seem like it is a
reboot marker, in fact this one is not. There
is very strong evidence, that the New Zealand
quake was a result of a time line edit and the
effects of the supermoon. The biggest
evidence, for it being a time line edit and
not a reboot, is the appearance of obvious
Time Shift Living Dead people. This could only
happen as a result of a time line edit and not
a time line reboot. I'll report on the TSLD
event in a later report. |
Robert Vaughn Dead Again November
11, 2016 On November 14, 2016 I reported about Time Shift time line edits, that had taken place, and why I deemed that the powerful November 13, 2016 7.8 New Zealand earthquake was not evidence of a Core Matrix time line reboot. I sited the existence of corresponding Time Shift Living Dead events, that i would share in a later report. This is that report. As a reminder, of information that I have previously shared: A Time Shift time line edit is the usual event, where our dominant time line undergoes some form of editing. The editing can be small or large, and the result is the formation of a new dominant co-existing time line. But a Core Matrix time line reboot only happens when our planet experiences an extinction level event. Under these circumstances, a time line edit is useless. Instead, The Core Matrix literally reconstructs the entire planet - but without the extinction event. This is what was happening, with the time line reboots connected to the now defunct time looping nuclear catastrophe. Want to know more about this? Just read my many reports, found right here. There is lots of information and how and why details. One of those TSLD people is the well known actor Robert Vaughn, who died again on November 11, 2016. It should be, of no surprise, that this TSLD event happened in the midst of a Time Shift cluster - as shown through the geomagnetic storm Time Shift markers. Many of you will remember Vaughn in his 1960s TV role as Napolean Solo in "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Of course, he had a long and celebrated acting career before and after "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." Since his most recent death, I have received an avalanche of reports of people have a memory that he had already died. Most specifically, most of these memories put his first death in the latter part of the 1990s. This was shortly after his guest appearance in the comedy TV series "The Nanny". Here is more info about Robert
Vaughn Here is info about The Time Shift
Living Dead Learn more about my Time Shift
Alerts |
November 17, 2016 Update: As I explained from the start, once an Astral Tagging mission is launched it remains active forever. The presidential election related Astral Tagging Truth Reveal, involving Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, is likewise always active. Just because Donald Trump won the election, which was The Core Matrix element that stopped the time looping nuclear catastrophe, does not mean that the dark force energy that Trump battled has also been vanquished. This dark force energy, which sources from a single man, has not given up on getting his own way. Because of his very public attempt, to change the outcome of the election - which BTW will fail - I find it necessary to keep you all informed as to what is going on. Once again, the Truth will bring clarity to a political situation that seems to be up in arms over Trump's winning. But, what you see and hear on the news is not what it appears to be. Please watch for my expanded report, where I explain what is really going on and how it affects our dominant time line. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it is unbiased and directly relates to the topic I have put forth. Make sure that you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. |
CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME The Core Matrix Prime Directive and George Soros Time Looping Nuclear Catastrophe Extinction Event Stopped Source Of Dark Force Manipulation Still Active and Dangerous November 18, 2016 Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Report Please stick to the topic at hand, which is how and why the time looping nuclear disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential elections, as well as the doings of The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal. Do not use any of my reports to express your political leanings or opinions. You can include political information, if it directly relates to the topic – as long as you deal in fact, and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant, rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be deleted. On November 9, 2016 I reported that the time looping nuclear catastrophe extinction event had been stopped, due to the fact that Donald Trump had been elected as the 45th President of The United States of America. To fully understand the information, in this current report, it is necessary that you understand the information in my previous reports. You can read my previous reports – including The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal - in this form or on my website. http:// http:// Since that report, there has been a very strange series of misbehavior themed activities going on in some American cities, and in the biased media. The entire goal, of this series of misbehavior themed activities, is a calculated and manipulated attempt to change the outcome of the election. I am talking about the protests targeting the Trump win. The birthing source of these protests is neither honest, nor innocent, nor organic. The source is George Soros, his minions, and his organizations. What you are seeing, in these protests – especially the violent ones – is actually the outward manifestation of a George Soros tantrum. His agenda was crushed by Trump – and he is doing everything in his book of dirty politics and media manipulation to change the presidential election’s outcome. Although he will fail – once again due to the truth being more powerful than his agenda – his current behavior can still do damage in the US and globally. His behavior can trigger another nuclear problem. Here is a bit more about Soros, and how he operates. This report contains only a sampling of his dangerous activities. I’m keeping it focused on the topic of the extinction event only. If you are doing additional research, of which there is plenty out there, be sure that you don’t get fooled into believing the large amount of Soros disinformation that is available. The real stuff is more than enough to make the case against him. Always check to insure that the Soros claim is a real one, and not something made up and repeated throughout the net. Disinformation example: “Putin has an arrest warrant out for Soros”. The Truth: Putin did not put an arrest warrant out for Soros. Russia banned his organizations from Russia. This is important, because the hacks on the Democratic National Party and Clinton’s campaign – which was of Russian influence - was never solely about knocking Clinton out of the race. It was about Russia knocking Soros out of American politics and policies. Soros has tried to make a power grab on Russia for quite some time. Because Clinton is Soros’s minion, it was about stopping his power grab through Clinton. What I am revealing – from The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal – is the biggest secret not discussed in the biased media. Why? Because Soros and his money and power influence them too, including through his group Media Matters. Are you all seeing the big picture now? The greatest danger to America, and many other countries, is Soros. Much has been written about his destructive and dangerous actions, behavior, and motives regarding the politics and policies of many countries. His many groups are banned in many countries – but not in the US as yet. This would not happen, while his minion Obama was in power, and it certainly would not happen had his minion Clinton been elected. Soros has no hold on Trump. Understand? In his own words, Soros has said that he sees himself as a god, and in his role as god can and should rule the world as he sees fit. Soros’s agenda is to use his considerable wealth to become even wealthier and more powerful. He does not really care about people. He cares only for the game. He plays his game by inserting himself in the politics and policies of the country he is targeting, and then manipulates those politics and policies to drain that country’s wealth. In effect, he is a vampire. But he can only suck a country dry if certain conditions are in place. The conditions include manipulating a country into having open borders; open trade deals; be in grave debt; experience internal divisions, unrest, or civil war; make the country vulnerable to terrorists; and further destabilizing and endanger a country by an influx of immigrants or refugees from crisis areas – a crisis, in many cases, that was manipulated into existence by the corrupt political minions of Soros. Example: Just look at how the policies of Obama and Clinton caused the conditions that gave rise to the largest terrorist group in modern history, Their action - pulling troops out of vulnerable mid-east countries, where the US and coalition countries waged and won an ill conceived war - caused the death of hundreds of thousands. This action gave rise to a country of refugees. These refugess have been streaming into other countries with open borders, like Germany, where the country is overwhelmed and terrorist violence has escalated. There are more of these refugees, that Obama and Clinton want to come into the US – unvetted – in a bid to create open borders in the US. While Obama and Clinton cite humanitarian reasons, the truth is very different. Obama and Clinton never say how they caused the refugee problem, and the suffering of innocents. They never say, that their policies were dictated by Soros’s agenda – and yet they were. Thanks to wikileaks, and DCLeaks, and others, the Soros connection has been proven. Now that I have given you all a primer, and a wake of call – courtesy of The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal – the most important item is how The Core Matrix gauges the continuing dark energy antics of Soros and his minions. This is the deeper purpose of my report. Had Soros stopped his manipulative behavior, once his agenda was defeated when Trump was elected, The Core Matrix Prime Directive would have no further reason to focus on Soros as a source of an extinction event. But once Soros started his dark energy behavior again, in a way that poses a threat to the planet – and that is exactly what he is doing, then the question becomes: How will The Core Matrix deal with Soros and his agenda? His dangerous and megalomaniacal interference, in the world, played a leading role in how the time looping nuclear disaster extinction event manifested to begin with. As I have explained before, The Core Matrix does not get involved in what mankind does – unless the activity causes an extinction event. While The Core Matrix had no interest in who became the next US President, it had a laser focus on stopping the time looping nuclear disaster. The solution happened to be which candidate would keep the US borders secure. Trump was the one who would do that. Clinton wanted unsafe open borders – and now you know why. Therefore, The Core Matrix saw a Trump win as the element that would stop the extinction event. So how does The Core Matrix view Soros now? It views Soros as a threatening element that can give rise to another nuclear disaster. Obviously, in the last round of time line reboots, The Core Matrix did not neuter Soros’s ability to start the whole thing up again. However, the reason may be because The Core Matrix was dealing with actual extinction events happening in multiple co-existing time lines. Now that this threat has been ended, will The Core Matrix deal with the Soros element in a different way? Will The Core Matrix act, in a series of Time Shift time line edits, to prevent the Soros machine from repeating its dangerous activities before they become extinction events? Remember, there is no human or group that can trigger or manipulate a Time Shift or a time line edit. Not can anyone create their own co-existing time line. Soros may be wealthy and powerful – but his wealth and power have no control over The Core Matrix. As I explained, an Astral Tag is forever. The energy, of the presidential election’s Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission, is likewise forever. And as designed, the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal energy reached out to everything and everyone connected to the candidates and their connection to the time looping nuclear disaster. By his controlling connection to Clinton, Soros was snared – and snared he will remain. No other Astral Tagging action needs to be done. However, human awareness of his true agenda still needs to be raised and his activities stopped. Trump is already taking care of some of that – even though he has yet to utter the name of Soros. He knows full well who and what he is dealing with. His politics and policies prove that, which becomes clearer once you understand the dangerous Soros involvement in American politics and policies. This is why the bias media is still making up negative stories about President Elect Trump, as they claim that his operation is in chaos and the electorate vote will be changed to make Clinton the winner. No. None of that is true. This is why neither Obama nor Clinton will do anything to stop the violence, or expose the Soros connection. The unrest and violent protests are Soros influenced, in a bid to trick people into not accepting Trump as the President. This is Soros the vampire and trickster at work – as carried out by his minions, and by those who are easily manipulated into passionately believing that what is good is evil and what is evil is good. Soros knows how to manipulate the minds and emotions of people all over the world, including in the US. He has been doing it for decades. But now he has run afoul of a force much greater than his – a force that he cannot fathom nor control. Let us see how this plays out. |
Richey: What are trusted sources of
information to learn about Soros? Starfire Tor: Soros, Big Liberal Donors Meeting with Dems on Stopping Trump Report: Soros, Big Liberal Donors Meeting with Dems on Stopping Trump ![]() Starfire Tor: George Soros has spent hundreds of millions to manipulate U.S. federal election laws,… ![]() Tim Kelly: Soros is old and on his last years of life ... at what point does this guy throw in the towel and say enough is enough ... all thr money and all the power he can accumilate here cannot pass into the spiritual realm .. therefore it is highly illogical to spend your last days aquireing that which you cannot ever possibly make use of .. ? |
No Geomagnetic Storms Day 6 As I have shown many times, a Time Shift can happen even in the physical absence of known Time Shift triggers such as hits by a sunspot's or magnetic filament eruption's coronal mass ejections [CME], the solar winds.spewing from a coronal hole, or the collective solar winds amassed in space through which Earth sometimes passes. While any of these can be harbingers of a Time Shift to come, which leads to Time Shift markers as the Time Shift event is happening, the absence of these well known markers should not be the sole determiners of whether a Time Shift is active. There are other Time Shift markers to look at, such as the ones that presented themselves today November 20, 2016. This is why I can say that we are experiencing a Time Shift and time line edit. The first sign was the disappearance of two solar wind events, one which was supposed to hit Earth yesterday and one which was supposed to hit Earth today. The first solar wind event, which didn't happen yesterday, was not enough to declare that it was a Time Shift marker. This was not a very strong solar wind, and anything can happen to it between the Sun and the Earth. However, there were other things that happened - and did not happen - that supported yesterday's no show as being a Time Shift marker. Today, Earth was supposed to pass through an amassing of solar winds canned a solar sector boundary crossing. This should have set off a geomagnetic storm. But nothing happened, as you can see by this NOAA k-index chart. Then today there was a powerful 6.4 earthquake in Argentina. This was definitely a Time Shift marker, given the absence of both solar wind event hits. This happens when there is a time line edit, and that time line edit actually edits out the part of the co-existing time line that featured the Sun-Earth impacts. When this happens, evidence of a time line edit exists - but without physical evidence of the Time Shift triggers. Also, as you can see in this pink SDO photo of the Sun from today, there is a gigantic coronal hole that is now Earth facing and spewing solar wind. This, apparently, is the same coronal hole that caused part of the last mega wave of geomagnetic storms. Expect the same to happen again, starting soon - if nothing gets lost in another time line edit. While this coronal hole's solar winds have not reached Earth as yet, this may actually be the solar wind hit that caused the Time Shift phenomena that I'm talking about. If true, then it would involve the behavior and timing of this giant coronal hole in a previous co-existing time line in which its solar wind was involved. The time line edit would have placed the event in the future, of what was the past in another co-existing time line. Isn't this fascinating? BTW, there were other Time Shift
markers including people experiencing an
uptick in synchronicity events, paranormal
activity, psychic and precognitive dreams, and
more. |
No Geomagnetic Storms Day 7 This report is directly linked to
my Time Shift report from yesterday November
20, 2016, as well as all other reports
relating to the time looping nuclear disaster
and extinction event. Please read those
reports to get the full benefit of the
information I’m now sharing. Please stick to the topic at hand,
which is how and why the time looping nuclear
disaster is tied into the 2016 US Presidential
elections, as well as the doings of The Astral
Tagging Truth Reveal and The Core Matrix Prime
Directive time line reboots. Do not use any of
my reports to express your political leanings
or opinions. Your replies can include
political information, if it directly relates
to the topic – as long as you deal in fact,
and not in disinformation or propaganda. Check
your sources. Disinformation, irrelevant,
rude, or sheer political opinion posts will be
deleted. In yesterday’s Time Shift report, I
talked about how and why we are experiencing
Time Shift and time line edit activity. The
evidence included missing solar wind events, 6
days of no geomagnetic storms, and a 6.4
magnitude earthquake in Argentina. I explained
why these events were Time Shift markers and
not markers that a Core Matrix Prime Directive
time line reboot had occurred. But today is a different situation,
due to today’s 7.4 or 6.9 magnitude earthquake
and tsunami in Japan. The Japan Meteorological
Agency put the quake at 7.4 magnitude while
the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
said it was 6.9 magnitude. The USGS sometimes
does corrections on the magnitude of a quake –
but not this great a difference. This should
not be overlooked. This is more connected to
the reboot than anything else. Today’s Japan
quake is a reboot marker and not a time line
edit. Why? Mainly because today’s earthquake
and tsunami targeted the severely damaged
Fukushima Nuclear power plant in Japan. This
is the same Fukushima Nuclear plant that was
devastated in the when a 9 magnitude quake and
tsunami hit Japan on March 11, 2011. Besides a
mega loss of life in the thousands, the
Fukushima Nuclear plant was breached causing a
very dangerous nuclear contamination disaster.
This 2011 nuclear disaster event was one of
the time looping nuclear catastrophe reboots
that I’ve been tracking for years. This
earthquake is a time looping event. But please do not worry. I told you
that we might experience some clean-up reboots
between the November 8, 2016 election and the
date when Trump actually takes office on
January 20, 2017. Even though his win insures
the stopping of the time looping extinction
event, he still is not technically the
President. His security policies need to be in
place, for the stoppage to be complete. In the
meantime, The Core Matrix can handle the
situation during this short window of time. As
I wrote in a previous report, the more
pressing concern is Soros, and how he is
continuing with his scheme to take control of
US policies – policies that include open
borders and civil unrest in the US. Remember,
he has been dictating these policies to both
Obama and Clinton. This benefits his business
and his ego, which is all he cares about. The
Core Matrix identified weak or non-existent US
security – which includes US borders and other
global security issues – as the primary
behaviors that leads to the time looping
nuclear disaster. So, even though Trump won,
Soros is still using his schemes to undermine
the presidency and America. Expect him to
continue to use Obama as a tool of division.
This is why we need to see what The Core
Matrix may or may not do concerning Soros.
Will The Core Matrix nip another extinction
event in the bud, or will it allow Soros to
continue unchecked as one of the source
elements of a nuclear disaster? Since The
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal is forever, and
has ensnared Soros because of his manipulation
of US politics and policies connected to
Clinton and Obama, perhaps that is all that is
needed. |
Active Large Sunspot 2612 [old
2605] Returns Look what I found - actually It is
really hard to miss - on this SDO solar image.
Old sunspot 2605 has survived two weeks
transiting the far side of the Sun, and is
once again on the Earth facing side of the
Sun. Only this time the still active sunspot
has been renamed 2612. You all know how I feel
about this 'tradition' to renumber a sunspot
on its 'go around and come back'. It is
completely unscientific, confusing, and should
be scrapped. Some traditions where made to be
retired, and this is one of them. Loud voice,
for solar scientific continuity, over. What makes this large sunspot so
interesting and important, besides its real
history, is that the Sun is in a very low
activity time. In fact, just prior to 2612 aka
2605 appearing again, the face of the Sun was
blank. And just prior to that, the sunspots
that were Earth facing were extremely small as
sunspots go. The other interesting thing,
about 2612, is that it is still active. Will
it erupt while Earth facing? That is something
to watch for. Any eruption from this sunspot
would produce a solar flare large than the
small A and B class solar flares the Sun has
been firing off during this low sunspot solar
cycle. Meanwhile, the expected solar wind
- that has been spewing out of that gigantic
coronal hole I reported on earlier - has
finally arrived. Although the hit has not as
yet triggered geomagnetic storms, you can see
by thus k-index chart that the hit has
triggered raised magnetic fields on Earth. A
geomagnetic storm may follow. As for two
previously expected solar hits, which I
previously reported were lost in space, remain
lost in space. |
Geomagnetic Storm Day 3 Today is day three of geomagnetic
storming, which you can see in this NOAA
k-index chart. It was triggered by an expected
solar wind hit. The solar wind’s source was a
very large coronal hole on the Sun, which I
previously reported about. There have been
many Time Shift markers, indicating that Time
Shifts and time line edits are in progress. The presence, of a geomagnetic
storm, can be a Time Shift marker. This is
because geomagnetic storms, and Time Shifts,
are triggered by the same solar energy hitting
the planet. However, geomagnetic storms do not
trigger Time Shifts nor time line edits. Nor
do geomagnetic storms trigger earthquakes,
some of which happened during these three days
of geomagnetic storming. Hundreds of
earthquakes happen every day, with not a day
going by without dozens of quakes happening
all over the world. Yet, geomagnetic storms do
not happen every day. Most quakes happen, when
there are no geomagnetic storms. Two the earthquakes, which struck
during this three days of geomagnetic
storming, are obvious Time Shift markers. They
were a 7 magnitude in El Salvador on November
24, 2016, and a 6.6 magnitude in Tajikistan on
November 25, 2016. The piece of evidence,
which supported the quakes being Time Shift
markers, were the Time Shift Living Dead
events that happened at the same time. One of
the more recognizable, Time Shift Living Dead,
people is Nelson Mandela. I was the person who
first brought this information to the public,
as well as explained the science behind it.
Mystery solved. Take a look at this photo of Nelson
Mandela standing with Fidel Castro. This photo
is quite amazing, not because both men were
leaders of their countries, but because Fidel
Castro is also a Time Shift Living Dead
person. He died again November 25, 2016. I
have received thousands of reports, from
people around the world, who remember that
Castro died years before he died again
yesterday. One way, to tell the difference
between a Time Shift time line edit and a Core
Matrix reboot, is the presence of a one or
more consciously aware Time Shift Living Dead
event. The event can only be caused by a Time
Shift time line edit, and not a Core Matrix
reboot. In a Time Shift time line edit, it is
the dominant time line that is edited – where
some elements are altered, but the planet
remains intact and viable. But with a Core
Matrix reboot, the entire planet has to be
reconstructed because of some catastrophic
extinction event. Think about it, if it is a
reboot then all of us are Time Shift Living
Dead people and not just some. |
Ron Glass Dead Again November 25,
2016 On November 25, 2016 Cuban dictator
Fidel Castro died again. I reported him as a
Time Shift Living Dead person. At the time,
Earth was experiencing Time Shift and time
line edit activity, which was reflected in the
geomagnetic Time Shift markers. Since The
science behind, The Time Shift living Dead
phenomena is Time Shift activity, the
existence of the TSLD enigma - during a
geomagnetic storm wave - makes sense. As a bonus, I used a photo of Fidel
Castro posing with Nelson Mandela - who
happens to be another Time Shift Living Dead
person. For those who may not know: I was the
source of the information about Nelson Mandela
being a Time Shift Living Dead person. My
Mandela research has since been hijacked by
the person who created the misleading Mandela
Effect page. This person started her Mandela
Effect shortly after I talked about my Mandela
TSLD information in a widely heard popular
radio interview - and elsewhere. While this
intellectual property thief claims to be
looking for the truth - and turning over every
stone to find it - she somehow neglects to
mention me or the origin of the Mandela
information. I've written a larger report on
this situation. Fidel Castro wasn't the only well
known person who died again on November 25,
2016. Another TSLD person was the actor Ron
Glass. Many of you will know him from the
comedy TV series Barney Miller, while others
will remember him from the Sci-Fi TV series
"Firefly". Ron Glass died before, many years
ago, and then popped back into a dominant time
line shortly after that. Now he has died
again. What is most interesting is how many
Time Shift Living Dead people are associated
with the TV series "Barney Miller". Among them
is Abe Vidoga and Hal Linden. Vigoda is
currently dead again, while Linden is
currently alive again. More on these types of
TSLD clusters in future reports. |
Unexpected Solar Events Yesterday, November 29, 2016, small
and new sunspot 2615 began to fire off a
number of C flares. That alone was odd enough,
since the Sun has not been producing many
sunspots - and those sunspots mainly fire off
small A and B flares. But 2615 wasn't done. It
then fired off 2 M1 solar flares. Between
yesterday and today, as of this report, 2615
has fired off 10 solar flares.You can see one
of the M flares in this SDO image. The NOAA
k-index chart chart shows the flare
activity. The big question is, have any of
these solar flares produced a coronal mass
ejection [CME]? I cannot say yes or know,
because that information has not yet been made
available for independent review. What I can
glean, from the data so far, is that both M
flares were short bursts of energy called
impulsive flares. You can see that, in the
k-index chart, by the way the flare goes up
and down in practically the same place on the
chart. This generally means that no CME was
produced. When the chart shows that a flare
lasts a much longer time, that is usually when
a CME has been produced. So, it looks like
neither M flares or C flares triggered a CME.
The M flares did trigger 2 RA radio blackouts
on Earth that affected some radio and
communications interference for a while. It
did not last very long. However, this alone
cannot trigger Time Shift activity. It would
take a hit from a CME to do that. |
All contents copyright ©2017 by Starfire Tor