

September, 2016   TIME SHIFT  ALERT

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured. 

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber. 


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.   



G5-G7 Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
Reboot Markers: Large Land Masses Have Moved Position
September 1, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Welcome to September 2016. With only a day of the magnetic field being calm, after the last geomagnetic storm, a new solar wind triggered geomagnetic storm is now hitting the Earth. This one is worldwide, and is hitting intensities from between a G5-G7. Check out this current NOAA k-index chart, and you can see the difference between today's geomagnetic storm and the one from 2 days ago.

Even though there has not been a break with the series of Time Shifts and time line edits, that we have been experiencing, this latest Sun to Earth energy hit has triggered yet more continuation of Time Shift and time line activity. While I cannot tell as yet, whether any more serious reboots have taken place - such as the ones connected to the nuclear disaster I have been reporting about, I am watching for any Time Shift markers and patterns which would indicate that a reboot has taken place. Read my entire report series, to learn more about this situation.

One of the types of Time Shift markers, which would indicate reboot activity, is the conscious awareness that large land or sea masses have moved. Recently, it was noted that the land masses of North America and South America have been altered in their orientation to each other. I have received thousands of reports on this situation. Previously, it was New Zealand that had changed position.  


Geomagnetic Storm Continues
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
September 2, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm, that began on September 1, 2016, revved up to be a sustained geomagnetic storm. More expected solar wind activity, if it shows up, will act to keep geomagnetic conditions going. Check out this current NOAA k-index chart, to see the sustained energy that I'm talking about.

Time Shifts, and time line edits, are still in progress.  


Geomagnetic Storm Continues And Intensifies
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
September 3, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm, that began on September 1, 2016, has both sustained itself and grown in intensity. This has been triggered, by solar wind activity, that I told you about, Check out this current NOAA k-index chart, to see the sustained geomagnetic storm energy that I'm talking about.

Time Shifts, and time line edits, are still in progress.


Geomagnetic Storm Continues Day 5
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
September 5, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm, that began on September 1, 2016, is now in day 5. This has been triggered, by solar wind activity. Check out this current NOAA k-index chart, to see what 5 days, of geomagnetic storming, looks like.

Time Shifts, and time line edits, are still in progress. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not cause Time Shifts. Geomagnetic storms, can be Time Shift markers, because the same solar energy that can trigger a Time Shift is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storm. This is why both events, Time Shifts and geomagnetic storms, can manifest at the same time.  

September 5, 2016
Auroras are back and as fabulous as ever. This sky-filling green beauty was taken by Satoru Murata in Iceland on September 3, 2016. The current geomagnetic storm was the trigger for this aurora.


Geomagnetic Storm Continues Day 7
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
September 7, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm, that began on September 1, 2016, has stretched out into day 7. There were 5 days of geomagnetic storming, following by a 6th day of magnetic field unrest, and then back to being a geomagnetic storm on day 7. This has been triggered, by solar wind activity. Check out this current NOAA k-index chart, to see what this geomagnetic storm wave looks like.

Time Shifts, and time line edits, are still in progress. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not cause Time Shifts. Geomagnetic storms, can be Time Shift markers, because the same solar energy that can trigger a Time Shift is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storm. This is why both events, Time Shifts and geomagnetic storms, can manifest at the same time.  


Geomagnetic Storm Continues Day 8
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
No New Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboots Yet
September 8, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report 

The geomagnetic storm, that began on September 1, 2016, has stretched out into day 8. There were 5 days of geomagnetic storming, following by a 6th day of magnetic field unrest, and then back to being a geomagnetic storm on days 7 and 8.. This has been triggered, by solar wind activity. Check out this current NOAA k-index chart, to see what this geomagnetic storm wave looks like today. 

Time Shifts, and time line edits, are still in progress. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not cause Time Shifts. Geomagnetic storms, can be Time Shift markers, because the same solar energy that can trigger a Time Shift is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storm. This is why both events, Time Shifts and geomagnetic storms, can manifest at the same time. 

I have been watching for any Time Shift markers, that might indicate that The Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot was in action again, but nothing obvious has popped up. This does not mean it is not happening, only that I have not been able to detect anything through the unique information that is available to me. If I'm right, this means that the time looping nuclear disaster has not re-emerged in a co-existing time line since August 2016. This does not mean that the problem is solved, because it still depends on who is elected as US president. It only means that the last series of reboots, in August 2916, are still functional in a way that has been protecting us. I have no idea, whether there will be more reboots before the November 8, election. It is a wait and see situation.  

  K-index_2016-09-Sept-09_0630  EarthquakeNorthKorea_09-09

September 9, 2016 Update On Report Series
How The Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Edit Reboots
More Nuclear Reboot Time Shift Markers

To fully understand, the information contained in this extended report, you must read all of my previous reports and related material in my series “CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME”. The reports begin on August 18, 2016. My information is unique, complex, and involves The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots concerning a time looping nuclear catastrophe.

Yesterday September 8, 2016, I reported about an 8 day wave of geomagnetic storms on Earth. The same solar energy, that triggers geomagnetic storms, also triggered Time Shift time line edits. At the time of my report, I said that I wasn't sure if there was any evidence that we had experienced another Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot - as associated with the time looping nuclear catastrophe.

Only hours after I wrote that, evidence of a Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboot manifested in our dominant co-existing time line. There was not just one piece of Time Shift marker evidence - there were multiple pieces of Time Shift marker evidence. All of the evidence is connected to the information that I've been sharing with you, in my report series "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME".

The most obvious Time Shift reboot marker was North Korea’s latest nuclear test, which exploded 30 minutes into September 9, 2016 UTC. The blast caused a 5.3 earthquake, which the USGS identified as an explosion. North Korea claimed it was nuclear. This nuclear event happened on the tail end of the 8 day geomagnetic storm wave, as well as at a time that I reported Time Shift time line edits were in progress. Check out these 2 images, one being the NOAA k-index chart that records geomagnetic storms, and the other being a map showing the location of the nuclear explosion and earthquake.

I previously explained what a time line edit reboot is, how they are related to a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and how The Core Matrix Prime Directive program has been repeatedly removing the nuclear disaster – until it re-instates itself in yet another dominant co-existing time line. I explained that energy cannot be destroyed, and that is true for the energy from a nuclear disaster. That energy can be temporarily transformed and relocated, with an extremely complex series of time line edits, but it is a fixed event and must at some time return – unless something happens to deter the disaster from ever happening in the first place.

As I have already revealed in detail: whether this disaster happens, or does not happen, is tied into who becomes the next President of the US. It comes down to which candidate – Trump or Clinton – creates the right policies and environment that keeps the US safe. The winner is Trump. As President, his plans to keep the US safe actually work – while Clinton’s policies and attitude about security do not work at all. In every dominant co-existing time line, where the nuclear catastrophe happens, Clinton is the President. In every dominant co-existing time line, where Trump is the President, there is no nuclear disaster. The nuclear event, that was a fixed point in the time line, becomes unfixed, and the energy is rechanneled in a less harmful way.

I previously explained, that the nuclear disaster does not source from just one country or group. Nor does it happen in only one way. All of those elements change, based on how The Core Matrix was able to reboot the dominant co-existing time line after the disaster. This recent nuclear test, in and by North Korea, would have actually been the source of the latest version of the time looping nuclear disaster. North Korea has been sword rattling, as it moves toward building nuclear warheads and delivery systems that can reach its neighbors and the US. What I can’t know, yet, is how this particular North Korean nuclear disaster unfolded. Did it actually develop the weapon it wanted, and launch it to start a nuclear war? Or, just as likely, did a North Korean mega ton nuclear warhead unintentionally explode in North Korea before it could launch its mission of death?

I told you that there were other reboot Time Shift markers that tie into the nuclear disaster event. Previously, I revealed that Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots don’t just edit time lines. They can edit people as well. The Core Matrix cannot create a person, or a person’s personality or soul identity. Nor does The Core Matrix promote one Earth agenda, group, or person over another agenda, group, or person. The only time, that the Core Matrix might get involved with an Earth agenda, is if The Prime Directive kicks in, as it has repeatedly done with this time looping nuclear disaster. In this case, when The Core Matrix sought the best way to rid the planet of the nuclear disaster, one of the main elements needed was a person who could and would deter the nuclear catastrophe from ever happening. As The Core Matrix scanned various co-existing time lines, to edit needed elements, the program identified Trump as the element that needed to be in place to unfix the fixed nuclear disaster. The Core Matrix also realized, that the version of Trump that presented itself, was not the version of Trump needed to avert the disaster. To solve this problem, The Core Matrix found and copy pasted in, an evolved version of Trump which is the Trump that exists in this dominant time line. As for Clinton, there was no evolved version of her. With every reboot, she begins to deconstruct as a candidate.

Prior to this nuclear test reboot event, I had noted that Trump and Clinton took place in a [re-debate event called the Commander-in-chief Forum hosted by Anderson Cooper of CNN. I was viewing it as someone watching for the effect that the reboots had on the candidates. I noticed that Clinton was still in a state of deconstruction, and was in further decline as far as what she said and how she presented herself. In short, she continued to lie to America, even though the truth was documented and publicly available. Her grasp of foreign affairs, and keeping the US safe was dismal. She announced to terrorists that she would never put troops on the ground in Syria. She apparently was unaware – or possibly lost her memory - that there are 5,000 boots on the ground in Syria right now. You cannot defeat terrorists by telling them that the US will never engage them in the place where they have nearly destroyed an entire country and its people. The more she spoke, the more it became obvious that she cannot keep America safe.

Then there was the problem with Trump – the evolved version. I saw slips backwards in his evolution. The main slip was his inability to find the right words to match what he really wants to say. At one point he explained how the Obama administration – and Clinton as then Secretary of State – ignored the advice of their military leaders and withdrew almost all troops from very political fragile mid east countries. When the troops were withdrawn, what Obama and Clinton had been warned about happened. In the vacuum left, Isis formed and began to rule by terrible death cult methods. However, when Trump tried to explain how the military experts had been ignored – which was seriously bad judgment – Trump said that the military leaders had been reduced to rubble. This was bad phrasing, and without fail the media made an issue of the word and not what he meant by the word.

When I saw this happen to Trump, along with a few other similar word gaffs, I wondered if there was going to be a reboot before the November 8, 2016 election. If so, I wondered if The Core Matrix was going to edit in an even more evolved Trump – one that could take on the debates without those word gaffs. Within about 24 hours of that forum, the next reboot happened. Tomorrow’s campaign doings will reveal a lot.

Remember, my goal is to save lives by doing what I can to unfix the fixed time looping nuclear catastrophe. As I have explained in detail, through my report series, having Trump as President solves that problem. If Clinton is elected, the nuclear catastrophe will time line loop edit into our dominant time line. Once that happens it is permanently fixed. There will be no more reboots of any value to us, or the place we hold in this Cosmos.

The Core Matrix cannot do a time line edit that creates a world where Trump or Clinton is President. Nor could it bring back the mysterious missing candidate. The Core Matrix time line editing program cannot and does not alter the will of people to do as they like – even in the face of planet-wide destruction. What the Core Matrix can do, is engage in time line edit reboots that can temporarily solve the planet wide destruction problem until people get smart enough and informed enough to intervene on their own behalf. This is why my truth reveal energy working has a real chance of saving our lives, by helping voters put Trump in office. My truth reveal energy working is about finding and bringing the truth forward, about each candidate, which will let voters clearly see which candidate is the best one to be President. The truth reveal gets the truth, about each candidate, to break through the passions, blind loyalties, propaganda, political spinning, and outrageous lying that is in place right now. In effect, the reveal makes truth the ultimate power in the election. The voters – and not The Core Matrix - will choose the next President of the US in less than 2 months. Voters must choose, not from ignorance or being under-informed , but because they are intelligently informed.

Let us see what this latest reboot has brought to this election. 


A Few Words Of Wisdom About Opinion Manipulation
September 9, 2016 Update On Report Series

"In order to know the truth, you must also know the lie." ~ Starfire Tor

I want to thank everyone, who has been following and commenting on my report series "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME". Because this particular Core Matrix-Prime Directive time line edit situation involves the highly charged current US presidential election, passions and opinions can run especially high. Therefore, I appreciate your continued cooperation, that your comments not promote propaganda, political spin, unfounded beliefs, disinformation, conspiracies, or any opinions that are not based on documented fact – or that fail to factor in the unique information that I have shared. What I have reported, about the US presidency and a time looping nuclear disaster, is a life and death matter. So staying on point is an absolute must.

Many people formulate their campaign opinions based on the manipulative factors that I have mentioned above. It can get very confusing, when a person that you admire, is using your admiration to manipulate your thinking. This person could be a reporter, an authority figure, a celebrity, a friend, or a relative. This person may be a lone wolf, or may be associated with an organization. Many times you may not even know that a seeming lone wolf is really associated with a group that has a political agenda. Know this: the purpose of propaganda is to fool you into thinking that you are in charge of your beliefs and opinions, when in reality you are being led down a false path. If you find yourself in that situation, and you don't know whether that person's opinion is trustworthy or manipulation free, here are some tips for you to follow:

1. Does that person’s opinion match up, almost word for word, with the propaganda and conspiracies going around on or off the net? If yes, then ignore that opinion or prepare to be manipulated.

2. Does that person dislike a candidate, and then list reasons that focus on real but insignificant things, while ignoring the existence of real and larger positive information about the candidate? If yes, then ignore that opinion or prepare to be manipulated.

3. Does that person only list the positive things, about a candidate, but leave out the documented things that are decidedly negative about that candidate? If yes, then ignore that opinion or prepare to be manipulated.

4. Does that person look at all sides with an intelligent and inquiring mind, using real world documented information, and then give an opinion based on that information? If yes, then consider that opinion – right or wrong - to be honest and manipulation free. 

DisInformation   TimeTravelAgency


September 12, 2016 Update On Report Series
Hillary Clinton Collapses At 911 Ceremony
Truth Is Again Revealed
Confirms More Of My Time Line Precognition

Yesterday, September 11, 2016, Hillary Clinton experienced a medical emergency while attending a 911 memorial service in New York. Donald Trump was also at the same memorial event, although they were in separate areas. This compilation photo is made up of still frames, taken from a video that is readily available on line at trustworthy news and other sites. In your comments please do not post information from, or links to, conspiracy sites or sites that are known to promote biased and slanted information. This is very important, because the truth is not about what some people believe is going on. The truth is about what is actually going on. It is okay to bring up questions, and give opinions, which are based on real information and not propaganda or campaign spin. But, any propaganda or information spinning comments will be deleted.

As with everything, related to my report series “Changing Catastrophic Events In Time”, Clinton’s collapse is something that I psi saw and said would happen. I psi saw this, along with everything else that I reported about, after I launched my own personal truth reveal energy. This is the same truth reveal working which I am currently modifying, so that those of you who wish to amplify the truth reveal can join in. Almost everything that I reported, in my series, was psi downloaded as a result of my truth reveal energy. I launched it, just for myself, because I had a previous vision of a nuclear catastrophe that I knew was a precognition. The very high accuracy record, of my precognitions, speaks for itself and has been available to the public for many years. I pointed to some of them, in these reports. I gathered the rest, of what I reported, based on the psi feedback from the truth reveal energy that I had sent out.

This is how I discovered, that the nuclear disaster was actually a fixed time looping event that was causing The Core Matrix Prime Directive program to reboot the dominant time line again and again. This is how I discovered, that there was a way to stop the time looping, and that way was directly tied to which candidate became President of the US. In the time lines where Clinton was President, the time looping continued and the nuclear disaster eventually manifested in our dominant time line. But in the time lines where Trump is the President, the nuclear catastrophe does not happen. Furthermore, the event becomes unfixed as a dominant time line event, and all time line looping of that event is stopped. Neither Trump nor Clinton is the source of a nuclear disaster. The difference is in their security policies tied to keeping the US safe. Trump’s security policies do the job, as far as this nuclear disaster is concerned. But Clinton’s lax security policies are what allow the nuclear disaster to unfold. I psi saw this again and again and again, no matter how many times I searched for more psi data downloads. Since my concern is stopping this mega life ending catastrophe, the only choice is Trump. There are many other reasons, why Clinton is unfit to lead – such as her documented lies concerning her disregard for national security, and her pay for play corruption regarding her Clinton Foundation. Trump has challenges too. But his do not even compare to Clinton’s.

One of the things, that I mentioned in discussions, was that I psi saw Clinton collapsing in public. I knew, that when this happened, it would be impossible for mainstream news outlets– including those who have been protecting her and going after Trump – would have no choice by report that she had collapsed and was obviously ill. This would be the event that seriously ticked off the news media, because for once her news media supporters would realize that they were being played. Furthermore, the collapse events would be the catalyst that finally reveals the truth about her actual health. Not what her camp says is wrong with her – but the whole truth. It could be, that all she had was pneumonia – which is what her doctor claims it is. Or it could be that the pneumonia is a symptom of a more serious underlying medical condition. Speculation is not the same as the truth. Pneumonia, is properly taken care of in an otherwise healthy person, is recoverable. This, alone, would not be cause to say that she is unfit do to health. But if the illness persists, or if an underlying serious illness is revealed, then that would make her medically unfit to be President.

Now you understand why this collapse episode is so important. It reveals that she does have a health problem, and that she will go to great lengths to hide it. It would have remained hidden, had that video of her collapse not surfaced. Now, mainstream media knows that Clinton’s word, about her health, cannot be trusted. Her collapse was also important, because it confirmed that another part of my psi data download precognitions was accurate. Another accurate one was the nuclear blast, recently out of N. Korea, which was evidence of yet another nuclear catastrophe reboot.

Here are some links to more information, as well as the video:


September 14, 2016 Update On Report Series
Hillary Clinton Declared Dead By WABC News Anchor
Possible Time Shift Living Dead Event

As previously reported: On Sunday, September 11, 2016, Hillary Clinton was attending the 911 memorial event in NY when she fell ill and collapsed while waiting to enter her van. Her collapse was an event that I had mentioned would happen, and that it would force the media - most especially the bias media - to deal with the truth about her health. This has come to pass, and is still a big topic on the news and in social media. But more importantly, this would force the biased media to deal with Clinton's continued behavior of covering up the truth instead of providing the truth. Her collapse opened a door that many believed did not need to be opened, because there was nothing behind the door. Clinton's attempt to cover up her illness had been working, until her illness was caught on tape by a citizen - and not a professional news person - or so the media is claiming none of them got her collapse on video. That remains to be seen. I have my doubts about that. This needs to be revealed, as well. Remember, truth can only be helpful, if that truth can get to the masses without being blocked or filtered.

But there is something else that happened that day, as some here have wondered about. It involved WABC news anchor Joe Torres starting his news broadcast with the words "We begin with Hillary Clinton’s death.” This high strangeness set social media on fire, with all manner of speculation and conspiracy theories. Whatever was going on, I saw something that no one has touched upon. But the first thing I had to do was determine if the newscast itself was authentic, or whether someone has done some tampering with the video of the broadcast. My research, which included going to the source – WABC 7 News –, I discovered that Joe Torres had indeed said those words. His words had not been tampered with. Furthermore, I discovered that what was on the news teleprompter read "We begin with Hillary Clinton’s health.” The word ‘death’ was not part of what he read. This means, that news anchor Joe Torres inadvertently said something that was not written for him to say. In fact, he did not even correct himself – which is something a newscaster would do immediately, if he or she had realized that they misspoke a word. That is just the way it is done in the news business. Therefore, do not repeat or promote the speculation put out by conspiracy theories.

Now that I was able to get to the bottom of things, which is revealing the facts in the matter, this left me with something else to ponder. It had to do with time line edits, and something that I call dual co-existing time line memories. Here is what might have happened. Every one of us, at some time, has misspoken a word. There are many reasons why that can innocently happen. Some misspoken words are categorized as Freudian slips, where someone says something unintentional, but in fact they are revealing subconscious feelings. Some think that fatigue or anxiety can be the cause of a misspoken word. But in this case, because of what the misspoken word denoted, there may be another source altogether – a memory of the events of a co-existing time line, which Torres didn’t even know he was remembering. Dual co-existing time line memory glitches happen more than people realize.

If a dual co-existing time line memory glitch is involved, then in at least one other co-existing time line – associated with the medical event that Clinton suffered on September 11, 2016 – Clinton died. In those other affected co-existing time lines, Joe Torres would have talked about that death on the air. It is doubtful that his memory is of her eventual death, somewhere way into the future. That would not have triggered this type of co-existing time line misspoken word gaff. If I am correct, then the version of Hillary Clinton that we have in this dominant time line is now a version involved in a Time Shift Living Dead event. As it happens, the August and September 2016 Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots, have spawned a cluster of Time Shift Living Dead events – some of which have been reported here, and some which have not as yet been made public. As I have reported, these reboots caused an evolved version of Trump to be edited into our dominant time line. This is the presidential Trump, as opposed to the pre-reboot and less evolved non presidential version of Trump. Realizing that this has happened with Trump, it is not unreasonable to assume that the dominant time line version of Clinton is also an evolved version. But in her case, her evolved version has not improved her as a presidential candidate. It has re-instated her as a living and not a dead candidate.

Remember what I have taught: All of us are edited versions of ourselves. This is a natural and unintentional consequence of time line editing. I am only focusing, on the various edited versions of Clinton and Trump, because of the life and death time looping circumstances that the election is tied to. The Core Matrix doesn’t engage in time line edits, because it has a human based agenda. It has no such agenda. As I previously explained, about the workings of The Core Matrix, Clinton and Trump are nothing more than editing elements associated with a nuclear catastrophe that The Core Matrix is trying to stop from time looping. The Core Matrix does not care about what humans do, unless what they do destroys the planet that The Core Matrix has resurrected. This is when the Prime Directive kicks in.

While Time Shift Living Dead events are a natural and unintentional side effect of time line edits, one involving either Trump or Clinton would take on special meaning. Why? Because I psi-saw co-existing time lines where Trump was sometimes the President and Clinton was sometimes the President. As I’ve explained many times, in my report series, when Trump is President the nuclear catastrophe is deterred and stopped as a time looping event. When Clinton is President, nothing is in place to stop of nuclear disaster from manifesting into our dominant time line. It comes down to the security policies of both candidates. Trump’s strong security policies act as a deterrent, and Clinton’s lax security policies create the environment in which the disaster manifests. This is a life and death crisis of global proportions. It is not only about the US. Read my reports for more details about this reveal.

In all of the co-existing times that I psi saw, as it regarded this nuclear catastrophe and who is President, my impression was that it came down to which candidate was voted into office – and not that one of the candidates died before election day. Even if that were to happen, one of the political parties would then be forced to sub in another candidate to represent that party. The opposition would not win by default. I just need everyone to understand that. The democratic party elite do not want to sub in a candidate for Hillary Clinton. They are wholly invested in her to put across their various agendas – which includes raising many millions of dollars for the party. She is a money magnet. Therefore, her party will continue to support her, regardless of what her health issues are.

When the larger Truth Reveal Energy Workings Mission is launched, a great deal more will be revealed – in all categories related to this election, and the nuclear catastrophe.

Here is information about The Time Shift Living Dead

CarringtonAuroras_1941  CarringtonEvent_1941

75 Years Ago September 1941
Multiple X Flares and Super Intense G9 Geomagnetic Storms
Bigger Than Carrington Event

Many of you know about the historic September 1859 geomagnetic superstorm known as the Carrington Event. When it comes to geomagnetic storm intensities, this is the one that people generally point to. But how many of you know about an even more powerful geomagnetic superstom that hit Earth in September 1941? Maybe a few of you know about it. Maybe none of you know about it. And yet, this incredible Earth impacting September 1941 multiple X flare triggered wave of geomagnetic superstorms is the largest one in recorded history. I want you to think about this for a bit. Just piece things together in your brain. Do you notice anything unusual here? 

I've taught that many geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers. They do not trigger Time Shifts, not do they trigger time line edits. They are Time Shift markers because geomagnetic storms are triggered by the same solar energy that triggers some Time Shift and time line edit activity. The September 1859 geomagnetic superstorm Carrington Event was a Time Shift marker. So was the September 1941 geomagnetic superstorm. Both of these Time Shift marker events were triggered by powerful X flares. The 1941 event's multiple X flares were directly Earth facing. 

The BxW photo, from the Mason City Public Library, shows what some of the intense and colorful auroras looked like in Iowa on September 18, 1941. The sketch of the X flare producing sunspot region, that fired off coronal mass ejections [CME] that triggered the wave of geomagnetic storms, was made on September 16, 1941 by the Mount Wilson Observatory in California.  

Just think about what I have taught you about The Core Matrix and its Prime Directive program, Time Shifts, co-existing time lines and time line edits. Go here to learn more about the existence of the 1941 event

North Korea's nuclear programme: How advanced is it?

  • 9 September 2016
  • From the section Asia



11:11 Time Prompt: What It Is and How It Works
The Brain-Core Matrix Interface Connection
September 18, 2016

A synchronicity event happens when a person experiences a thought, word, or image which is near simultaneously followed by the exact same thought, word, or image from a seemingly unrelated other source. Example: You are in a car driving down the highway. You have the radio on. The DJ says the word “fantastic”, and almost simultaneously you see a billboard with the word “fantastic” on it. A synchronicity event can even appear to be signs or messages. Example: You are talking with a friend while watching TV. You tell your friend about a problem you are dealing with. Your friend says “your problem will soon be solved”. Almost simultaneously, someone on the TV says “your problem will soon be solved”. In both instances, two separate – but matching - information streams present themselves at nearly the same time. They are synchronized. Hence the descriptive word synchronicity.

The 11:11 time prompt is also a synchronicity event, but of a slightly different type. Instead of the synchronicity examples I gave above, the 11:11 synchronicity matches information streams against the personal or global repetition of encountering the numbers 11:11. This phenomenon has been experienced by so many people, that it has led to a number of theories and explanations for what it is and what it means. As it turns out, none of those theories and explanations got it right. I know, because when I discovered The Core Matrix I discovered the real reason behind all synchronicity events – including the 11:11 time prompt enigma.

To understand the truth behind synchronicity, in general, it is necessary to understand what The Core Matrix is, what co-existing time lines are, and how our brains interface with The Core Matrix and those co-existing time lines. I’ve written at length on these topics, so this is only a brief reminder of the facts. In very simple terms: The Core Matrix functions like a hard drive, in that it stores and streams all of the data and elements that make up all co-existing time lines. The Core Matrix exists within the ergosphere, surrounding the black hole event, that pulled in most of the original cosmos from which we originated. The Core Matrix has tried – and continues to try – to resurrect our original cosmos. But it cannot, because it only has remnants of the original cosmos to work with. Because of this loss of source data, The Core Matrix is constantly searching for a way to fix what cannot be fixed. Its method of searching, for that fix, involves untold number of time line edits. This is why we experience Time Shifts and time line edits. This is why we always will. The Core Matrix has a Prime Directive, and that Prime Directive is to resurrect and preserve the original cosmos.

The brain is the interface to The Core Matrix, and through that interface we are connected to all streaming co-existing time lines. This is why the brain dreams. Yes, I discovered why the brain dreams. This interface is why some people experience precognition. Yes, I discovered the science behind precognition. They are accessing, and remembering, the information that comes directly from Core Matrix streaming data and co-existing time lines. Synchronicity happens when The Core Matrix is calibrating – or synching up – various related co-existing time lines. Remember, all co-existing time lines exist in the same space – and are only separated by their individual frequencies. They do not run parallel to each other. When this co-existing time line calibration occurs, synchronicities can and do occur. What a person experiences depends on how consciously aware they are. Mostly, people rarely notice these calibrations aka synchronicities. But when they do, the synchronicity event is obvious. Therefore, when you do experience synchronicity, you will know that co-existing time line calibrations are underway. In many cases, synchronicity is a marker that Time Shift activity is underway.

The 11:11 time prompt synchronicity goes one step further, because of the information that it is hiding in plain sight. The 11:11 numbers, and variations of those numbers, are directly related to the way our computers function. All computers communicate through combinations of 1 and 0. These are binary numbers. When an 11:11 – or any form of binary number appears in a synchronicity – this is The Core Matrix engaged in co-existing time line editing, as well as co-existing time line calibrations. But even more importantly, these synchronous binary numbers – like 11:11 - are a huge clue that The Core Matrix exists. Through my discoveries and research, I got the message. Now, you know too.

Now that you know, exactly what synchronicity – including the 11:11 time prompt - is, there is a little more to it from a human standpoint. Synchronicities can have personal meaning, but only if you are able to separate out a synchronicity that is unrelated to you and one that is related to you. This can be nearly impossible to do. This is why, it is a good idea, not to take any synchronicity experience as a personal sign or message – unless you are absolutely sure that is what it is. Too many people have been led astray, by wrongly believing a synchronicity experience is a personal message meant to be a guide. The same goes for the 11:11 experience. In addition, there have been some scams where dishonest people have tried to use the 11:11 time prompt enigma as a lure for the gullible. Let that be a red flag warning, when you see that lure.

The next time, you have a synchronicity or 11:11 enigma experience, you will know what is really going on. While some synchronicities may have personal meaning to you, the overarching message is that The Core Matrix exists and is hard at work calibrating and time line editing.  


Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits In Progress
September 19, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

A geomagnetic storm, which is concentrated in northern latitudes, began yesterday September 18, 2016. It calmed, and then returned today September 19, 2016. This may be the vanguard of an expected solar wind, or this may be all we get from that expected solar wind. 

Time Shifts, and time line edits, are also in progress. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts and they do not trigger time line edits. The reason, that some geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers, is because the same solar energy that triggers Time Shifts is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storms. 

Although this particular Time Shift does not appear to include a time line edit reboot, I have no doubt that all time line edits - between now and the November 8, 2016 US Presidential election - involve the time line looping nuclear catastrophe elements and potential fixes associated with the Presidential election.  


Geomagnetic Storm Goes Worldwide
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
September 20, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm, which began on September 18, 2016, has now expanded from northern latitudes to being worldwide. At one point, the solar wind was hitting Earth at 721 km/sec. I expect it to calm down shortly. Whether it intensifies again, after that, depends on what is going on with the solar wind.

Time Shifts, and time line edits, continued . Remember, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts and they do not trigger time line edits. The reason, that some geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers, is because the same solar energy that triggers Time Shifts is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storms.

Although this particular Time Shift does not appear to include a time line edit reboot, I have no doubt that all time line edits - between now and the November 8, 2016 US Presidential election - involve the time line looping nuclear catastrophe elements and potential fixes associated with the Presidential election.

HalLinden_9-21-2016  HalLinden_onStage_9-21-2016

Geomagnetic Storm Continues Day 4
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
Hal Linden Time Shift Living Dead Person
September 21, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm is now in day 4, although it is now back to being observed only in the northern latitudes - as can be seen in this NOAA k-index chart. Time Shifts and time line edits continue. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts and they do not trigger time line edits. The reason, that some geomagnetic storms are Time Shift markers, is because the same solar energy that triggers Time Shifts is the same solar energy that triggers geomagnetic storms.

Also of note: I am confirming that the actor, Hal Linden - who gained fame by playing the part of Barbey Miller in the TV sitcom of the same name from 1974-1082 - is alive again. He originally died about 5 years ago, but is now alive at age 85 - in this dominant time line. He shocked many people, when he suddenly appeared as a lead performer in the stage production of "The Fantastiks". This makes him a Time Shift Living Dead person. I began to get TSLD reports about him beginning in late August 2016, which was during the time line reboot wave. Over the past few days - during the Time Shift wave, those reports picked up and went into the high hundreds. This gap in time may have to do with the advertising that went out, recently, promoting him in the show. The publicity photos show Linden as he looked as Barney Miller, and as he looks today in "The Fantastiks".

To learn more about this enigma go here:

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.


Unexpected Geomagnetic Storm
One Day Before 1st Presidential Debate
Time Shift and Time Line Activity Suspected
Time Shift Triggered Earthquakes
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Going Strong
September 25, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

An unexpected geomagnetic storm swept over the Earth today September 25, 2016. It was not caused by a solar wind, or a coronal mass ejection [CME] - which are the 2 major ways that a geomagnetic storm can be triggered. This geomagnetic storm was triggered when Earth passed through a part of space called a heliospheric current sheet. This region contains regions of interplanetary space that contain opposite magnetic polarity. When Earth does this crossing, unusual conditions can trigger a geomagnetic storm.

This geomagnetic storm is interesting for other reasons as well. Usually, this type of geomagnetic storm would not be a Time Shift marker. This is because this type of geomagnetic storm is not triggered by the same solar energy that can trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Remember, geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shifts or time line edits. But, the timing of this unexpected geomagnetic storm - with the spotlight on 'unexpected' - comes a day before the 1st Presidential debate, which in turns comes only days after the joint Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission launched. As I wrote previously, this Presidential debate acts as an excellent arena to watch the truth reveal at work. I expect it to impact both candidates. However, if this geomagnetic storm was associated with a Time Shift and time line edits - especially if that time line edit was a reboot associated with the time looping nuclear disaster - then we are going to see an even more evolved Trump. Clinton would experience no such evolution, as I've described in my many reports related to this topic. This debate is a must see event.

To see, if there were any other Time Shift markers, which would help to determine if either time line edits - or a time line reboot had happened - one of the places I checked was the USGS for specific types of earthquakes. I found them. On September 24, 2016 UTC There was a 6.4 mag quake in Neiafu, Tonga. This was followed by a larger 6.9 mag quake in Ndoi Island, Fiji. Then came Earth crossing through the heliospheric current sheet, followed by the geomagnetic storms a day before the debate and only a day after the joint Astral Tagging truth reveal mission launched. As I previously shared, hese types of quakes often act as transferred energy releases, when the Core Matrix temporarily removes that time looping nuclear disaster from other co-existing time lines, Therefore, I suspect there has been another reboot.

CME_2016-09-26_165630UT_SDO-AIA-193_Brown  K-index_2016-09-Sept-26_1530

Unexpected Geomagnetic Storm Continues
On Day Of 1st Presidential Debate
Time Shift and Time Line Reboot Suspected
Time Shift Triggered Earthquakes Continue
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Going Strong
September 26, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The unexpected geomagnetic storm, that I reported about yesterday, is continuing. As I said, iIt was not caused by a solar wind or a coronal mass ejection [CME] - which are the 2 major ways that a geomagnetic storm can be triggered. This geomagnetic storm was triggered when Earth passed through a part of space called a heliospheric current sheet. This region contains regions of interplanetary space that contain opposite magnetic polarity. When Earth does this crossing, unusual conditions can trigger a geomagnetic storm. Check out this NOAA k-index chart to see what is going on with this geomagnetic storm situation.

There is a solar wind due to hit Earth in 2-3 days, possibly as early as September 28, 2016. This solar wind was released when a very large coronal hole opened on the Sun, and it has just rotated into the position of solar center disk. It is possible that this is the solar event hit, which happened in a previous co-existing time line, that was subsequently edited and/or moved with the latest time line edit reboot. Not only does the emergence, or this unexpected geomagnetic storm signal that something odd is going on, but the quake situation is continuing as well. Today it was a 6 mag in Japan. Check out the large coronal hole, in this latest SDO photo.

The timing of this unexpected geomagnetic storm - with the spotlight on 'unexpected' - began the day before the 1st Presidential debate, which in turns comes only days after the joint Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission launched. This unexpected geomagnetic storm is continuing on the day of the debate. As I wrote previously, this Presidential debate acts as an excellent arena to watch the truth reveal at work. I expect it to impact both candidates. If this has been a time line reboot associated with the time looping nuclear disaster, and not just a time line edit, then we are going to see the truth reveal working at this debate.

Both candidates will experience the truth reveal, because Astral Tagging truth reveals do not favor one candidate over the other. However, as happened starting with the August 2016 reboots, a more evolved version of Trump was edited into the dominant time line from other co-existing time lines. These would be the co-existing time lines where he was the President, which are the time lines where there was no nuclear catastrophe. Although there are also co-existing time lines, in which Clinton was President, the reboots never produced an evolved Clinton. This is because there is no evolved version of Clinton. Her presidential time lines give way to the nuclear disaster. As I reported many times, neither Trump nor Clinton launch a nuclear weapon. But Trump's security policies are strong and Clinton's security polices are weak - and this is the key to preventing the nuclear situation. The Core Matrix has no interest in who becomes US President. Its Prime Directive only cares about our world remaining intact. Trump is a key reboot element,toward that survival goal. This debate is a must see event. 


Unexpected Geomagnetic Storm Day 3
Day After 1st Presidential Debate
Time Shift and Time Line Reboot Confirmed
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Going Strong
September 27, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The unexpected geomagnetic storm is now in day 3, and has increased - in some locations - to a G3. As I said, It was not caused by a solar wind or a coronal mass ejection [CME] - which are the 2 major ways that a geomagnetic storm can be triggered. This geomagnetic storm was triggered when Earth passed through a part of space called a heliospheric current sheet. This region contains regions of interplanetary space that contain opposite magnetic polarity. When Earth does this crossing, unusual conditions can trigger a geomagnetic storm. However, it is highly unusual for this condition to sustain a geomagnetic storm for 3 days, no less cause it to intensify. Check out this NOAA k-index chart to see what is going on with this geomagnetic storm situation.

There is a solar wind due to hit Earth as early as tomorrow September 28, 2016. The geomagnetic storm, Earth is experiencing now, is not due to this yet to arrive solar wind. When all the the data is compiled, it becomes clear that this unexpected sustained geomagnetic storm is part of a Time Shift time line reboot. Its juxtaposition, with the 1st presidential debate - and the energy release of the afore mentioned earthquakes, points to a confirmation of a time line reboot and not just a time line edit. This would be a reboot, due to the time looping nuclear disaster solution that is tied to who becomes the next President of the US. See my many reports about this "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME".

I will discuss last night's presidential debate, and Astral Tag truth reveals associated with that debate, in a separate report.  


Expected Geomagnetic Storm Overtakes Unexpected GeoMag Storm
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Going Strong
September 28, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected geomagnetic storm has now overtaken the unexpected geomagnetic storm, that I've been reporting about. It is very interesting, because - as you can see in this NOAA k-index chart - these geomagnetic storms are seamless.This expected storm sources from that big coronal hole I reported on days ago. The uptick is: Time Shift time line edits continue

As things go, as of this latest Time Shift, I have not documented any Time Shift markers which would indicate a new time line reboot has happened. However, I suspect a reboot will happen before the next presidential debate on October 9, 2016. I will discuss the first presidential debate from September 26, 2016, and Astral Tag truth reveals associated with that debate, in a separate report. I'm still working on the report.  


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working Results
Amazing: Trump’s History Of Nuclear Concerns
September 28, 2016

As I was working on my analysis and report, of the first presidential debate from September 26, 2016, I came across a very interesting article from Time Magazine. It is information that I knew nothing about. The article is titled “Donald Trump’s Concern About Nuclear Weapons Dates Back Decades” and was published on the night of the debate. The article starts off “At the first Presidential debate on Monday night, Republican candidate stressed the importance of nuclear proliferation as an issue that will face the next President of the United States.” It continues to document Donald Trump’s concerns, about the dangers of nuclear proliferation, from as early as the 1980s.

This information is clearly a truth reveal, and is tied into the very heart of the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working. This report shows that Trump has always had a co-existing time line tie to caring about, and wanting to do something about, insuring nuclear safety. This further explains why Trump is a Core Matrix element to deterring the time looping nuclear catastrophe. His heart, soul, and mind were always in this place of wanting to be a part of helping.

My presidential debate report is coming soon.

Read the article here:

Read the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working here:


The current sustained geomagnetic storm has triggered majestic, colorful, and artistically expansive auroras. This aurora appeared in the skies of Alaska on September 28, 2016. Photo by Marketa S Murray


Geomagnetic Storm Day 5
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Physical, Emotional, and Mental Impact on Some People
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Working
September 29, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm is now in day 5, and has grown quite intense as it reaches G1 to G3 levels. You can see the activity recorded in this NOAA k-index chart. As a reminder, you are looking at 2 separate geomagnetic storms and not one that has sustained for 5 days. As I previously reported, the first geomagnetic storm was unexpected. The second one, which joined the first one seamlessly, was caused by a solar wind that was expected. 

Time Shift time line edits continue. As I write this, I have not documented any Time Shift markers which would indicate that a new time line reboot has happened. However, I suspect a reboot will happen before the next presidential debate on October 9, 2016. I will discuss the first presidential debate from September 26, 2016, and Astral Tag truth reveals associated with that debate, in a separate report coming soon.  


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working
First Presidential Debate Truth Reveal Results
Dangerous Media Bias Proven/Trump Proves He Is Presidential
FBI Warns About Poor US Security and Terror Through Immigration
September 29, 2016

This Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission has a number of sub missions, all of which are connected to stopping the time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting into our dominant time line. I explained, in detail – including in the mission instructions, why this feat is connected to Donald Trump becoming the next US President and not Hillary Clinton. The mission is about saving the world. By need and design, the mission is about finding and revealing the truth – much of it unknown to the public as yet – that will help people to vote Donald Trump in as President. The Astral Tag truth reveal does not force people to act upon the truth. People must make up their own minds, as to whether truth matters. And when I say truth – I mean actual truth - and not the disinformation and political spin masquerading as the truth.

One of the very important Astral Tagging mission goals is to get the truth to the masses. This means making sure that the truth, about each candidate’s fitness or unfitness to be the next US President, gets to the people without running into an information roadblock, blackout, filtering, editing, smear campaign, or news media and social media bias.

There is an old saying: “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” It is the same when it comes to truth. You can reveal the greatest truths on Earth, but that does not mean that people will accept and act upon that truth. People have their beliefs, comfort zones, and agendas. Truth is often seen as an enemy to their personal identity, way of life, and power base. Astral Tagging does not force people to do anything, except seize the opportunity that the truth provides. Those who are willing to step outside of their comfort box, who are willing to consider that a different level of knowledge exists, and who strive to lift the veil of illusion that may have kept them from actual truth are the ones who move the planet forward. This is a historical fact.

After a careful analysis of the first presidential debate – as well as other post debate information reveals, I have determined that the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working definitely made an impact. It is still going strong, and will continue to do so through the presidential election. There is so much truth reveal material, that there is no way that I can go into every single one of them. I’ve decided to share the major reveals, some of the related Astral Tagging mission reveals beyond the debate, plus provide a link to the debate transcript. You can find the unedited video, of the debate, on many sites. Just remember, that only watching debate clips are not the same as watching or reading the whole debate. It is too easy to promote a false agenda, by presenting clips of the debate out of context.

While the transcript is a big helper in accurate analysis, seeing the whole debate should not be missed. Seeing Clinton’s physical actions is particularly importantly, because she may have been using a signaling system as part of an under handed collusion to deny Trump a fair debate. Any of you who know baseball and how the pitcher signals to the catcher, or any of you military people who know signals from that arena, will immediately recognize Clinton’s face scratching and rubbing as a dead ringer for signaling. Was she? Her actions coincide with moderator Lester Holt’s moderating behavior. Coincidence? Does anyone here believe in coincidences of that nature – or at all? Aside from this repeated suspicious face touching action, other undeniable evidence from the debate proves that the debate was rigged against Trump. The debate was rigged to influence the US presidential election. Crime?

84 million or more people viewed the debate, which was moderated by NBC reporter Lester Holt. Understanding that the debate was rigged requires understanding of what a fair debate is, as well as having real knowledge about Trump and Clinton’s backgrounds, Clinton’s political history, and both of their presidential campaign policies. Someone who doesn’t know this information would have seen a debate where Clinton was very prepared, slick, knew the art of debate, looked physically strong, was in command, was overly smug, and had all of the right answers. They would have seen a debate where Trump did well for the first 20 minutes, showed that he understood the economy, and could go the distance while remaining presidential - but lost ground as he was forced down a defensive rabbit hole by Clinton.

It appeared that Clinton was very prepared and knowledgeable about debating, while Trump was only marginally prepared and did not understand the art of debating. Under-informed viewers would not have realized how many times Trump missed his many opportunities to turn the tables on Clinton, deflect her scripted comments away from him, and place some uncomfortable truths into Clinton’s court. This would have sent her down the rabbit hole. Had he been able to do this, it would have been a different debate. He was very weak on debate technique, while he was very prepared to discuss policies – which is what the debate was supposed to be about. Not only was Trump debating Clinton, he was also being forced to debate Lester Holt the moderator. This was unethical. But did it matter vote-wise? On line unscientific snap polls, which included millions of people, showed that Trump won the debate by a landslide. Professional scientific polls, of anywhere from 30 to 1,000 people, mostly showed that Clinton won. It was all a matter of perception and not substance.

Here is what really happened: The debate was designed to attack Trump, on mainly non presidential issues – although the questions were topical and legit. Those questions would have been okay, had Holt not favored Clinton by asking her zero hardball questions like he did Trump. Holt asked 15 questions exclusively of Trump, but only 2 questions exclusively of Clinton. Holt interrupted Trump over 40 times, while interrupting Clinton only a handful of times. This type of lopsided moderating went throughout the entire debate. Then there was the fact checking that Clinton kept prompting Holt to do on Trump. Holt obeyed, which was not his job. His fact checking on Trump was wrong 80% of the time. No effort by Trump could get Holt to stop with the incorrect fact checking. Yet Holt did zero fact checking on Clinton, even though she was wrong or misleading 80% of the time. Making the debate rigging even more obvious, Holt never asked Clinton questions about her habitual lying to the American people and to Congress, her claiming to champion women while taking millions of dollars from countries that treat women very badly, her private server and email national security breaches, her pay for play corruption with the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State, her voting for the Iraq war, the Benghazi deaths amid indifferent security, facilitating the rise of the worst terrorist group in modern history, her plan to import hundreds of thousands of poorly vetted refugees from terrorism hot spots, her health, and more. Holt handed the debate to Clinton – and the world watched.

In a related truth reveal, involving the need for national security, the head of the FBI told Congress that hundreds of terrorists would be entering the US over the next 5 years unless US security was tightened. They would get onto US soil through the refuges. It was obvious, that Clinton’s refugee plans are considered to be extremely dangerous to the security of the US. Trump’s security plans are in line with the anti-terrorism intelligence community. In yet another reveal, which I already reported on, Trump has been concerned about nuclear dangers since the 1980s.

Another truth reveal involved the evolved Trump, and his proving to people that he was Presidential material. This would be done in the debate. He succeeded. Not once did he resort to name calling. In fact, it was Clinton who did the name calling. Trump did not strike back. In fact, Hillary Clinton spent a great deal of time attacking Trump, while Trump spent a great deal of time discussing his policies and solutions.

The next presidential debate is October 9, 2016. The Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Working will be going strong through the presidential election on November 8, 2016. Right now, Trump is angry about what was done to him. But IMO, he could have avoided most of what happened – despite the rigging of the debate - had he understood debating techniques and been prepared for what was obviously coming. But this is an evolving Trump. I expect another reboot before the next debate. We’ll see what he learned, and what he does to get a solid debate win. Using smart debating techniques – and the truth – he can leap ahead. In turn, we have a better chance to avoid that time looping nuclear disaster.

In the first debate, we saw the best that Hillary Clinton can be. Within the confines, of a rigged debate, she was very good. However, the Trump that we saw was a still evolving Trump. He is nowhere near the best that he can be. Will he rise to the occasion, for the next debate and beyond? Time and truth will tell.

Go here to read the entire transcript:

Mark PaxonStarfire, your detailed AT truth reveal results report is stellar. Thanks for the link to the transcript. My wife and I could tell, watching the debate, Lester Holt was very one sided in his questions and fact checking. With the transcript I could go back over the exchange and confirm our impressions. You said the Astral Tagging truth reveal targeted both Trump and Clinton equally. Right now it looks like Trump is getting hit with old and new personal attacks from Clinton. This was her strategy in the debate and like you said it sent him down the rabbit hole. He's taking time to address the accusations instead of ignoring them and keeping going with his policy speeches. Is he down the rabbit hole again? Does there need to be another reboot to get him out of stuck mode on these things? Or do you psi see this as part of the timeline that gets him elected so that he can deter the nuke disaster?
September 30 at 7:49am

Starfire Tor  :  Mark - That's right. I warned everyone that the Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Working is unbiased, and would therefore target both Trump and Hillary per my instructions. While it seems a bit one-sided, because of what the Clinton camp is throwing at him, I know how Astral Tagging works. Much truth about Clinton has already come out. However, I also know that more is yet to come. Just as Trump, must be held accountable for anything he has done that would harm his ability to deter the time looping nuclear Catastrophe, the same goes for Clinton. It is already known that Clinton will not properly secure American safety, yet Trump will. Therefore, we must rely on the truth of the matter to lead the way for the sake of the world. I personally wish that Trump would quickly dispose of the Clinton attacks and put the focus back on her and his policies. I do not know, whether there will be another reboot before the next debate - and in that another more evolved version of Trump who hopefully can't be sent down the rabbit hole. However, that version of Trump may already be in this time line - but in the 1st debate his debating inexperience showed. I'll know for sure, based on how the 2nd debate goes. Sources separate from Trump's camp will reveal some very important truths about Clinton. Truth Matters.
September 30 at 2:31pm

Adrienne Dumasthere is an unreal amount of Propaganda surrounding the wars in the middle east, as well as anything having to do with Russia, and Trump should have mentioned the fact that in 2012 she helped to arm jihadists in Syria and that has really backfired in so many ways ... Obama continues to arm and train them, killing so many people there and recently the United States "accidently" bombed the Syrian Army. Obama and Hillary want to take out Assad, which there is more propaganda and lies against him, and Russia doesn't like it. If Hillary is the next President she will continue the invasion of the middle east, and it could lead towards war with Russia (and China) too. Even if it doesn't lead to a nuclear disaster, it is still killing so many innocent civilians and we are being fed so many lies. I am hoping these shifts work in our favor against that. To me it seems like whatever Trump has done in the past isn't nearly as dangerous or as corrupt as Hillary's past.
September 30 at 2:50pm

Dawn Redspiralhand
I want the truth to come out about the whole corrupt voting/governmental systems....not just about Cliinton & Trump.
September 30 at 4:37pm

Starfire Tor 
:  Dawn - If there are any voting irregularities, involving the current presidential election, then my Astral Tagging truth reveal will reveal the truth.
September 30 at 10:14pm


Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Energy Working
First Presidential Debate Truth Reveal Results
Separating Information From Disinformation
September 30, 2016

Yesterday, I reported on the truth reveals found in and around the first presidential debate on September 26, 2016. I proved that many of the Astral Tagging truth reveal goals had been met. One of those goals was to reveal the tremendous media bias that attacks Trump, while ignoring the extremely serious and harmful political issues that that are a documented part of Clinton's history. Also revealed, was the fact that Trump has the look and where with all to be President.
Read my report.

After the debate, many claims have been made about various ways that people believed Clinton cheated in the debate. I already covered and confirmed moderator Lester Holt's bias against Trump, while shielding Clinton from the hard questions. I supplied a link to the transcript. I brought up the question, about whether Clinton had used physical signals to Holt. I suggested people watch the debate video to see for themselves.

Other questions have arisen, and a big one came straight from Donald Trump. He complained that something was wrong with his microphone during the debate. His complaint was ridiculed by the press, by most news TV news outlets, and of course by Hillary Clinton. They all used Trump's broken mic claim to point out their contention that nothing Trump claims can be believed. In fact, this was a direct continuation of the treatment Trump got from both Clinton and Holt during the debate. Read my report.

But guess what happened today - 4 days after the debate? The Commission on Presidential Debates admitted that there were problems with Donald Trump’s audio. “Regarding the first debate, there were issues regarding Donald Trump's audio that affected the sound level in the debate hall,” The CPD could have and should have released this information immediately, instead of allowing Trump to be mocked for 4 days. Here is the thing: Since Trump was right, despite Clinton and most news media making fun of his claim, this opens the door to revealing what else the biased media has been wrong about when it comes to Trump.

Other questions, that people have raised concerning Clinton's actions at the debate, have to do with her podium and with her being audio connected to an off stage coach. Here is the thing: Now that Trump's bad mic complaint has been verified as true, it gives legs to the suspicions others have about her debate actions. Whether any of those suspicions are true or false still needs to be revealed. But because of the unfounded mic mocking, the other theories have gained a little more weight. The Astral Tag Truth Reveal working will reveal that truth as well. Let us see how things turn out. Photo of the debate from ABC News.

Here is one of the many articles and news videos about the the bad mic confession.

Starfire Tor  :  Be aware that the Clinton machine will be hitting Trump with more tapes on possibly raunchy things that he has said. This additional Astral Tagging Truth Reveal mission includes that problem.
October 9 at 11:31am

Mark Paxon :  Starfire, I've launched my Astral Tagging Truth Reveal orb again and added the new focus material for Operation Media Truth. You've again captured the pure essence of the challenge facing us all. It's the dark energy manipulating and controlling every aspect of power. I've read your instructions several times. Your understanding of how this dark energy works is something everyone needs to wrap their heads around. I'll be watching tonight's debate knowing what's really at stake. I'm sure the moderators don't have a clue. They only know one thing. Their marching orders are to destroy Trump because he's a threat. to the power brokers who sign their paychecks. They won't rick their own boat. They want to show "the boss" how well they follow orders. There'll be rewards I'm sure.
October 9 at 4:52pm

Karen Landers Count me in with the thousands of participants. I just finished getting done my Astral Tagging Truth Reveal. Starfire, what you wrote up was so perfect and filled with true information I'm amazed how you put it all together in such a short time. I'm nervous about what will happen in the debate. I have faith in miracles. I saw the Angels the talk about with the Astral Tagging participation. They are powerful and beautiful beings that really care about us. Their world is so different from ours.
October 9 at 5:17pm

Audrey Yow I definitely agree that Clinton was using some sort of signaling system. How extensive that was hopefully will be documented. It's also concerning that she might have had an earpiece to feed her answers to questions. That definitely breaks with traditional debate protocol which relies on the strengths (and displays weaknesses) of each participant
September 30 at 4:16pm

Thomas M. Miller Starfire, you hit it exactly. As a musician for over 40 years, I can confirm that there is nothing worse for a performer than to be unable to hear what the audience is hearing. It's a blind, helpless feeling. Imagine a sprinter trying to run with only one shoe. This was just one dirty trick among many. I hope Trump goes into the next debate prepared for this sort of underhanded trickery.
October 1 at 9:29am

K-index_2016-09-Sept-30_1230 CME_09-30_143924UT_SDO-AIA-211_Purple

Geomagnetic Storm Day 6
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Astral Tagging Truth Reveal Mission Still Working
September 30, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The geomagnetic storm is now in day 6, and has begun to finally diminish in intensity. You can see the activity recorded in this NOAA k-index chart. You can also see the coronal hole, from which the second geomagnetic storm came from. As I previously reported, the first part of this geomagnetic wave did not source from that coronal hole. The SDO photo shows that coronal hole as it exists now. 

Time Shift time line edits continue. As I write this, I have still not documented any Time Shift markers which would indicate that a new time line reboot has happened. I still suspect, that a time line reboot will happen, before the next presidential debate on October 9, 2016. 

The Core Matrix Prime Directive Co-Existing Time Line Reboots - Starting, August, 2016

Part 2 Core Matrix Prime Directive Co-Existing Time Line Reboots - September, 2016

Astral Tag Truth Reveal 2016 President Election Instructions

Learn more about Time Shifts:



All contents copyright ©2016   by Starfire Tor