

August, 2016  TIME SHIFT  ALERT

The Core Matrix Prime Directive Co-Existing Time Line Reboots

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured. 

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


The Core Matrix Prime Directive Co-Existing Time Line Reboots

August 12 at 5:36am

Many people have asked me to do this, so I am going to repost my "missing candidate" post. Please watch for it. It will help you all better understand the Core Matrix Prime Directive time line reboots that have been on-going - including for the past 10 days.

August 12 at 3:35pm

As promised: The following is a repost of my March 3, 2016 'missing candidate" post. The post includes important information about the missing candidate, what The Core Matrix is and how it works, and how The Core Matrix and its Prime Directive affects us. There are other tie-in posts, both before and after this one. Go ahead and seek them out by scrolling the wall - which acts as a vault of unique and important knowledge. Soon, I will be posting some very important information concerning the missing candidate,The Prime Directive, and the future of ourselves and the planet.

NOTE: Please do not reply, to this reposted report with your political opinions including any opinions on specific candidates, political parties, or US domestic or foreign policies and activities. Do not name names. Such opinionated replies have no value, as to this topic, and will be deleted. Keep your replies contained to the subject matter at hand.


Mind Blowing Time Shift Information
The Missing Presidential Candidate
Time Shift Time Line Edits
Affecting People, Events, History, and The World
March 3, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On February 13, 2016 I reported about a Time Shift phenomena, that is exclusive to February 13. Please re-read that post, as well as all related posts since then. Within that series of posts, I wrote that I had Time Shift information that was going to blow your minds - again. This is that mind blowing information.

NOTE: This report involves Time Shift activity, and the time line edits that have removed a very important Presidential candidate - without anyone knowing that this person ever existed. This time line removed candidate would have been the next President of the US. Now, this once and future leader is not here to step into his or her destiny - and this is an extremely harmful turn of events for the US and the World.

NOTE: This report is not a political opinion piece. Please do not reply, to this report with your political opinions including any opinions on specific candidates, political parties, or US domestic or foreign policies and activities. Such replies will be deleted. This report, and Time Shift situation, is not about any single person or group. The situation affects everyone and everything on a multi-layered. multi-time line, multi-dimensional, and worldwide level.

NOTE: Time Shifts, and time line edits, are not controlled by any person, group, or sentient beings. As I have taught, many times, Time Shifts and time line edits are a product of the Core Matrix Prime Directive. The Core Matrix is not a sentient being, or group of beings. The Core Matrix is a cosmic-like hard drive that has pulled together the remnants of a universe that we used to exist in, but long ago was absorbed and torn apart my black hole activity. The Core Matrix began as the ergosphere around a black hole. The ergosphere is distorted energy that drags space and time around the black hole. The ergosphere has the ability to capture physical elements, before those elements are completely swallowed by the black hole. Our existence is solely based on our being the remnants of the universe that we were once part of, prior to being swallowed by the black hole. These remnants were collected, sorted, and rebooted in the ergosphere around that black hole. This action begat the Core Matrix. The Core Matrix stores and streams all co-existing time lines, as well as the elements contained in all co-existing time lines. In an effort, to re-recreate the original universe - which is the Core Matrix's Prime Directive, which in turn is driven by the original spark of life programming - the Core Matrix tries out various editing actions in an effort to re-create a perfect match. Because the Core Matrix only has remnants to work with, re-creating a perfect copy of our original universe is not possible. Because the Core Matrix is driven by the spark of life programming, it does not recognize that recreating the original universe is impossible. So it continues trying for a perfection that can never be. This is why we will always experience Time Shifts, and time line edits.

On February 13, 2016 I reported about a Time Shift phenomena exclusive to February 13. Please re-read that post, all related posts since then. I told you all that I had Time Shift information that was going to blow your mind - again - and this is it.

In order for you all to understand the significance and gravity of this mind blowing information, it's important that you all become aware of the US Presidential campaigns that are underway right now. Even if you are not US citizens, this Time Shift information impacts you as well. It impacts the entire world. Why? Because Time Shift time line edits have edited out the actual candidate that was to become the next US President - and this male or female candidate is not anyone who is campaigning for President in this current time line. This missing candidate may have never been born, in this co-existing time line. This missing candidate may have lived and died, before being able to enter the campaign in this co-existing time line. Or perhaps this missing candidate never achieved a life position that enabled him or her to even consider running for President. One thing is for sure: In previous co-existing time lines, this missing candidate became President. More importantly, this missing candidate was the person the US and the world needed to be the US president at this time in history.

How can I possibly know this? It's simpler than you think. In fact, I believe that many of you already suspect that something is very 'off' about the current presidential campaign. If you have been paying attention, you have seen - historically speaking - some of the wildest, wackiest, and most dangerous campaigning ever seen before. It is so bizarre - and getting more bizarre with every passing hour - that the news media, politicians, and people in general simply can't wrap their heads around it. They makes excuses, to explain the bizarre antics and situations, but none of these insights hits the mark beyond a superficial level. They can't, because they do not know that the entire campaign weirdness is fueled by a series of Time Shift generated time line edits that have removed the Alpha Candidate. With the Alpha Candidate removed, a gaping political hole was created that naturally had to be filled. When there is this kind of a edit, something will be edited in to try and fill the gaping hole. This, then, creates an alternative time line that is vastly different than the co-existing time lines that preceded it. Since none of the current or dropped candidates, can compare to the missing Alpha candidate, this opens the time line door for strangeness and chaos to surface and dominate. This is what you are all witnessing, with this current Presidential campaigning and election.

The hardest part, about Time Shift research - besides my initial discovery of Time Shifts et al, is determining what exactly has been edited in and out of various co-existing time lines. This isn't easy, beyond an understanding of the Time Shift markers that herald that a time line edit has occurred. Among Time Shift markers, there is one that rises in significance above the rest. This is the marker that indicates that there is an 'invisible' force acting upon people, events, and history itself. You see, in the world of science, many discoveries have been made by simply observing actions that have seemingly invisible triggers. For example, the wind isn't something that can be seen. Yet, we know that the wind exists because we can see the actionable effect that it has on physical objects that we can see - such as blowing leaves around. Planets and moons, have been discovered, because other objects around them were seen behaving in an unusual way.

So who was this Alpha candidate, and can this Alpha candidate be found and 'resurrected' in time to take his or her rightful place? I do not know. I can glean very little, except in general terms. Much depends on whether this person is alive, well, and in a position to step forward from out of the shadows. This is likely someone who has never run for President before. He or she may be a politician, but again may not be. It really doesn't matter, because if this Alpha candidate is alive and steps forward, he or she will be the obvious choice of the majority. But it's difficult, because of the complex way in which Presidents are elected. A candidate can get the majority of popular votes, but still lose by not have the majority of delegate votes. Therefore, this Alpha candidate - if he or she is alive and viable - must step into the spotlight within days, and most certainly before more caucus voting is done. I can tell you all one more thing, about the Alpha candidate, and it is that he or she is not a Democrat. Why? Because the Alpha candidate needs to fix many of the serious problems brought about by the current administration, which is Democrat. Only a non-Democrat would even consider shaking up the party to which they owe their allegiance. This does not mean that one party is better than another, because they are not. The party is only as good as the candidate is good which means wise to all things domestic and foreign, smart and successful in handling it all, being an excellent leader for both civilian and military, and not putting their ego or political agenda ahead of properly taking care of real issues great and small. An Alpha candidate and President would stand for Truth, Justice, and Freedom.

Most importantly, the Core Matrix does not focus on or care about the politics of our world. The Alpha candidate was not edited out, of the current time line, for any reason other than he or she was caught up in an unrelated time line edit. Such edits happens all the time, but are rarely noticed in such an extreme way as this missing Alpha candidate.

I hope you can all appreciate what I have shared here. Perhaps, simply by sharing this information, the reveal can help to bring forth the missing Alpha candidate - should he or she be alive and viable as a candidate.

Most importantly, the Core Matrix does not focus on or care about the politics of our world. The Alpha candidate was not edited out, of the current time line, for any reason other than he or she was caught up in an unrelated time line edit. Such edits happens all the time, but are rarely noticed in such an extreme way as this missing Alpha candidate.

I hope you can all appreciate what I have shared here. Perhaps, simply by sharing this information, the reveal can help to bring forth the missing Alpha candidate - should he or she be alive and viable as a candidate.

Repost Of Material Related To The Missing Candidate Enigma
And The Core Matrix Prime Directive Reboots and Time Line Edits
August 16, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On August 12, 2016 I reposted a March 2016 report about The Core Matrix Prime Directive, how it all works, and the missing candidate. That report was only one in a series of informative reports that I have posted before and since then. Before I post my updated report, on the topic, I want to give everyone a chance to come up to speed on the information necessary to understand what I'm talking about.

This is why I'm reposting my Feb 16, 2016 report about the death of Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia. He died on February 13, 2016. This event is a Time Shift marker, tied to the larger information involving the missing candidate, The Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots and time line edits, and the repeated Nuke disaster and its tie in to the current 2016 presidential election. It would also be, in your best educational interest, to seek out and read more of my related reports.

Unique Information Found Nowhere Else
February 13 Time Shift Enigma and Precognition Evidence
February 16, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday I told you, that I was going to blow your minds - and here is the evidence that is going to do just that. So read and be amazed, because I am. On February 13, 2016, at 6:10am ·PST, I posted a very special report titled "Special Time Shift Day In Progress ...". Please re-read this original post, and then read this major update. The Time Shift enigma information, that I am sharing with you, is absolutely unique and not found anywhere else. It is known only by me, because it is a part of my long running Time Shift research.

When I posted my February 13 special enigma post, I thought long and hard about sharing this unique information. Obviously I've known about this enigma for years, but this is the first time that I have ever publicly talked about it. Part of my decision to do so came from my desire to get more of my knowledge to the world. Long ago I proved the scientific significance of my discoveries and research, so I was confident that this February 13 enigma report would be respected - not necessarily understood - but respected. What I did not realize, at the time, was that hours after posting my information would be physically validated. But even more so, this validation would also include confirming that my post itself contained precognition elements. My being able, to psi-see future events, is nothing new and is well documented publicly. But until this latest evidence manifested, I had no idea that the information in my post would become prophetic.

I do want you to read the entire original post, to fully understand the enormity of the whole thing.. Here's a part of it: " ... The Time Shift activity, which is so unusual about February 13, is associated with a confluence of history, events, and people. Time Shift markers, which I'll re-give the list of below, is generally related to personal Time Shift experiences even when these experiences are beyond your own life. But on today, history itself is edited in a way that changes how the time line presents the entire make-up of our world. This includes politics, scientific discoveries, countries, people, and power. This is the day that people and their work and ideas, who are prominent in their fields, do a disappearing act. ... Just keep this in mind: People cannot control time line edits, nor can they trigger Time Shift activity. Something else is going on. This is a very complex and important part of Time Shift research, ..."

Generally, the February 13 Time Shift enigma can not be entirely traced through any ordinary list of time line events - although such lists are immensely important and helpful. More specifically, my knowledge is massed by following the trend of Time Shift time line edits and how that has impacted and changed co-existing time lines. But ever now and then, an Feb 13 enigma happens that is so 'in-your-face' that it's impact on the world cannot be denied. No one has to know, about Time Shifts, in order to see and grasp the connection between the date and the world changing event.

This 'in-your-face' event happened on February 13, 2016 when it was reported that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in his sleep at a ranch in Texas. Many of you may not know who this man was, but I suggest that you find out. It doesn't matter which country you live in, because this event is changing the world on so many levels. The main change will be impacting who will become the next president of the US, and that - in turn - impacts the whole world. The moment Scalia's death was announced, the political quagmire and fight for political power began. What also began were conspiracy theories. Yet not one of those conspiracy theories has a clue about what really happened, and that it is part of the Feb 13 enigma and Time Shifts. This means that no person or group orchestrated the death. Something did, but a sentient being regardless of species.

It is quite clear, that upon Scalia's death, my post became one of precognition. Documentation shows that I posted many hours before the man's body was even found, which was later that day in relation to my post. I did not mention Scalia by name, in my post, only the February 13th date of political upheaval that would happen with the disappearance of someone who had great political power. Because of this, and because all precognition is due to how the brain remembers other co-existing time lines [the brain-Core Matrix interface], I now realize that my urgent need to post about the February 13th enigma was being driven by the part of my brain that had a recollection of Scalia's death on that date. 


Go here to learn more about Antonin Scalia, and why his death will reshape American politics - including the race for president.

"Justice Antonin Scalia's death quickly sparks political battle"

August 18, 2016

The following is information that you need to know, in order to better understand the importance of my missing candidate report - as well as The Core Matrix Prime Directive co-existing time line reboots that we went through in August 2016. Those time line reboots involve catastrophic nuclear activity, and what we can do to help prevent it and remove the danger from getting re-edited back into any co-existing time line. Yes, I am convinced that there is something that we can do about it. If I thought, that there was nothing that could be done to prevent this catastrophe, I would have remained silent. The Core Matrix cannot continue to create a reboot, every time the Earth is subjected to this nuclear catastrophe. If nothing realistic, is done to prevent this time looping nuclear disaster, The Core Matrix will soon run out of time line editing options, that are used to reboot the planetary time line - minus the nuclear catastrophe.

The opportunity, to prevent this nuclear disaster, rides on which person becomes the next president of the US. I’m talking about the 2 main candidates. Any others are obsolete. One of the two candidates creates the policy and environment, in which the catastrophe happens. One of them prevents the policy and environment, so that the catastrophe never comes to pass in our time line. I know which is which, and I will be revealing that soon. My report is not about politics, and the games that power brokers play. My report is about the missing candidate, how power brokers have taken advantage of this candidate being missing, the nuclear catastrophe that stems from this situation, and how one of the candidates is the only one that can and will prevent the nuclear catastrophe from manifesting in our dominant time line. Therefore, please do not reply with your opinions of the two candidates. Such an opinion is irrelevant. Facts are what matter, and they need to be linked into the Prime Directive reboot situation. Do not post political propaganda. Such replies will be removed.

After great study, which includes years of Time Shift and other data collecting, I now know that the solution is entangled with the current 2016 presidential elections in the US. Please read my earlier reports for information orientation and substance. This report, which I’m posting in parts, will contain information that you have never heard from me - as well as connecting the dots with information that I have already shared. It is up to you, to read and absorb this information. This includes my previous explanations of how Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, co-existing time lines, time line edits, and The Prime Directive reboots work.

The information, that I have gathered - and from which I glean critical knowledge, comes from a variety of sources. A big part, of the information that I pull from, is related to my Time Shift research. From this I look for patterns, of information, that are repetitive. This includes matching up thousands of Time Shift events and Time Shift markers with historical events, time line looping, individual precognition experiences, and global psychic experiences. All of these sources stretch out over time. None of my conclusions were determined from a single incident, nor are they clustered in only one arc in time. My unique knowledge gathering is immense, and what I share with the public is only a fraction of the research and knowledge that I have. August is not the only month of reboot activity involved in my research, and therefore determinations on this catastrophe. However, for the purpose of helping you to understand better, for now I’m limiting the Prime Directive knowledge to the month of August – which is when the latest wave of time line reboots took place.

As I have explained, in previous reports, The Core Matrix acts as the bio mechanism that stores, edits, and streams all co-existing time lines. The Core Matrix has one over arching program, and that program is to restore a Cosmos that was nearly totally absorbed into a massive black hole. That Cosmos was our original existence. The Core Matrix, which was formed within the ergosphere surrounding that black hole region, captured and stored some of that Cosmos’s elements before they could be drawn into that black hole. Within those elements there was enough ‘spark of life’ energy to trigger a Cosmos rebirth process. Although The Core Matrix had only Cosmos fragments to work with, it none-the-less has tried and tried to re-create a whole Cosmos from the fragments that it retained. This effort is doomed to failure, because The Core Matrix will never have the entire blueprint from which to re-create the original Cosmos.

The Core Matrix developed a program that I dubbed The Prime Directive. The Prime Directive kicks in when there is a catastrophic threat to any part of the Cosmos. The loss of even one planetary system, such as planet Earth, can trigger The Prime Directive. When that catastrophe happens, The Prime Directive triggers time line edits, intended to restore what was lost in the catastrophe. This results in not just time line edits, but in an entire reconstruction and reboot of The Core Matrix Cosmos. All Core Matrix co-existing time lines are real, as are we, meaning that they are not holographic or the like.

I knew that we were experiencing reboots, based on the pattern of information that I had gathered and gleaned. The bigger challenge was to try and determine what was triggering so many reboots – 12 days of reboots. I discovered that there was a pattern of August nuclear activity, over the years. On top of that, back in 2000 I had a confirmed precognition event concerning the destruction of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk. Click on the link to see the report and evidence. At the time I had no idea why I would have a precognition dream about the death of Kursk and crew. Now I know. The nuclear submarine Kursk went down August 12, 2016 – the same month – but a different year - as the August 2016 reboot wave.

I checked the known historical records, and discovered that the nuclear bombs, that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan, happened on August 6, 1945 and August 9, 1945. They are the most devastating nuclear blasts ever let loose on mankind. The date, of this double act to end WWII, coincides with the wave of reboots. Other historical August related nuclear incidents, through the years, include: the August 10, 1985 reaction explosion of an Echo class Soviet nuclear-powered submarine; the August 21, 1945 nuclear accident at Los Alamos National Laboratory; the August 5, 1950 Non-nuclear detonation of an atomic bomb at Fairfield Suisun-AFB in California; and many more nuclear incidents in August throughout the years.

Then there is the Carrington Super Storm event of 1859. By observation it began on the Sun on August 28, 1859, and continued through September 2, 1859. This was the most powerful geomagnetic storm ever recorded. Time Shift markers, from that time, indicate that The Core Matrix Prime Directive was triggered in the manner of time line reboots. However, this Carrington August connection does not point to a super geomagnetic storm as being the themed cause of the current August 2016 time line reboots. The majority of evidence points to the cause of the reboots as being nuclear. The Sun generates its energy through nuclear fusion. 

I just had a very vivid OBE about a submarine disaster. I came upon the submarine as it’s disabled on the sea floor and listing. There’s a gaping hole in the bow portion. I move inside the sub, where I can see carnage. I am sick over what I see, because there are body parts and shredded body parts.…


Auguest 23, 2016 

To fully understand, the critical information that I am sharing, it is important that you read all parts of this report. Only then will you understand the importance of my missing candidate report - as well as The Core Matrix Prime Directive co-existing time line reboots, that we went through in August 2016. As I already revealed, those time line reboots involve catastrophic nuclear activity that has ravaged other co-existing time lines unchecked. The Core Matrix’s Prime Directive has been engaging in massive time line editing repairs, known as reboots, in order to resurrect our planet – as best as can be done, without major nuclear damage. The Core Matrix can only perform this feat a limited number of times, before it runs out of editing elements that can usefully reconstruct Earth and the life upon it.

Based on the information, that I have gleaned - sources of which I have already explained, I know for a fact that there is something tangible and absolute that we as a people can do to fix the nuclear time looping devastation problem once and for all. I know, for a fact, that the solution is tied into which of the two main candidates is elected as the next US president. Elect the right candidate, and the policies and action that are put into place are what prevents the nuclear disaster. Elect the wrong candidate, and the policies and action taken, will create the conditions that enable this nuclear disaster to happen in our dominant co-existing time line. Once that happens, there are no reboots. The good news is, I know which candidate is which. I will be revealing this all important identify soon. But before I can make this reveal, I still need to show you more of the data and research that is the foundation of my information and conclusions. As for the missing candidate, that person will not appear to save the day - or the planet.

Please do not reply with your opinions of, or propaganda about, either of the two candidates. Such opinions are irrelevant. Such replies will be removed. Facts are what matter, and those facts need to be linked into the Prime Directive reboot situation.

The reboots, in question, occurred in August 2016. I previously revealed, how the month of August - regardless of the year, experienced nuclear incidents and events – including the historic nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now, there is more August nuclear themed situations in the news. The first piece of nuke news involves an unconfirmed report, that the US moved its nuclear weapons from where they were based in Turkey. Whether true or not, the fact that the story made news in August is important. Just as important, I bet most of you had no idea that the US had nuke bombs parked anywhere outside of the US, especially in an area of dangerous conflict and attacks and a recent coup attempt. Believe me, I understand how someone in the US administration thought that this positioning was a tactical deterrent to other nuke powers. But look how vulnerable the set-up is. The risk, of having these nukes get into the wrong hands, just challenges all common sense. Here’s a link to the story. Just remember, that as of this writing the story is unconfirmed. Check out this article, will tries to make sense of the unconfirmed report

NATO Nukes in Romania: Rumor Mill Vs. Reality

Region: ,
In-depth Report:

Unconfirmed reports regarding the US moving nuclear weapons it reportedly maintains at Incirlik Airbase, Turkey to Romania (a NATO member since 2004) made the rounds last week. It is just one of many stories surrounding the apparent fallout between the United States and its stalwart ally and fellow NATO member, Turkey.

Following a failed coup in July, Turkey has accused the US openly of orchestrating the attempted overthrow of the government. Despite this, US forces continue operating from Turkish territory, and according to official reports, American nuclear weapons remain in Turkey.

But what if they were being moved? And if not to Romania as Romanian officials insist, to another NATO members state, what would this mean? And if they are not being moved, who started this rumor and why?

NATO Nuclear Sharing 

The US currently maintains nuclear weapons in a number of NATO countries (Turkey, Belgium, Italy, German and the Netherlands) under a “nuclear sharing” program that dates back to the Cold War. The impact of joining this program is politically and strategically significant. There are risks and responsibilities involved with hosting US nuclear weapons, and those nations that seek to opt out once in the program can struggle for years before these weapons are finally removed from their territory.

A 2009 Der Spiegel article titled, “Yankee Bombs Go Home: Foreign Minister Wants US Nukes out of Germany,” highlights just how difficult this can be, especially considering that as of 2016, US nuclear weapons remain in Germany, and as Deutsche Welle points out, new weapons may even be on their way.

According to a 2010 paper by The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) titled, “NATO’s Tactical Nuclear Dilemma” (PDF), part of the reasoning of maintaining nuclear weapons in Europe and Turkey is to give the NATO alliance “credibility” as well as discourage nuclear proliferation both within NATO and beyond it.

The paper postulated that the removal of nuclear weapons from Turkey could unbalance the region strategically and spur nuclear proliferation from Iran to Saudi Arabia and perhaps even force Turkey itself to seek its own nuclear weapons. In regards to Turkey, the paper concluded that maintaining US nuclear weapons there was desirable both for Turkey and for NATO.

Possible Reasons for the Rumors
Considering what were perceived to be the consequences of removing nuclear weapons from Turkey in 2010,  the transferring of US nuclear weapons to Romania now would be serious indeed. Thus, floating rumors of the weapons being moved could have been aimed at pressuring Ankara to make concessions regarding any number of current US projects in the region, the most prominent of which would be its ongoing proxy war against Syria, Russia and Iran.

Another possibility may have been to simply add credibility to claims that US and Turkish ties are strained, even unraveling. This might be perceived as necessary considering the lack of actual, quantifiable fallout seen on the ground in Turkey in regards to a continued US presence within its territory, as well as on the ground along the Turkish-Syrian border.

This geopolitical subterfuge might be aimed at Russia and Syria as a means of drawing them in before an inevitable betrayal.

US nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey and throughout Europe have always been somewhat secretive. In the RUSI paper words such as “reportedly” are used in reference to the number and location of US nuclear weapons across the region. This secrecy makes rumors regarding US nuclear weapons and their potential movement from Turkey to Romania particularly attractive in terms of extorting geopolitical concessions and manipulating public perception as they are difficult to confirm or deny.

Rumors Vs. Reality 

However, the perceived implications of the move have already been placed in the minds of many.

But regardless of these rumors, the reality of US-Turkish ties remains to be seen on the ground, in Turkey, at Incirlik Airbase, at America’s sprawling complex in Ankara where a variety of diplomatic, political and military activities are organized from and along the Turkish-Syrian border where US forces and various armed proxies are still operating.

When Ankara begins taking concrete steps toward truly ending the war in Syria, such as cutting off supply lines that have fed US, European, and Persian Gulf-backed militants for years, resulting in the collapse of militant forces particularly in Idlib and around Aleppo, there may be proper impetus to make the prospect of transferring US nuclear weapons out of Turkey more believable.

Likewise, should Turkey begin incrementally removing the large presence of US military and diplomatic personnel from its territory to levels more proportionate to those seen in non-NATO member states, the idea of the US moving its nuclear weapons out of the country will not seem so far fetched.

However, even if Turkey wanted to take all of these steps, it would not be easy to immediately implement them. Much of what constitutes current US-Turkish ties has been in the making for decades, forged during the Cold War and tempered further in its aftermath. And if these decidedly smaller steps are difficult to initiate, larger steps like transferring nuclear weapons and altering the geopolitical and strategic lay of an entire region are even more so.

With this in mind, we should consider these rumors as possibly coercive in nature, and even more so, possibly meant to manipulate public perception into believing the fallout between Turkey and the US is greater than it really is. Regardless, when really put into perspective, the possibility of the US transferring nuclear weapons from Turkey to Romania is still just that, rumors.

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

There was another nuclear themed event that actually did happen on August 21, 2016. This did not make it into any main news outlet. You are only finding out about it because I am providing the information to you. The information sources from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and an emergency that was declared involving the St. Lucie nuclear reactor. The emergency involved the loss of offsite power, causing the main generator to trip. This caused a lockout, which in turn put the reactor in danger of malfunctioning and meltdown. Fortunately, a backup system eventually kicked in, and the situation was corrected before a meltdown could occur. Here is the source of that alert information, which is a web page changes on a daily basis.

Power Reactor Event Number: 52191
Region: 2 State: FL
Unit: [1] [ ] [ ]
RX Type: [1] CE,[2] CE
Notification Date: 08/21/2016
Notification Time: 20:14 [ET]
Event Date: 08/21/2016
Event Time: 19:37 [EDT]
Last Update Date: 08/22/2016
Emergency Class: UNUSUAL EVENT
10 CFR Section:
50.72(a) (1) (i) - EMERGENCY DECLARED
50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL
Person (Organization):

Unit SCRAM Code RX CRIT Initial PWR Initial RX Mode Current PWR Current RX Mode
1 A/R Y 35 Power Operation 0 Hot Standby

Event Text


At 35 percent power, a main generator lockout caused the main generator to trip, resulting in a reactor trip of Unit 1. Because of the lockout, power did not transfer to the startup transformers. Both emergency diesel generators started and aligned to the emergency busses.

During the trip all control rods fully inserted and no safety or relief valves lifted. The plant is in Mode 3 steaming through the atmospheric relief valves and feeding the steam generators using auxiliary feedwater. There is no reported primary to secondary leakage. Primary coolant is being moved using natural circulation cooling.

The trip of Unit 1 had no effect on Unit 2. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Notified DHS SWO, FEMA, DHS NICC, and Nuclear SSA (via e-mail).


The Unusual Event was terminated at 2125 EDT after the plant restored normal offsite power.

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Notified the R2DO (Sandal), IRD (Gott), NRR EO (Miller), DHS SWO, FEMA, DHS NICC, and Nuclear SSA (via e-mail).


"On August 21, 2016 at 1926 EDT, St. Lucie Unit 1 experienced a reactor trip and a loss of offsite power due to a main generator inadvertent Energization Lockout Relay actuation. The cause of the lockout is currently under investigation. Coincident with the loss of offsite power, the four reactor coolant pumps deenergized. Both the 1A and 1B Emergency Diesel Generators started on demand and powered the safety related A/C buses. All CEAs [Control Element Assemblies] fully inserted into the core. Offsite power to the switchyard remained available during the event, and at 2036, restoration of offsite power to St. Lucie Unit 1 was completed. Decay heat removal is being accomplished through natural circulation with stable conditions from Auxiliary Feedwater and Atmospheric Dump Valves. Currently maintaining pressurizer pressure at 1850 psia and Reactor Coolant System temperature at 532 degrees F.

"St. Lucie Unit 2 was unaffected and remains in Mode 1 at 100% power.

"This report is submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) for the reactor trip and 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) for the Specified System Actuation."

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Notified the R2DO (Sandal).


"On August 21, 2016 at 2330 EDT, St. Lucie Unit 1 started two Reactor Coolant Pumps to establish Forced Circulation in order to enhance Decay Heat removal. Plant conditions remain stable with Auxiliary Feedwater and Atmospheric Dump Valves in service.

"This report is submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(c)(2)(ii) as a follow up notification of protective measures taken."

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Notified the R2DO (Sandal).

In Report Three, I will be revealing the name of the candidate who can and will prevent the nuclear catastrophe that I have been writing about. As I previously reported, this nuclear catastrophe is the planet ending and life ending event that the Core Matrix Prime Directive August reboots has been dealing with. The nuclear catastrophe event continues to time loop, and therefore continues to re-manifest into various co-existing time lines. Soon, the Core Matrix will run out of editing elements, with which to create co-existing time line reboots that do not contain the nuclear event. That is the urgency of this matter. The good news: This time looping event can be stopped, once and for all. The save is tied into which candidate becomes the next president of the US. Since the missing candidate will not arrive to save the day, the save stands on the merits of which of the two main candidates – once elected as president - creates the policies and conditions that deter the pathway for the nuclear catastrophe to occur. One of the two main candidates will create the needed deterrent, while the other one will create a pathway for the nuclear catastrophe to happen. This, in turn, affects the entire world.

In Part One, I talked about my personal precognition abilities. Relating to the theme, I showed how I correctly had a very detailed precognition event, about the August 2000 sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk. It’s important that you understand that I have this gift, and that the gift is very accurate. This is because, along with the historical and Core Matrix facts that I’m sharing, some of my information sources from my ability to psi see future events. My gift is an intel asset, and it can and has saved lives.

My Kursk precognition involved a single event in time. But as you will learn, my precognition abilities go far deeper than being able to psi see a single event. I am able to psi see whole arcs of time, including entire years and more. At the end of 2009, both on line and through Whitley Strieber’s show, I let the public know about nine historical events that would happen in 2010. These events were very specific and unique. All nine events came to pass, and can be reviewed on my website. One of these precognitions involved the death of a country’s president in a plane crash. It happened. Just like I could psi see these many future events, I have also psi seen which 2016 candidate is the one who creates the policies and the environment that deters the nuclear catastrophe once and for all. You can read my original precognition, about the 2010 fate of another president, here

PART THREE is coming soon. The report will reveal which candidate must and will win - as it relates to the Prime Directive reboots, the missing candidate, and a nuclear catastrophe that can be averted.

In a cross reference to prediction # 7, President Obama had to cancel his flight to go to the funeral because of dangerous flying conditions.


August 24, 2016

To fully understand, the critical information that I am sharing, it is important that you read all parts of this report. Only then will you understand the importance of my missing candidate report - as well as The Core Matrix Prime Directive co-existing time line reboots, that we went through in August 2016. As I already revealed, those time line edit reboots involve catastrophic nuclear activity that has ravaged other co-existing time lines unchecked. The Core Matrix’s Prime Directive has been engaging in massive time line editing repairs, known as reboots, in order to resurrect our planet – as best as can be done, without major nuclear damage. The Core Matrix can only perform this feat a limited number of times, before it runs out of editing elements that can usefully reconstruct Earth and the life upon it.

As I write, Part Three of this report, it is August 24, 2016. Today, more Core Matrix Prime Directive nuclear disaster reboots have occurred. More than these reboots, may have recently occurred. But, what has happened today has left obvious and deadly Time Shift markers. These reboot Time Shift markers are indicators, that The Core Matrix Prime Directive driven reboots – and the voting day to select a new US president in November 2016– are converging. This should not come as a surprise, given the urgency and election deadline associated with the matter – which I have previously explained.

Today’s reboot Time Shift markers came in the form of two deadly earthquakes, which coincide with the geomagnetic storm and Time Shift activity which I reported about yesterday in my August 23, 2016 Time Shift activity post. Today, there was a deadly 6.2 earthquake in Italy, followed by a deadly 6.8 earthquake in Burma. My report was posted before these earthquakes began shaking. I want to remind everyone that geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shift activity, nor do they trigger earthquakes. Just because some earthquakes happen, when there is a geomagnetic storm, is not evidence of one causing the other. Time and time again I have posted evidence proving my point. Most large earthquakes happen when there are no geomagnetic storms occurring. That is just a fact. If geomagnetic storms triggered significant earthquakes, then there would have been a significant earthquake on every day of the twelve consecutive days of the August 2016 wave of geomagnetic storms. As it happens, there was only one significant earthquake on only one of those days – and that earthquake was related to the time line editing reboot. Because there are thousands of earthquakes a year, above a 4.6 magnitude, some are bound to happen when geomagnetic storms are happening. In all magnitudes, there are millions of earthquakes a year. This alone, proves that geomagnetic storms do not trigger earthquakes.

I’ve made a point, to remind everyone about geomagnetic storms not triggering earthquakes, so that I can bring you back on track – in case any one of you has fallen for that geomagnetic storm-earthquake disinformation. The reason is, this geomagnetic storm was triggered by the same solar energy that has triggered the Time Shift. It is the Core Matrix reboot that has triggered today’s deadly earthquakes. In my many Time Shift Activity reports I give you the following information about Time Shift markers, in part “Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events.” Not all earthquakes are tied to time line edits – but many are. Today’s deadly earthquakes are connected.

The current geomagnetic storm is a Time Shift marker, and these earthquakes are also Time Shift markers. These types of earthquakes occur as a result of The Core Matrix engaging in ultra complex time line editing, which then leads to a discord in reconstructing planetary frequencies into a harmonious and seamless frequency system. When this type of time line editing frequency discord happens, which is tantamount to a time line editing glitch, earthquakes – which are frequency generating – happen. Most of these time line editing earthquake glitches are small, and aren’t even felt. But when there is Time Shift reboot activity, which is often accompanied by geomagnetic storm activity, the Time Shift triggered earthquakes can be significant. Another example of this was the killer 9.3 earthquake and tsunami, that struck Indonesia, on December 26, 2004 UTC. Geomagnetic storms were active at that time, as were Time Shifts – as I reported back then. This earthquake was Time Shift triggered, and was also a Prime Directive driven reboot.

As a reminder: Time Shifts do not purposely cause earthquakes. No human person or groups, or other being or beings, controls The Core Matrix. Nor does any one person or any group - regardless of origin - have the ability to trigger or control Time Shifts, co-existing time lines, or time line edits. The Core Matrix does not trigger time line edits to favor any person, group, country, ideology, or way of life. Therefore, all of these Time Shifts are not some human or ET plot to control the world in some way. You can drop that idea.

There is something else, about these Time Shift earthquakes, that I want you to know. Energy is a force that cannot be destroyed. Energy can be transformed and transported, and even absorbed - but it cannot be destroyed. When The Core Matrix engages, in these Prime Directive driven reboots that deal with the time looping nuclear disaster, the energy from that nuclear disaster cannot be destroyed. In a time line edit reboot, the energy it represents must - in some way – remain embedded in the time line. Considering the powerful energy, that a significant earthquake gives off, it is possible that today’s earthquakes were associated with the energy from the edited out nuclear catastrophe. Today’s earthquakes, and their frequency discord time line editing glitches, are indicators that The Core Matrix is struggling to keep the nuclear disaster from becoming a fixed and immovable embedded event.

I know that I wrote, at the end of Part Two, that my next report would reveal which candidate was the one who could prevent this nuclear disaster - once elected. Because of today’s extremely serious Time Shift markers, I needed to make this report about them - and share more about how The Core Matrix reboot program works and affects the current time line. I will reveal the champion candidate, in my next report.

As always: Please do not reply with your opinions of, or propaganda about, either of the two candidates running for the US presidency. Such opinions and propaganda are irrelevant, and will be removed. Facts are what matter, and those facts need to be linked into the Prime Directive reboot situation.




Tomorrow, August 26, 2016 PDT, I will be publishing
Part Four of my report

This report will contain the big reveal. I will be identifying which US presidential candidate supports the policies and environment that prevents and halts this time looping nuclear catastrophe, and which candidate supports the policies and environment that creates and/or maintains a pathway for this nuclear catastrophe to happen.

Given what is at stake, this entire chain of reports is the hardest sharing of information that I have ever undertaken. It weighs heavily on me, to get it right. Not only will I be sharing, this critical life saving information, but I will also be sharing how you can best use your energy to help save lives. If I could not do that, I would never have shared information about The Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots involving this nuclear problem.

I suggest that everyone read what I have already written, in my chain of related reports, so that you can have the best chance at understanding the veracity of my information.

August  26, 2016

In this report, I am revealing which presidential candidate will protect us from a nuclear disaster, and which presidential candidate will not protect us from the nuclear disaster. I am also revealing – for the first time - a lot more information, about how the Core Matrix and co-existing time line edits and reboots work. The knowledge, which I am sharing, is very powerful. I have been carrying, the responsibility of this knowledge, for a very long time. Now, I am passing this knowledge on to you. Treat this knowledge with respect, and use it wisely.

Because of my special skill sets, which include my many psi abilities - in combination with my ability to discover, research, and understand all manner of hidden and mysterious scientific enigmas - I cannot be swayed or fooled by political deception, political propaganda, fake political claims and narratives, news reports that slant information to favor one candidate over another, information spinning by candidate mouthpieces, political conspiracy theories, or how sincere and convincing a candidate may appear. I can see through it all. I can see hidden political agendas – and the power behind those hidden agendas. The problem is global, and the manipulation of politics is controlled by an elite group of known people who only care about their own personal power and wealth. Theirs is a dark force energy, and the entire planet is their playground.

Please do not reply with your political opinions, of the two candidates, nor with any political propaganda. Such comments are irrelevant, and will be deleted. You can reply, with information and questions about the two candidates, if the information and questions are factually based and relate to the topics that I have outlined through my many reports.

To fully understand, the critical information that I am sharing, it is important that you read all parts of this report. Only then, will you understand the importance of my missing candidate report - as well as The Core Matrix Prime Directive co-existing time line reboots, that we went through in August 2016. However, just because these reboots happened in the month of August, does not mean that the nuclear catastrophe also happens in the month of August. Time literally shifts from co-existing time line to co-existing time line.

As I already revealed, those co-existing time line edit reboots involve a catastrophic nuclear event, that has ravaged other co-existing time lines. The Core Matrix’s Prime Directive has been engaging in massive time line editing repairs, known as reboots, in order to resurrect our existence – again and again, as best as it can – after this nuclear disaster. All co-existing time lines share the same space, but get their individuality through their different frequencies. All co-existing time lines, including those that have been retired after being edited, continue to exist. They continue to stream, because their energy cannot be destroyed. Also, The Core Matrix uses these older versions to compare and learn from. Neither The Core Matrix, nor Time Shifts and time line edits, can be triggered or manipulated by any person, people, or group.

There are an untold and vast number of retired co-existing time lines. Because of this, and because our brains interface with The Core Matrix and its many co-existing time lines, The Core Matrix must protect our brains from a fatal dose of data overload. This is the main reason why, The Core Matrix, only allows us to collectively be consciously aware of a single co-existing time line at any given time. Of course, as has been proven through human experience, it is possible to briefly access other co-existing time lines, now and then. Millions of people do it, every day in so many ways. This is the source of the dreaming brain, psychic abilities, visions, precognition, Reality Shift manifestations, and more. The co-existing time line, that is the single time line that we collectively consciously recognize, is called the dominant time line. It is the dominant time line, that needs saving from this time looping nuclear disaster. All other, retired co-existing time lines, remain as is.

Unfortunately, this destructive nuclear event continues to reinstate itself into the latest dominant time line – no matter how many times the dominant time line is recreated. This activity is an editing glitch called time looping, where removed events return and continue to repeat. This generally happens, because The Core Matrix originally identified the editing target as a fixed event in the time line. A fixed event is one from which other world changing events are connected. One fixed event gives rise to the next fixed event, and so forth. But all fixed events can be unfixed, if the Prime Directive detects that a fixed event is a planet ending threat – such as this nuclear catastrophe. Unfixing, a time looping event, depends on how anchored the reboot is in the dominant time line. To be solidly anchored, the reboot must remain a part of the global consciousness. Otherwise, even a mundane time line edit can create an opening where the removed fixed event – like this nuclear one – can reinstate itself in a rebooted dominant time line. This is the situation, that is driving all of these August 2016 nuclear catastrophe reboots, and The Core Matrix can only perform this reboot feat a limited number of times. Eventually, The Core Matrix will run out of workable editing combinations. When that happens, the fixed event will remain fixed, and the nuclear catastrophe will happen in our dominant time line. This is why the right candidate must become president, and by ‘right’ I mean the one who is the deterring element to this nuclear disaster.

The US presidential candidate who, when elected, will support the policies and environment that prevents and halts the time looping nuclear catastrophe is - Donald Trump. The US presidential candidate who, when elected, will support the policies and environment that creates and/or maintains a pathway for this nuclear catastrophe to take place is - Hillary Clinton. In every single co-existing time line, in which this nuclear disaster happens, Hillary Clinton is the President. In every single co-existing time line, where the Core Matrix Prime Directive reboot has been enacted – and the nuclear disaster has been edited out of the co-existing time line - Donald Trump has been the President. In the matter, of this nuclear catastrophe, Donald Trump equals safety and Hillary Clinton equals danger.

Here is what this information means: Every time the nuclear event manifests, into a co-existing time line, the Prime Directive kicks in. When it does, The Core Matrix saves us by reconstructing a new dominant time line that does not contain the nuclear event. This extreme time line editing is called a reboot. A big part, of this reboot, is to not only reconstruct our existence, but to do so by utilizing already existing elements that will prevent the disaster from repeating. Existing elements, is all The Core Matrix has to work with. Since the missing candidate, cannot suddenly appear to save the day – because this candidate does not exist in a way that The Core Matrix can utilize – the two remaining viable elements are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There are other elements, being edited in an out - obviously, but those two candidates are strongly attached to either preventing or not preventing the nuclear catastrophe. The Core Matrix Prime Directive program determined that Hillary Clinton was a fatal security danger, which is why her time lines as President always include the nuclear disaster. The Core Matrix Prime Directive program, also determined, what workable security element would stop that nuclear disaster from ever taking place. That security strength, that was edited in, was Donald Trump as president. In the context, of how a reboot works, both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are viewed as only resource elements. Neither The Core Matrix, nor its Prime Directive program, has any concern for the politics of our planet. Its only concern is to restore the Cosmos, and by association us. I have already explained this origin and process, in an earlier post associated with the missing candidate.

It is also important to cross verify the accuracy of this reboot information, by looking for documented related substance. The best way, to do that, is to look at the candidates themselves. Has Hillary Clinton announced a political platform, that would identify her as either a security threat or a security protector? Has Donald Trump announced a political platform, that would identify him as either a security threat or a security protector? Putting aside their personalities and controversies, what do they themselves reveal about their platforms?. The reveal is stunning, and matches with the information that I gleaned in my precognitions. Here is a Hillary Clinton security red flag, that is so obvious, that it defies all common sense. Following in Obama’s mold, she wants to allow hundreds of thousands of war-torn refugees to come to the US. Yet, she knows that these refugees cannot be safely vetted, in that the US cannot know who they really are. Although most of them are the innocent victims, of those who want to destroy the US, every competent military expert has warned that this refugee surge will be used as a Trojan Horse for US enemies to infiltrate America. The red flag goes higher, because Hillary Clinton – as Secretary of State – was part of the administration that caused the refugee problem in that country. This is known and documented. There are other terrible problems, with her refugee plan. However, I’m only focusing on the part that affects her judgment and questions her true agenda concerning US security. Her refugee plan weakens US borders, which in turn makes the US more vulnerable to attack.

On the other hand, Donald Trump advocates for secure US borders. Regardless, of whether you agree or disagree with his methods, his intent is to keep America safe. He is using common sense, which is to make US borders strong, and the immigration vetting process realistic for the times. He still has some kinks to work on that. What I psi see, is that he’ll get there. This explains, why Donald Trump became an editing element that prevents the nuclear catastrophe. There are many more examples, that document the same points concerning the candidates and how their political platforms affect US security matters. This documented information, is a match to the Prime Directive information. There is no question about that.

There is more going on, with these candidates – obviously - and it matters that you know what it is. Politics can be a very emotional topic, where passions and beliefs are often manipulated to win voters through illusion and division. With the missing candidate unavailable, both of the two main candidates are the least liked or trusted in election memory. Because of what I am sharing, I have taken on the task of showing you a completely different way of thinking about both candidates. I want you to understand, how absolutely critical it is that Donald Trump be elected as the next President of the US. Yes, I know that he suffers from a compulsion to verbally strike back at detractors. Yes, I know that he has said things - and may do so again - that are incredibly dumb and clueless. He has even caused whole groups of people to hate on him. But this man truly wants the best for America, and all American citizens – despite his earlier politically incorrect blunders and offences. He is not a racist. I know this, because I have also psi seen this when he is the President of the US. With every reboot, involving the nuclear catastrophe, he has evolved as a person and candidate. He has surrounded himself with excellent advisors, who will stick with him and keep his patriotism on the right track. He will still take pokes, at certain world leaders and situations, but they act to help restore the world’s view of America as a global power to reckon with. He will never be perfect, but he is the president who will fend off this nuclear catastrophe – and so much more. Trump’s politically incorrect verbal strikes, and his earlier lack of understanding campaign tactical planning, has been both Trump’s strong and weak suit. With the reboot clusters over, he has been able to get onto the right campaign track.

Most co-existing time lines have Trump as the President. Hillary Clinton only appears in those time lines that contain the nuclear disaster. In those time lines, her presidency is cut short. Why? Was it a nuclear situation, or had something else caused her to be removed as President? I found that to be very curious, because normally this would mean that the Hillary Clinton presidential time lines would never stick as a dominant time line. As President, she is a dead end. Yet, as I’ve reported, her presidential time lines do stick - until she reaches that dead end, or the reboot happens. What is going on? I knew, that this meant, that there had to be a powerful energy entangled with and supporting Hillary Clinton. This energy had to be so powerful, that it could manipulate the US into electing a candidate that is clearly a danger to US security. What or who was this powerful energy, supporting Hillary Clinton, and why was it so invested in making her the president?

There was only one way to find out, and that was to unleash something that would cause the truth to rise to the surface. Candidates, campaign insiders, politicians, and news organizations were all for digging for dirt. But the energy that I knew, that could cause this truth reveal, sourced from the psychic realm. This energy came with a strict moral and ethical code, meaning it had to impact all of the candidates, and not just selected candidates. The truth reveal energy had to be impartial, and the truth reveals themselves had to be documented and proven beyond all doubt. I psi saw, that the best way to get the best presidential outcome – including that involving the prevention of the nuclear disaster – was through the power of truth. The challenge there, wasn’t the successful launch of such a truth seeking energy – because that type of energy has a remarkable tract record in solving crimes and other mysteries. The problem has always been, overcoming the dark energy that would keep that truth from being acted upon properly. For too many, truth is an inconvenience that interferes with their plans. Politics is fraught with secret agendas where truth has no place.

I have it, on good authority, that this psi sourced truth revealing energy was launched a while back. While I’m sure, that many others were working hard to uncover what they could, things started getting interesting shortly after the truth energy mission was launched. It was, as if, a Pandora’s Box - with Hillary Clinton’s name on it, was opened. At the very least, this truth energy was helping others succeed with their truth searches. Bit by bit, the truth about Hillary Clinton’s political behavior is seeing the light of day. E-mails, that she and her camp have tried to either hide or dismiss as nothing of import, have turned out to be very important indeed. They reveal the truth, about the true Hillary Clinton – and it’s a terrible truth involving her pay for play corruption as Secretary of State, her political and personal deceptions and habitual lies, her concealment of Clinton Foundation corruption through the use of a private server, her lying to Congress, and more. This opened, Pandora’s box, cannot and will not be closed – nor the contents brushed under the rug by her powerful supporters and enablers. The jig is up, and more truthful reveals are still to come. If she were to ever, become the president, was her presidential; term ended because she was indicted and convicted of any of her activities? Or is something else going to do it, such as her health? That issue, on whether she is hiding something regarding her health, will not remain hidden.

When it comes to Donald Trump, and the truth reveal energy, he did not escape unscathed. There is the matter of the Trump University lawsuit. Whatever happens there, the truth will be known. Even the plagiarism, regarding his wife’s convention speech, was caught. However, what has – so far – been revealed does not even rise to the level of Hillary Clinton’s corruption and danger to US security. This does not excuse Trump, for any problem business deals that he may have been involved with – if proven. Such a business deal would hurt other people, and that is not acceptable. However, there is no realistic comparison between Hillary Clinton’s laundry list of terribles and Donald Trump’s laundry list of terribles. These terribles must be weighed, one against the other, because one of these people will be elected as the next president.

Here is one more thing, that I want you to be aware of. Hillary Clinton is supported by a power machine, that controls the way most news outlets and publications present election news. This means, that the controlled media slant their news to favor Hillary Clinton and demonize Donald Trump. These Clinton supporter news outlets, will focus on a word or sentence that Trump says – whether non-controversial or controversial – and turn it into a news story. The type of unbalanced coverage, is intended to create anger and hate toward Trump - while they ignore the real message that Trump is giving, Trump talks about very specific common sense things that he will do for all Americans, when he is President. He covers all of the bases with specifics, and not politician speak. I bet most of you do not know this, about Trump’s plans as President. Of course things aren’t perfect, and some things are still evolving, but then no other presidential candidate has ever put out such a comprehensive plan for the public to see. I know, because I listened to both Trump’s and Clinton’s speeches.

Part of this controlled, news media’s unbalanced coverage, also acts to deflect attention away from covering Clinton’s now exposed corrupt and deceptive activities. The only news channel, that I know of that covers election news fairly, is FOX news. Pay no attention, to the faked propaganda that FOX news is a joke and shouldn’t be listened to. That propaganda was started, and is still perpetuated, by the power group that does not want the people to have access to the truth. They only want you to have access to the information and the narrative that they control. This power group does not control FOX news. Do continue to see what the other major news outlets are doing, too. Then you’ll understand what I am talking about. If you do not do this, then you will not have access to unfiltered reliable information.

This elitist power group, that manipulates politics and information in the US, is the group that desperately wants Hillary Clinton in as President. This is the power group that desperately does not want Trump to be President. Think. Use your common sense. Why do they want Clinton and not Trump? One of their attack ads uses fear mongering, in an attempt to scare away voters from Trump. Here is the irony: That add says that Trump cannot be trusted with the US nuclear arsenal. Yet, it is Hillary Clinton who puts the US in nuclear danger.

Here is something very important to understand. The power machinery, that protects and supports Clinton, has not been disrupted since 2008. They know how to fight dirty, and corruption and manipulation is their normal way of being. What kind of a person could possibly fight back, against a power like that, and dismantle a big chunk of their operation? What kind of a person, does it take, to terminate their control of the presidency away from them? Of the sixteen other candidates, vying for the Republican nomination, several of them were people who could have made good presidents. And yet, Trump beat them all. He beat them, because he used unexpected and sometimes very rough tactics. And he won the nomination, on his own dime. Although some of those candidates were good and competent people, not one of them could have stood up to the power machine that is backing Hillary Clinton. She would have been a shoe in, and there would have been no one with any chance to protect the US and its people. Donald Trump, is the sort of man, who can take on that power machine and win. He has done it, in many a time line. You may not like him, for some of the past incredibly dumb things that he has said, but he is the man who can prevent Clinton’s corruption and deception from taking over the White House. Trump is the candidate, who can stop the nuclear catastrophe. Ironically, Clinton has an attack ad that claims that Trump cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes. Of course, he can. 

Trump   Hillary

If you would like to know, how to use your energy to help stop the nuclear catastrophe –as I have outlined in my series of reports - whether using your own skill set,or joining your energy with the truth reveal energy, let me know by replying back to this report. If the feedback is positive, then I will put the information in a further report marked “REPORT FIVE”. Otherwise, this report is it – and I have given you all a gift. As I said, respect the information and use it wisely. 

Update on Part Five, Truth Reveal Energy Mission
August  29, 2016

I am working on developing a system, whereby anyone who wants to can join my truth reveal energy mission. I already have a system in place - obviously - that I already use. But with so many different people joining, who have so many different energy skill sets, I have to broaden the system to be inclusive. That takes a bit of thought, time, and energy.

In the meantime, please re-read the entire related series of reports again. Why? Because the better you understand the situation, the better the results will be. Here is something else to think about. My truth reveal energy technique is about uncovering and releasing the truth. This means that the energy is neutral and unbiased, and does not favor one outcome or person over another outcome or person. For many people, this is something that they don't do or encounter in their energy work. This is not a general peace on Earth energy working.

My truth reveal energy technique is a very focused goal oriented energy working, nor does it dictate the outcome of the campaign. In this presidential campaign, considering the life and death stakes over the nuclear catastrophe fixed element, the more truth there is the better. The truth can cut through the fog of deception and manipulation, wherever it is being used to promote lies and corruption. Not only does truth, need to be the deciding factor in this campaign, but an overwhelming amount of truth is needed to overcome the dark energy that is tricking people into thinking that the truth doesn't matter. Truth matters.

August 30, 2016

Questions for everyone, to help me shape my Part Five truth reveal energy work associated with my "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME"

In order to manifest, the best possible neutral and unbiased focus of the truth reveal - keeping the nuclear catastrophe in mind - I am formulating a list of important data and definitions. I am looking for the US presidential components, which are needed for the next president to have in order to be successful in keeping the US and the world safe from that nuclear disaster. I am searching for the components, that match what The Core Matrix Prime Directive recognized and used to edit out the nuclear disaster, as part of its reboot activity. The truth reveal energy working will focus on these components, and in doing so, publicly reveal who has what assets. Because the truth reveal incorporates both Trump and Clinton equally, neither one can escape the truth reveal. The truth will reveal – as it has been doing since the initial smaller launch – which candidate [Trump] can and will deter the nuclear disaster, and which candidate [Clinton] creates and/or maintains conditions that create a pathway for the nuclear disaster to happen.

So read what I need, below, and if you have anything helpful to add please reply back with your suggestions. Remember that this is generic neutral information, and does not slant toward either Clinton or Trump. Also, you do not have to be an American to add your intelligent opinion. The nuke problem will affect everyone, even though the fixed event is determined by who becomes the next US president. Read Part Four, and all of the reports, to learn more. I am not interested in your political views – for the sake of hearing your political views – and I am not interested in political propaganda or disinformation. Such replies will be deleted. I am only interested in saving lives.

1. What character traits, and leadership skills, must the next president of the US have in order to deal with the current state of the US and the world?

2. What are the most important domestic security issues, facing the next president of the US?

3. What are the most important global security issues, facing the next president of the US?

4. What are the most important group or individual issues, facing the next president of the US?

5. Does the next US president need to be passionate about America, and helping its citizens to live better and safer lives?

6. Does the next US president need to support and defend the Constitution of the US?

7. Does the next US president need to demonstrate accountability for their actions, both past and current.

8. Does the next US president need to demonstrate accountability for their words, both past and current.

9. Does the next US president need to be honest with the American people?

10. Does the next US president need to present a strong America, both domestically and abroad?

11. Does the next US president need to strengthen and re-grow the military, in order to keep America safe both domestically and globally?

12. Does the next US president need to support tactics that win the war on terrorism?

13. Does the next US president need to strengthen and increase law enforcement - including better training and vetting of officers, as well as providing better tactical gear - in order to keep citizens safe?

14. Does the next US president need to support a strong and fair justice system, as well as significantly reduce crime?

15. Does the next US president need to have a realistic plan to help heal race relations?

16. Does the next US president need to remove Obamacare, and replace it with another healthcare plan that provides better services to US citizens?

17. Does the next US president need to significantly improve veteran’s health care services?

18. Does the next US president need to repair the economy, create new jobs, support businesses, bring jobs back from other countries, and reduce the national debt?

19. Does the next US president need to create jobs that lift the poor out of poverty?

Mark Paxon:   I think there're many areas that count. Looking to the nuclear catastrophe that's time looping, IMO the #1 trait would have to be security. The candidate that can prevent the disaster is the one that keeps America safe. Next would be fixing the economy and job creation that helps low income and jobless people finally earn a living and get out of poverty. I'm big on justice for all. So I see that as important too. The healthcare issue is important too. The truth reveal mission has to get this information to the people. That means overtaking the political bias that most media are playing at. 

September 4 at 9:25am

September 2, 2016
Update for Report Five of my Time Shift series

I have been working hard, on putting together Report Five, which contains the awaited Truth Reveal Energy Working. This truth reveal, which I've already talked about in previous August 2016 posts, involves setting forth an easy to follow protocol by which energy can be utilized to successfully save the planet from a time looping nuclear catastrophe. Only one of the candidates, Donald Trump, is the president whose security policies act to deter the disaster. Hillary Clinton is the president whose security failures support the policies and environment that allow a pathway for the nuclear catastrophe to happen. This is why, who wins the 2016 US presidential election, determines whether this nuclear disaster is stopped from time looping into our dominant time line - or becomes a fixed element that cannot be stopped. So far, The Core Matrix Prime Directive has been causing time line edits that remove the nuclear disaster in a complex action that has rebooted the dominant time line many times. These reboot saves have a limit. Read the above mentioned series to learn more about this.

My greatest challenge is to make sure that this truth reveal is only focused on revealing the truth, and not about information or candidate manipulation. My truth reveal energy protocols act to give the world the truthful information, that is needed, to make informed decisions about who Americans vote for on November 8, 2016. Since I've already shown, why and how I know that Clinton as president is such a dangerous security choice. It is The prime Directive reboot, that consistently repairs the nuclear damaged time line by putting Trump in as president - while removing Clinton as president in the disaster affected time lines. Now that we as a people, are consciously aware of this life and death dynamic, we as a people can use our energy - and for Americans, our votes - to use truth as a communication tool to get America to elect Trump over Clinton. This is not just about the US or Americans. A nuclear disaster affects the entire planet.

As part of truth reveal protocols, I am creating something that I call front loading concepts and images. The main front load is something I previously posted a questionnaire about. I am putting together a piece, which outlines what and who a presidential candidate must genuinely be, in order to be the best US president in today's world. It is this description, from which the truth reveal gets its mission focus. It is this truth reveal that proves which candidate measures up to the 2016 presidential description. But revealing the truth is not enough. The truth reveal must also get the truth to the people. Truth doesn't go far, if no one knows that the truth exists. This is why this truth reveal must also break through all of the media, campaign, and information manipulation that keeps too many people in the dark.

I have no doubt, that this truth reveal mission will succeed in revealing the truth. My solo truth reveal venture has already been helpful. But with all of you joining in, our combined truth reveal energy has a better chance of making the truth count by getting the truth to the masses. There are 2 months, before the election. In a world of Time Shifts, time line edits, and reboots - we can get this done. Truth matters, so let us get that truth to be the power that saves the world.

September 4, 2016
Update for Report Five of my Time Shift series

As I'm putting together, the Part Five truth reveal energy working protocols, I am reminded that there are pieces of information that I still need to get out to you. One of those pieces of information, that is not contained in my other reports or updates, reveals who unleashes the time looping nuclear catastrophe. The other piece of information, that is not contained in my other reports and updates, is how The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots changed both Trump and Clinton. Please watch for this update, because the information contained will help you better understand what is going on. Also, read all of my previous reports, updates, and related material. No one single entry could possibly explain the entirety of what is going on. Since knowledge is power - get powerful.

September 5, 2016 Update On Report Series
How The Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Edit Reboots
Affected Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, And The World

To fully understand, the information contained in this extended report, you must read all of my previous reports and related material in my series “CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME”. The reports begin on August 18, 2016. My information is unique, complex, and involves The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots concerning a time looping nuclear catastrophe.

This nuclear disaster can be stopped, but it depends on who becomes the next president of the US. The last thing, that I want to be doing, is talking about politics. That is just not something that I do publicly. Personally, I have zero faith in politicians and am justifiably wary of all of the current candidates. But because of what I know – based on my ground-breaking discoveries and research, as well as what I have psi seen, I made the decision to go public with my information. I put my reputation on the line to do this. I did so, because my own morals and ethics code would not permit me to remain silent. I am dedicated to using my intellectual and psi abilities to save lives. That is what I am trying to do right now.

As I previously revealed: If elected, it is Donald Trump who ends up preventing the nuclear disaster. If elected, it is Hillary Clinton who ends up creating the pathway for this nuclear disaster to happen. She does not push the button, and for that matter neither does he. The difference between them is their stance and policies on security, both domestic and abroad. His security policies work. Her security policies do not work. It is that simple. Their ideologies and agendas, and therefore their policies, are set in stone regardless of the time line. This is why all time lines, in which Hillary Clinton is President, are the ones that contain the nuclear disaster. This is why all time lines, in which Donald Trump is President, are the ones in which a nuclear disaster does not happen.

One of the pieces of information, that is not contained in my other reports or updates, reveals who unleashes the time looping nuclear catastrophe. The other piece of information, that is not contained in my other reports and updates, is how The Core Matrix Prime Directive time line edit reboots affected both Trump and Clinton. Here is that information.

Who is responsible for setting off the nuclear catastrophe?

There is not just one country, group, or person responsible for setting off this nuclear disaster. Every time there is a time line edit reboot, in which The Core Matrix works out a way to scrub the affected time line of the disaster, the energy signature of the nuclear event re-asserts itself in another dominant co-existing time line. This happens because – as I’ve already explained –the event is a fixed event that is connected to other fixed events. Every time, The Core Matrix, removes the disaster from one co-existing time line, the disaster pops up in another dominant co-existing time line. Also, energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed or relocated – even if that transformation or relocation involves other dominant co-existing time lines. Regardless of how The Core Matrix tries to unfix the nuclear event, the nuclear disaster returns because it is a fixed event. A fixed event isn’t attached to a particular set of coordinates, or even the same country or group of people. It is just programmed to exist in any way that it can. This is why it is not possible to focus on only one nuclear disaster initiator or location. A successful deterrent depends on a sweeping global approach. As I previously explained, the only way that this fixed disaster can get unfixed – and it can get unfixed - is if this deterrent is in place. Also, I previously showed you how many ways a nuclear disaster can be set off. Besides the obvious, which is an intentionally directed bomb, the event can happen due to things like a nuclear meltdown, an attack on a nuclear stockpile, a nuclear submarine accident or a plane accident carrying nuclear bombs. This, and more, are in play. Of course, the behavior of certain countries is very worrying.

How can Trump, with his political inexperience, narcissistic and juvenile personality flaws, dodging a reveal of his tax returns, and controversial policies possibly be the one whose security policies prevent the nuclear disaster? How can he possibly be a good President for our times?

The Trump that exists today, and the Trump that existed before The Core Matrix Prime Directive reboots began in August 2016, are different versions of the same man. This is not a unique phenomenon. Everyone comes out of a time line edit a little different than they were before the time line edit. It is only that most people do not notice those changes. Some do, but without knowing about Time Shift activity. When The Prime Directive program got involved, and a reboot was needed, The Core Matrix searched for the best combination of people and events that would deter the nuclear disaster. As I explained, having Trump as president was the key to deterring and unfixing the nuclear event. However, the Trump that did this deterring was a more evolved version of the man. That had to be, so The Core Matrix searched many synchronous co-existing time lines in order to find a version of Trump that fit into what was needed. This more evolved Trump was always the one who deterred the nuclear disaster. Why we originally were saddled, with the less evolved Trump, is still something I’m looking into.

Every time there was a reboot, The Core Matrix edited in a more evolved version of Trump. Mind you, he is still Trump – just evolved. This means that he can get positive and healing things done, as President. The Core Matrix did not create an improved version of Donald Trump. It merely found better versions, in co-existing time lines, and edited the most compatible version into our dominant time line. You can literally follow this evolutionary change, as it relates to the reboots that I reported about. They match up. Check out when his numbers started to take a dive, after the Democratic convention. Then, all of a sudden, his policies were gelling, his speeches were on point, and his numbers began to rise at a time when most political analysts had written him off. The evolved Trump has surrounded himself, and is advised by, the best and the brightest. The older version would have rejected this type of help, and Clinton would have won easily. This rebooted version of Trump is acting, for the most part, like the President whose security policies and leadership qualities deter that nuclear catastrophe. This evolved Trump is the one that is reaching out to various communities, that aren’t big Trump supporters, and what he has planned to improve their lives works. Do not look for a perfect man, in Trump. No man can be perfect. He still retains some of his original personality flaws – but they are not as they once were.

How can Clinton, with her failed political policies as Secretary of State, compulsive lying, health problems, pay for play corruption, and inability to secure classified information, possibly be the one whose security policies prevent the nuclear disaster? How can she possibly be a good President for our times?

Just as The Prime Directive time line reboot found an evolved version of Donald Trump, to edit into the post reboot co-existing time lines, The Core Matrix sought the same type of an evolved Clinton to use as an editing element. The Core Matrix could not find an improved, or an evolved version of Clinton. She is what she is, with little useful deviation in any dominant co-existing time line. This is why, when she is President in some of the co-existing time lines, that nuclear disaster always occurs.

What is being seen, with each reboot, is a Hillary Clinton that is being outed and deconstructed. Her unacceptable – and possibly criminal - behavior, which she has hidden in the past, is being routed and exposed publicly. And yet, her election machine – backed by certain power brokers and supporters – is still dominating the election in key states. So far, her powerful backers and supporters have been able to push a campaign offensive that uses deceptive tactics to keep her at the top of the leader board. It does not matter, what negative things about her are made public. Her fans only see her as the next President. They only see Trump as someone to hate. This continues, because the presidential election is not really a race involving Trump and Clinton. It is a race involving Trump vs. a hidden multitude of power brokers and groups with an unhealthy agenda. Clinton is just the façade, behind which this hidden power manages its control.

This is why the reboots continue to happen. The nuclear event is fixed, because the power brokers and groups behind Clinton are the ones creating the environment for the disaster to happen. She is their puppet. They believe, that such a disaster will give them the opening to take greater control of more people and their countries. They thrive on – and create - wars, conflicts, civilian devastation, economic upheavals, and civil unrest in the US and all over the world. They are the ones who want US and global security to be weak, or fail altogether. They have various Trojan Horse plans in place to accomplice this. Their global reach and control are massive, and because of this no time line edit reboot can significantly break that grasp without harming the masses. They are blinded by greed and power. Their agenda has been in control for a long time, and cannot be diminished unless their reign of control is broken. That is what the evolved Trump is trying to do. This is a Herculean task, in which truth plays an important part. Truth can break that unhealthy reign of control – but only if that truth can break through the global web of deceptive information manipulating the minds of so many people. BTW, the power group’s ultimate agenda will never come to pass. They themselves will be destroyed in the same nuclear disaster that overtakes everyone else. They believe that they are too powerful and too entrenched to fail. They are not too powerful to fail, as indicated by the existence of the evolved Trump in this dominant time line, and the fact that I psi saw him as the President in many co-existing time lines. Those were time lines where there was no nuclear disaster.

For all of the reasons that I have shared: The evolved Trump needs help, so that he can help us. Let that sink in. Truth matters, but it can only do its job if the truth gets to the people without editing or distortion. Hopefully, the continued Truth Reveal Energy Working can give a significant helping hand in that department. It already has helped. But ultimately, it is the people who must break free of their own bondage and step up. People have to open their hearts, souls, and brains to what is really at stake. They have to leave their political passions in the past where it belongs.

Please do not reply with any political propaganda or rhetoric. Such beliefs and opinions are irrelevant, and in no way helpful. Such replies will be deleted.

Update September 7, 2016:
I am coming close to completing, the work that I need to do, to launch Part Five of my Time Shift-Core Matrix series "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME". Part Five, as those who have been following my series know, contains the instructions to joining my Truth Reveal Energy Mission. This truth reveal mission has the potential to stop a time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting in our dominant time line.

Do you need to play catch up, with this series? All the information, that you need, is on this FB wall in the month of August and September 2016.

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page    -    Both Trump. and Clinton's VP picks are in step with their political policies and platforms. Should something happen to Trump, when President, Pence will carry through as Trump would have done. With Pence, there would be no nuclear catastrophe. But, Time Kaine, who is Clinton's VP choice, will carry on with her policies should something happen to her of she is President. In his hands, the nuclear disaster still happens. 
September 7 at 11:55pm

Update September 7, 2016:

I am coming close to completing, the work that I need to do, to launch Part Five of my Time Shift-Core Matrix series "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME". Part Five, as those who have been following my series know, contains the instructions to joining my Truth Reveal Energy Mission. This truth reveal mission has the potential to stop a time looping nuclear catastrophe from manifesting in our dominant time line. 

Do you need to play catch up, with this series? All the information, that you need, is on this FB wall in the month of August and September 2016. 

September 20, 2016 Update On Report Series
Truth Reveal Energy Working

The instructions, for the awaited Part Five Truth Reveal Energy Working, will be available just before the first presidential debate on Monday September 26, 2016. I am working with my friend and webmaster, Sharri, to make it happen. Because the debate is expected to have a mega sized audience, both in the US and worldwide it will be the perfect vehicle for the truth reveal to show itself. So stay tuned, and keep a watch out for the instructions. 

Want to know more about the Truth Reveal Energy Working? Read my entire report series CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME, beginning in August 2016. The reports contain information about a time looping nuclear catastrophe, and why and how stopping the disaster is tied to the 2016 US presidential election. 

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page   - The energy that I am working with cannot be altered or corrupted. Part of the truth reveal is to get the truth out there, despite the heavy stream of information manipulation.   Wait until you see my truth reveal instructions and images. You may find something interesting.

September 21 at 3:49pm

The Core Matrix Prime Directive Co-Existing Time Line Reboots - Starting, August, 2016

Part 2 Core Matrix Prime Directive Co-Existing Time Line Reboots - September, 2016

Astral Tag Truth Reveal 2016 President Election Instructions

AT Truth Reveal 2016 President Election


August, 2016 

July 30, 2016
Many, many people have recently asked me what I think about something called the Mandela Effect. Instead of continuing to answer this question in individual replies, I will be writing a post about it so that everyone can have access to my information.

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page :   Dawn - Did you read my report? If you did, you seem to have missed some important pieces of information - and what they mean. This isn't about ego. This is about someone using my unique [one of a kind] information [that Mandela is an alive again-dead again person], removing me from the chain of discovery, and then building their own clueless take on things to get a book deal. There is no one else doing research similar to mine. I alone discovered Time Shifts, the Core Matrix, and co-existing time lines. This is the science - my unique discovery - that both presented and solved the Mandela mystery - and all of the other mysteries that she claims are not solved BTW. I wouldn't mind if all she was doing was talking about the things that are mysteries to her. But once she hijacked my Mandela research, and used it to build something intended to bring her fame and a book deal, that is not something that any honest person should or would tolerate. The only mind checking, that needs to be done here, is your own and why you were unable to understand that what she did is dishonest. I hope, that what I've written here, has helped with your clarity in the matter.
August 2 at 6:58am

Mark Paxon :   Dawn, your above reply to Starfire's setting the record straight is odd and unjustified IMO, and can probably be explained with what you wrote earlier "I have my own ideas about it too. I am more interested in how we can utilize these parallel experiences (dreamtime and otherwise) to enhance our primary realities... What I'm working on right now anyway".

Regardless of what YOU are working on, by your response it would appear that you have beliefs that are in conflict with the way things actually are. It's known what's going on because Starfire Tor proved it through her discoveries of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, Co-Existing Time Lines, The Unified Theory of Psi, uncovered the secrets of the dreaming brain, precognition and so many other enigmas that there isn't space here to list them all.

Because of her unique and extraordinary accomplishments she is rightfully the leading expert in all of these fields. That's not ego. That's fact. For decades she has offered this knowledge to the world. Someone who really wanted to understand the truth in all this would want to learn from her, and possibly even work with her. You offered neither. You offered flippant sarcasm that a person of spiritual and scientific intellect would never engage in.

Please rethink your own ego and let it go. Maybe then you can rise above the place that caused you to write such an unjustified comment. Who knows, if you actually worked with the knowledge that Starfire discovered and works with, you might have something excellent to contribute regarding your own goals. It's up to you on how wise you decide to be. Your stated goals are achievable and noble, but they can only come true if you are working with the right base of information and energy. Starfire has that right base of information and she understands and works with that energy. This is a proven fact.
August 2 at 10:32pm

The Mandela Effect
Setting The Record Straight

Here is the report that I promised, which addresses the many questions that I have gotten about something called "The Mandela Effect". The self proclaimed owner of this term, as well as the website of the same name, is a woman named Fiona Broome. Her website is which she writes was started in 2010. The title is based on the internet buzz, that many people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison but then coming alive again years later - until his re-death in 2013. Broome goes on to claim that no one knows what the phenomena is, or how it works, but that she is studying clues, patterns, markers, and theories that might explain it and other similar phenomena. She then goes on to list some theories she thinks might explain the phenomena and a whole lot more.

Broome states that she wants to turn her research into a book. But what she wants comes with a huge problem. The problem? She is engaging in something very dishonest, and unfortunately she has been using my unique research to do it.

Those who have followed my research, over the years going into decades - or even those who have recently come upon it through my reports, articles, lectures, and many interviews - immediately recognize the problem with Broome's Mandela Effect operation. What might that be? Search her site, and you will not find any information about the fact that I am the source of introducing the world to the Nelson Mandela 'alive again-dead again' enigma. I called the enigma "The Time Shift Living Dead" because the science/psience behind the enigma is directly connected to what I discovered about Time Shifts, time line edits, and co-existing time lines. I have been talking, writing, and lecturing about The Time Shift Living Dead for years - and this includes talking about Nelson Mandela on both Whitley Streiber's shows and Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell. I did these shows before Broome's 2010 Mandela Effect claims popped up. In fact, my Art Bell Coast to Coast AM show aired in 2009 and trended. Millions of people, using search engines, looked up my research.

Visit my Time Shift Living Dead page to read the science/psience behind the alive again-dead again phenomena, which has been on my website since the late 1990s

As the researcher that Broome claims to be, it's a little hard to believe that she didn't know that the information, about Nelson Mandela, came from me and that I had solved the mystery. But to give her the benefit of the doubt, just in case she had no idea about my work, I asked a number of friends to write posts on her site informing her that I was the origin of the Mandela enigma information, and that I had solved the mystery a long time ago. This was done over a span of time, and not all at once. Guess what happened? Did she contact me to learn more? No. She deleted every single post that brought up my information. I was also contacted by people that I didn't know, but who had likewise written information posts about my work, and who had their posts deleted too.

On her website, she states that she closed her comments section because of posts she didn't like and couldn't share. No doubt. The conclusion seems obvious. Broome does not want her publisher - or the public - to know that I am the source of the Mandela enigma information, and that the enigma was already solved. For some reason, she felt it necessary to state that she doesn't look at much on Facebook. Isn't it interesting that I post a lot of research material on Facebook? Her actions send a very clear message, that she doesn’t want anyone to know about my source connection to the Nelson Mandela phenomena and related phenomena.

The rest of her site, which claims to explore experiences with alternate realities, is a mix of disinformation and other people's posts, experiences, unconfirmed information, and bits of my own Time Shift Living Dead list - some of which appears in my posts. I used to keep a more complete list, on my website, but took it down when I found others were using it without identifying me as the source.

Bottom Line: If you, or anyone you know, wants the truth about the Nelson Mandela alive again-dead again phenomena - or any similar phenomena in general - then please come to me for the accurate information. I have the answers, and have for decades. I am, not only a pioneering researcher and discoverer, but I am a teacher of my research as well. You will not find good information from Fiona Broome or her "Mandela Effect" website or social media site. Please help others to understand this.

Starfire Tor

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page  - It's quite clear that she hijacked the existence of my unique Mandela research, in which I both announced [the source person to do this] and solved the Mandela alive again-dead again enigma. She took my revelation, removed me from the equation, and then used her own clueless information to build something intended to bring her fame and a book deal. When she removed, all posts that identified me as the source of the Mandela information - as well as having solved it - it was quite clear that her intent was dishonest.
August 2 at 8:27am

Mark Paxon:   Starfire, you did an excellent job setting the record straight. I've been following your research for over 16 years. This includes being a member of your research list. According to what I remember, you presented Nelson Mandela as a Time Shift Living Dead person in the early 2000's. Since then you've kept the dialog going in interviews, publications, lectures, and social media. As you said, your shows with Whitley Streiber through the years, and then with Art Bell on Coast to Coast am in 2009, included a discussion of Mandela being a Time Shift Living Dead person. You explained the science. These appearances predated Ms. Broome's 2010 Mandela Effect website and the omission of you and your unique work in the matter. Ms. Broome claims to be a researcher of the paranormal and alternate realities. She must not be a very good researcher if she missed the original information you put out about Mandela being a Time Shift Living Dead person. You didn’t only put out the information. You had solved the mystery a long time ago.

Of my own accord I posted on the Mandela Effect website comment section. I noticed that Starfire Tor’s work was nowhere on her site. In my comment I politely informed Ms Broome that the information about Mandela originated with Starfire Tor. At the time I thought I was being helpful. When my comment disappeared I reposted it, with a notation that I could not find my original comment. There was nothing rude about what I wrote so there was no reason to censor my post. Again my comment, talking about Starfire Tor and Mandela and the Time Shift Living Dead, was deleted from Ms. Broome's comment section.

Ms. Broome’s actions told me two things. One:  If  Ms. Broome knew nothing about Starfire Tor and the Mandela origin information then she now had the information because of my two posts. Two: Her need to delete all reference to Starfire Tor and her being the source of the Mandela information clearly showed that she didn't want anyone to know the truth. She preferred to dishonestly use Starfire Tor's material as the basis of her website and proposed book, which in her mind would bring her attention and a book deal.

Based on the content on her website, Ms. Broome appears to be collecting bits and pieces of other people’s theories and experiences in an effort to create what she thinks is a serious site on alternate realities including the Mandela enigma. There would be nothing wrong with that if she gave credit where credit is due. Not only does Ms. Broome neglect to mention that Starfire Tor is the original researcher behind the Mandela enigma information, not only does she neglect to mention that Ms. Tor had solved the mystery under the phrase Time Shift Living Dead, but she failed to give credit to the people who first promoted the now defunct alternate reality theories that can be found on her site.

If people want to really know the truth about these anomalies then I suggest they turn to the person who is the leading expert in the phenomena. That person is Starfire Tor.
August 2 at 9:46pm

Starfire Tor Official Fan PageMark - Yes, I will confirm that you were one of the people who reported to me that your posted comments on her Mandela Effect site - comments which informed her of my connection to the original information and mystery solution about Mandela - were deleted. You did this of your own accord. Unknown to you, I had reports from others of similar deletions that mentioned my name and connection to the material. After these many reports, I asked a handful of others to also try getting the information into their comments section. They did, and in short order all of those comments disappeared. This is how I knew, beyond all benefit of the doubt, that Fiona Broome was using my unique information about Mandela to intentionally prop herself up by removing me from the equation so as to make herself seem like an important and pioneering investigator of the topics found on her "Mandela Effect" site. This includes the Mandela Time Shift Living Dead enigma, which I presented to the world along with the solution to the mystery.
August 3 at 1:01pm

John Shue :  Thanks for being a beacon of truth.
August 4 at 2:02pm

G3-G1 Worldwide Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Solar Time Shift Markers Collide
Time Shift and Time Line Edits In Progress
August 3, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing a G3-G1 worldwide geomagnetic storm. The intensity derives from to types of solar energy combining, namely, a solar wind and a coronal mass ejection [CME]. This, BTW, is the CME that I reported about that no one else did at the time. I told you about this, and the fact that it was headed to Earth, before the experts admitted that the CME was even there. This CME, along with other solar activity that I reported about - that no expert did at the time - is part of the earlier Time Shift markers that I reported about. Now Earth is being hit by this solar wind/CME punch. I may have further future revealing remarks, about this geomagnetic storm, if events warrant it

· August 3
The Moon Photo Bombs The Sun!

Yep, that's the moon photo bombing the Sun. It's a lunar eclipse that can only be seen from space, as captured by the SDO orbiting camera.

August 4
Rooting Out Disinformation
That Bright Object Flying To The Sun Was Not A UFO
That Comet Strike Did Not Cause A CME
Solar Events August 3-4, 2016

Starting on August 3, 2016, and culminating on August 4, 2016, a fantastic series of space and solar events occurred. Sadly, a number of misinformed people and sites wrongly identified everything involved. So, I've decided to give everyone the correct information in a single post.

1. Starting on August 3, 2016, and culminating on August 4, 2016, a very bright object was captured in images as it flew toward and into the Sun. Some people, along with their websites, wrongly identified the object as either an ET UFO or a super secret Earth based stealth solar craft. Sorry, but it's none of those exotic things. This object was a Kreutz comet. They are not unusual, but this one was very, very bright compared to previous ones. Because these comets are pulled into the Sun, when they get too close, they are also called sun diving or sun grazer comets.

2. On August 4, 2016 the sun diving comet fly into the Sun. If someone looked at an image, of that exact moment, they would see something extra happening on the Sun. They would see a huge CME blowing out from behind the Sun's left rim. That one photo, if that's all you looked at, makes it look as if the CME blew in response to the comet hitting the Sun. They appear to be on exact opposite ends of the Sun.

But that one photo, which is making the net rounds and being held up as evidence that the comet strike - or UFO strike for some uniformed people - triggered the CME. No, the comet strike had nothing to do with that CME. In fact, that CME started firing off almost a day before the comet flew into the Sun. This SOHO photo shows the CME blowing out, even before the comet has reached the Sun.

Truth is the way to go. I hope you find it so, because the alternative is is to be fooled by the type of disinformation and misinformation that stops many people from learning what's really going on in our solar system, in our cosmos, and on our planet. Now you're informed. Please help others to be informed too.

Starfire Tor Official Fan PageThat's the thing about disinformation, as well as out and out hoaxes. They do harm to the real amazing things that happen, simply by influencing people to believe things that are not true. When people believe this type of disinformation, they then stop looking for the actual truth because they already think they have found the truth. I have noted, that many things in this world are way more amazing than the disinformation flooding the net.
August 4 at 4:45pm


Geomagnetic Storm In Day 4
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Sun Now Has 2 Sunspots 2570 and 2571
August 5, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing the 4th day of geomagnetic storms combined with raised magnetic field conditions. This geomagnetic storm condition has been sustained by what triggered it: a solar wind and coronal mass ejection [CME] combination, plus the Time Shift marker conditions that placed the solar wind and CME together. You can read more about the situation in my August 3, 2016 post..

To say the least, Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. Meanwhile, the Sun now has 2 small sunspot clusters on the Earth facing side. They are sunspots 2570 and 2571. They appeared after days of the Sun being blank on the Earth facing side. There was a C1.4 solar flare today as well, although there's not much more I can report about it at this time. If further data shows that an Earth bound CME was triggered, or that something odd is going on - as is sometimes the case when Time Shifts are involved, I'll let you all know


Wow! Geomagnetic Storm In Day 6
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Double M Flares
R1 Radio Blackout
August 7, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing the 6th day of geomagnetic storms combined with raised magnetic field conditions. this is incredible, and may be historical. This geomagnetic storm condition has been sustained by what triggered it: a solar wind and coronal mass ejection [CME] combination, the Time Shift marker conditions that placed the solar wind and CME together, plus another round of solar winds. You can read more about the situation in my August 3, 2016 plus other previous posts.

To say the least, Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress. With 6 days of multiple time line edits, and who knows how many new and discarded co-existing time lines, our existence has had to have changed in some major and minor ways. So, if you're feeling somewhat disoriented, have a sense of anxiety or a headache that seems to have no understandable trigger, these time line edits may be the source. This is why Time Shift markers are so important. They reveal a pattern of activity and experiences, that would otherwise remain hidden.

Meanwhile, the Sun now has 3 sunspot clusters on the Earth facing side. They are sunspots 2571, 2572, 2573. But more than this is going on with the Sun. Today 2 M flares fired off, from opposite ends of the Sun. So far, only one of them has made it onto solar flare charts, being that one of them may have fired off from behind the Sun's rim. This solar flare chart only shows one of the two M flares. There's a bit of a challenge, getting exact solar activity data, because the satellite cameras - which I reported about days ago - have still not fully come back on line. I'll be updating this information once I have a better determination of what is going on.

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page:    - I'm sure that there have been this many time line edits - and more - in this "period of time". It just seems like more, because I'm able to point them out so that more people can see and understand the information. Keep in mind that I am only able to detect a small number of time line edits, in a sea of many more than that. Most time line edits happen without notice. On the other hand, I have noticed an unusual number of Prime Directive time line reboots, starting many months ago. I believe, that this continued flurry of observable time line edits, is connected to Prime Directive activity as it relates to the threat of nukes. August 7 at 10:10pm

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page:   -  that is part of the time line edit patterns I have been observing.  So congrats on that.   Yes, it is absolutely possible and probably that The Core Matrix reboots are utilizing a memory of that war-ending event.  However, those 2 events were probably themselves only versions of time line edits and reboots.  In other words, those events may have been the lesser of something far more devastating as far as planetary ending events go.  When we see something like those 2 events, they themselves are not planet ending events.  They are limited life ending events, as far as the limitations of where they fell.  As they were, that would not trigger the Prime Directive.  It is what we don't have a memory of, either with activity before or after those events, that would have triggered the Prime Directive.August 9 at 12:11am

Historical Geomagnetic Storm Wave In Day 8
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboots Are Active
Many Earth Facing Sunspots Appear
August 9, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

WOW! This is really something! As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing the 8th day of geomagnetic storms combined with raised magnetic field conditions. This is historical. The situation has been caused by a non-stop series of solar wind hits, coronal mass ejection [CME] hits, and the Time Shift marker conditions that I previously reported about.

It should come as no surprise that Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress.It's impossible to know how many new and discarded co-existing time lines we're going through - or what those time line edits brought about. Based on my research, this incredible series of Time Shift activity is connected to the on-going time line reboots as effected by The Core Matrix. This means, that something planet ending continues to occur in previously edited co-existing time lines. That something would be nuclear, and not something coming in from space like an asteroid hit. This must have been so serious, that it is taking a great many time line edits just to keep rebooting our existence free of the catastrophe. You can go back, to my missing candidate post from months ago, and glean how that is intertwined with this other planet ending problem. The Core Matrix only enacts the Prime Directive when the actual planet, and the life upon it, has suffered something so catastrophic that we cannot continue.

As a reminder: No human person or groups, or other being or beings, controls The Core Matrix. Nor does any one person or any group - regardless of origin - have the ability to trigger or control Time Shifts, co-existing time lines, or time line edits. The Core Matrix does not trigger time line edits to favor any person, group, country, ideology, or way of life. Therefore, all of these Time Shifts are not some human or ET plot to control the world in some way. You can drop that idea.

Meanwhile, the Sun now has some incredible sunspot clusters that have rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. They are already firing off a bevy of solar flares. I suspect that one or more of them is the source of the CME from days ago. You know - the one that only I reported about at the time. These new sunspots are numbered 2573, 2574, 2575, and 2574. Older sunspot, 2571, is still around. More on these later.

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page   -  The Time Shift Living Dead enigma happens every time that there is a time line edit. It's only that we as conscious beings do not recall most of them - just as we are not consciously aware of most time line edits. More TSLD people and animals are being noticed because more and more people have been educated as to the existence of Time Shifts and Time Shift markers.
August 10 at 2:05pm

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page   - That's an example of co-existing time line edit synchronicity. It happens when someone has a fuzzy memory, of events from another time line, and they end up unconsciously producing a Time Shift marker like that article coming out about the 1967 incident. It was the best they could do to express what was suddenly on the edge of their memories. There are other things, that are Time Shift related, with precognition being at the top of the list.
August 11 at 5:15am

Historical Geomagnetic Storm Wave In Day 9
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboots Are Active
August 10, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

More WOW! As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing the 9th day of geomagnetic storms combined with raised magnetic field conditions. This continues to be historical. The Northern latitude geomagnetic storm is particularly strong in the G3 range. The situation has been caused by a non-stop series of solar wind hits, coronal mass ejection [CME] hits, and the Time Shift marker conditions that I previously reported about.

As I wrote before: It should come as no surprise that Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress.It's impossible to know how many new and discarded co-existing time lines we're going through - or what those time line edits brought about. Based on my research, this incredible series of Time Shift activity is connected to the on-going time line reboots as effected by The Core Matrix. This means, that something planet ending continues to occur in previously edited co-existing time lines. That something would be nuclear, and not something coming in from space like an asteroid hit. This must have been so serious, that it is taking a great many time line edits just to keep rebooting our existence free of the catastrophe. You can go back, to my missing candidate post from months ago, and glean how that is intertwined with this other planet ending problem. The Core Matrix only enacts the Prime Directive when the actual planet, and the life upon it, has suffered something so catastrophic that we cannot continue.

As a reminder: No human person or groups, or other being or beings, controls The Core Matrix. Nor does any one person or any group - regardless of origin - have the ability to trigger or control Time Shifts, co-existing time lines, or time line edits. The Core Matrix does not trigger time line edits to favor any person, group, country, ideology, or way of life. Therefore, all of these Time Shifts are not some human or ET plot to control the world in some way. You can drop that idea. 

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page  -   There is no single way that a ghost or ghostly entity can look. However, if your condition is paranormal in nature - and not a vision or brain condition that requires a doctor's look see - then it's possible that you are looking at either spirit attachments or 2 co-existing time lines at the same time. Both of these types of visible experiences are processed through the brain. If it's co-existing time line created, then the condition should pass - and possibly already has since the geomagnetic storms that accompany some Time Shifts has passed for now. If it's a spirit attachment, then you will continue to see the double image until something happens to break the attachments. If you have something going on with your vision, or your brain, the condition will not abate. If it's that, then you may want to get yourself medically checked out. That's just the prudent thing to do, if the condition continues. 
August 14 at 10:36pm

5 Sunspots On Earth Facing Side Of The Sun
The Return Of Some Older Solar Flare Sunspots
August 10, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

I wanted to show you all what is happening on the Sun right now. So you remember when the Sun's Earth facing side was blank for days? That's over with. The Sun now has 5 sunspot clusters, with 4 of them having rotated into view recently. They are s
unspots #'s 2571, 2573, 2574, 2573, and 2576. Some of this is actually a re-numbered older sunspot region that showed a lot of powerful solar flare activity weeks ago. Let's see what happens.

As I've written about before: Sunspots get renumbered if they survive their solar rotation from the Earth facing side of the Sun, onto the back of the Sun, and back onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. This is scientifically absurd, because renumbering breaks the chain of observation and information related to a particular sunspot region. The scientists who keep up this poor science choice claim that they do so because of tradition. I'm not impressed. I wish they would come into the 21st century, where the need for solar information continuity is very important. It's way past time for a change. 

Mark Paxon:    The sunspot numbering tradition started when NASA and NOAA had no ability to view solar activity on the far side of the sun. They numbered sunspots as they saw them only on the earth side of the sun. Then craft were launched that could see solar activity on the far side, This advance in space science should have also advanced the numbering of sunspots. Ones that survived far side rotation should have retained their original number. This didn't happen because changing established scientific views and protocols is one of the hardest things to do. The old rank and file won't let the out dated numbering system go. The new rank and file, which includes Starfire, may have to wait until the old rank and file aren't around any more to impose their old ways. 
August 11 at 5:48pm


Historical Geomagnetic Storm Wave In Day 11
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Physical, Emotional, And Event Time Shift Markers
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboots Still Active
August 12, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

A further level of WOW! As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, Earth is experiencing the 11th day of geomagnetic storms combined with raised magnetic field conditions. The 10th day only had raised magnetic field conditions. Therefore, day 10 was not a full blown geomagnetic storm. But on day 11, geomagnetic storms kicked up again in the Northern latitudes, while raised magnetic fields remained worldwide. The situation has been caused by a non-stop series of solar wind hits, coronal mass ejection [CME] hits, and the Time Shift marker conditions that I previously reported about.

As I have written about many times, geomagnetic storms and Time Shift activity can cause feelings of unwellness, anxiety, confusion, and sleep deprivation. In some, physical ailments can manifest. Here we have a 12 day streak of Time Shifts and geomagnetic storms. For many aware and sensitive people, you have been experiencing a lot. Hopefully, the information that I provide for you will help you all to better understand the cause - and in that understanding cope with your experience a little better. Knowing the cause is half the battle won, to minimizing the side effects you are experiencing.

As I wrote before: It should come as no surprise that Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress.It's impossible to know how many new and discarded co-existing time lines we're going through - or what those time line edits brought about. Based on my research, this incredible series of Time Shift activity is connected to the on-going time line reboots as effected by The Core Matrix. This means, that something planet ending continues to occur in previously edited co-existing time lines. That something would be nuclear, and not something coming in from space like an asteroid hit. This must have been so serious, that it is taking a great many time line edits just to keep rebooting our existence free of the catastrophe. You can go back, to my missing candidate post from months ago, and glean how that is intertwined with this other planet ending problem. The Core Matrix only enacts the Prime Directive when the actual planet, and the life upon it, has suffered something so catastrophic that we cannot continue.

As a reminder: No human person or groups, or other being or beings, controls The Core Matrix. Nor does any one person or any group - regardless of origin - have the ability to trigger or control Time Shifts, co-existing time lines, or time line edits. The Core Matrix does not trigger time line edits to favor any person, group, country, ideology, or way of life. Therefore, all of these Time Shifts are not some human or ET plot to control the world in some way. You can drop that idea.  


August 14 at 4:44pm

Historical Geomagnetic Storm Wave Ends
Understanding Emotional, Mental, and Physical Side Effects
Time Shift and Time Line Edits Continue
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Reboots Continue
August 14, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, the 12 day wave of geomagnetic storms has taken a break. This break began midway through August 12, 2016 and maintained calmed magnetic field levels through today mid August 14, 2016. Today, the northern latitudes began to experience raised magnetic levels. This is a step below geomagnetic storm conditions. More geomagnetic storms are expected, possibly as early as August 15-16, 2016.

This break, in geomagnetic storm conditions, is an excellent way for many of you to try and figure out whether your recent emotional, mental, and physical side effects were strictly geomagnetic related - or whether they also were tied to Time Shift and time line edit conditions. Here's what you can do.

As I have written about many times, geomagnetic storms and Time Shift activity can cause feelings of unwellness, anxiety, confusion, and sleep deprivation. For some, physical ailments can manifest as well. Now that there has been a very visible break, in the geomagnetic storm wave, check to see if your side effect symptoms vanished when the geomagnetic storms vanished. If they did vanish, with the geomagnetic storms - and did not continue when no geomagnetic storm was present - then you can at least have some tangible evidence that you are geomagnetic storm sensitive. If you symptoms continue, regardless of the break in geomagnetic storm conditions, then there is a good chance that your side effects also included Time Shift and time line edit conditions - possibly even a combination of both conditions. As I've said: Geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shift or time line edits activity. Instead, geomagnetic storms can be triggered by the same solar energy that causes geomagnetic storms. Therefore, a geomagnetic storm can be a Time Shift marker. Time Shift and time line edit activity can continue long after a geomagnetic storm ends. That is what is happened now, where the geomagnetic storm wave has ended - but Time Shift and time line edit activity has not ended.

It's impossible to know how many new and discarded co-existing time lines we're going through - or what those time line edits brought about. Based on my research, this incredible series of Time Shift activity is connected to the on-going time line reboots as effected by The Core Matrix. This means, that something planet ending continues to occur in previously edited co-existing time lines. That something would be nuclear, and not something coming in from space like an asteroid hit. This must have been so serious, that it is taking a great many time line edits just to keep rebooting our existence free of the catastrophe. You can go back, to my missing candidate post from months ago, and glean how that is intertwined with this other planet ending problem. The Core Matrix only enacts the Prime Directive when the actual planet, and the life upon it, has suffered something so catastrophic that we cannot continue.

As a reminder: No human person or groups, or other being or beings, controls The Core Matrix. Nor does any one person or any group - regardless of origin - have the ability to trigger or control Time Shifts, co-existing time lines, or time line edits. The Core Matrix does not trigger time line edits to favor any person, group, country, ideology, or way of life. Therefore, all of these Time Shifts are not some human or ET plot to control the world in some way. You can drop that idea. 

Starfire Tor Official Fan Page::   - An extension, of my Time Shift et al discoveries, was the discovery of why and how we dream. All dreams, regardless of their content, manifest because the brain is the interface to the Core Matrix and all co-existing time line elements. There is a relationship mechanism that causes all manner of psychic and precognition dreaming. Time Shift activity does have a way of boosting dream experiences. 

August 14 at 10:33pm


4 Sunspots At Center Solar Disk
CME Fires Off from Behind Sun's Left Rim
August 14, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

I thought you should know that the 4 sunspot area cluster, which I reported about on August 10, 2016, have now reached center solar disk. If any of them fire off a coronal mass ejection [CME], that solar energy will hit Earth. Right now, none of them have fired off anything larger than a C flare, although one did release a low level CME whose energy. will hit Earth possibly between August 15-16, 2016. If it does, then there is a good chance we will experience more geomagnetic storms. Check out the photo from SDO

Although still behind the Sun's left rim - and not being reported about except by me, On August 13, 2016 something recently fired off a CME. Because of its position, the CME will not hit Earth. However, it does show that something CME worthy is getting ready to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. Stay tuned. This SOHO image caught the CME, as well as something that I call a solar torch. It's a bit rare to see a CME, and a solar torch, side by side. A solar torch, is solar energy, that hangs above the Sun and is tethered there by magnetic forces. Some solar torches eventually break away and become CMEs. Others fall back to the Sun. BTW: This CME is not the same as the magnetic rope that lifted off, from the Sun, 2 days before the CME in the photo. 


No New Geomagnetic Storms Day 4
Emotional, Mental, and Physical Side Effects Test
Core Matrix Prime Directive Time Line Edits Continue
Nuke Threat and Presidential Election Connection
August 16, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can see, by this NOAA k-index chart, this is day 4 of there being no geomagnetic storm activity. As I previously wrote, when the 12 day wave of geomagnetic storms ended, this is a great opportunity for many of you to try and figure out whether your recent emotional, mental, and physical side effects were strictly geomagnetic related - or whether they also were tied to Time Shift and time line edit conditions. Here's what you can do.

As I have written about many times, geomagnetic storms and Time Shift activity can cause feelings of unwellness, anxiety, confusion, and sleep deprivation. For some, physical ailments can manifest as well. Now that there has been a very visible break, in the geomagnetic storm wave, check to see if your side effect symptoms vanished when the geomagnetic storms vanished. If they did vanish, with the geomagnetic storms - and did not continue when no geomagnetic storm was present - then you can at least have some tangible evidence that you are geomagnetic storm sensitive. If you symptoms continue, regardless of the break in geomagnetic storm conditions, then there is a good chance that your side effects also included Time Shift and time line edit conditions - possibly even a combination of both conditions. As I've said: Geomagnetic storms do not trigger Time Shift or time line edits activity. Instead, geomagnetic storms can be triggered by the same solar energy that causes geomagnetic storms. Therefore, a geomagnetic storm can be a Time Shift marker. Time Shift and time line edit activity can continue long after a geomagnetic storm ends. That is what is happened now, where the geomagnetic storm wave has ended - but Time Shift and time line edit activity has not ended.

It's impossible to know how many new and discarded co-existing time lines we're going through - or what those time line edits brought about. Based on my research, this incredible series of Time Shift activity is connected to the on-going time line edits associated with The Core Matrix Prime Directive. This means, that something planet ending continues to to be dealt with. As I've already reported, many times, this particular threat is nuclear and not something impacting the planet like a comet or asteroid. This nuke problem, in turn, is associated with the 'missing candidate' situation and the outcome of the US presidential election 2016. I'll be sharing more about this in my up coming post on the topic.  

SunSpot_20160822_001500 SunSpot_20160822_065000 SunSpot_20160822_144900 SunSpot_20160822_221000

Amazing New Sunspot Manifests Before Your Eyes
August 22, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

I was just about, to write a post, about how there have been no geomagnetic storms or Earth facing sunspots for many many days. I had looked at the images of the Sun, earlier in the day, and noticed that there was a sunspot just rotating on at the lower left rim. Only hours later, I went back to check on how that new sunspot was coming along - and was shocked to see a large island sunspot at nearly center solar disk. Where did this come from? Okay, a sunspot can pop up in a short amount of time. But I have never seen an island of sunspots form so quickly,

I got a hold, of the SDO film of the event, and then captured 4 stills to show you what I'm talking about. I've put the four stills in proper order. Please view them in order. This complicated sunspot went from nothing to fully formed in only hours on August 22, 2016. That is today. I'll have to keep an eye on it, if I'm ever going to figure this one out. I don't want to jump to conclusions. One thing I can tell you ... this formation has my attention.

BTW - There are still no new geomagnetic storms, and it has been a week.

K-index_2016-08-August-23_2130 Satellite
August 23 at 4:14pm
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift Activity In Progress
Stereo B Solar Spacecraft Found After 2 Years Lost
August 22, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday, I posted about the swiftness of a sunspot cluster forming. It has now gotten the number 2579, and is at center solar disk. It has not, as yet, fired off any solar flares above a B flare. I also noted that Earth had not experienced a geomagnetic storm in more than a week, This, in and of itself, is not unusual. What is unusual, is that Earth was supposed to be hit by at least 3 different solar wind events - and none of them came to pass. Now, as of today, Earth is experiencing a geomagnetic storm. Is this caused by one of these solar wind storms hitting Earth? I think not. A solar wind just doesn't hang around like that, and then hit days after it's expected arrival. I'm not saying it's 100% impossible - only that it is very highly unlikely. More realistically, either such a solar wind has missed Earth altogether, for one reason or another, or we are dealing with a Time Shift Marker. This NOAA k-index chart has recorded today's geomagnetic storm.

I told you that I would keep a watch on the situation, and that includes anything unusual - involving the Sun-Earth connection - that might be a Time Shift marker. I found something, and it is a doozy. It involves the disappearance and reappearance of missing spacecraft Stereo B. NASA has a number of spacecraft orbiting the Sun. This is how I - and other scientists - get information about solar activity. But Stereo B - not it's twin Stereo A - stopped communicating with NASA in October 2014. Try as they might, NASA could not reestablish contact with Stereo B. Then, after 2 years of silence, Stereo B phoned home. It's alive! Apparently this pinging home happened on August 21, 2016 - some hours before that interesting sunspot formation I posted about on August 22, 2016 happened. When I reported about that sunspot, news about Stereo B had not yet been announced. Is the return of Stereo B a Time Shift marker. Check out this artist's image of Stereo B in orbit around the Sun.

For some reason, the wrong k-index chart got uploaded. That one is from August 23, 2015 - and yes it shows a geomagnetic storm 1 year ago to the day. Here is the correct k-index chart, showing today's geomagnetic storm. At the time, that I uploaded the k-index photo, FB was having some glitch issues, and I kept having to correct the text.. Hmmm.

K-index_2016-08-August-24_1225  Earthquake

Geomagnetic Storm Continues
Time Shift Prime Directive Reboots Continue
2 Time Shift Triggered Earthquakes In Italy and Burma
August 24, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This is just a brief report, to note that today August 24, 2016, there were 2 deadly Time Shift triggered earthquakes. One was a 6.2 in Italy, following by a 6.8 in Burma. I have written up a comprehensive report, on this situation, in Part Three of my report "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME".

The geomagnetic storm, that I reported about yesterday, is still in progress - as is Time Shift activity and Prime Directive reboots. As a reminder, geomagnetic storms do not cause earthquakes. I explain this, further, in my Part Three report. Please read that for the info.

K-index_2016-08-August-30_1830  CME_08-30_1430_Blue

Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shifts And Time Line Edits Continue
2 CMEs Fire Off From The Sun
August 30, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

While I am preparing Report Five, which contains the truth reveal energy working instructions for my report "CHANGING CATASTROPHIC EVENTS IN TIME" series, my Time Shift research does continue. Today, August 30,2016, Earth is experiencing a geomagnetic storm. As you can see3, by this NOAA k-index chart, there hasn't been one in 5 days. This does not mean, that there have not been Time Shifts and time line edits in those 5 non-geomagnetic storm days - because there have been. It means that this geomagnetic storm was triggered by the same solar energy that Triggered today's Time Shift activity.

It is too early to tell, if today's time line edits are ordinary time line edits or Prime Directive reboots. If needed, I'll let you know which it is.

Also happening, as you can see in this SOHO image, the Sun has fired off 2 coronal mass ejections [CME]. They appear to be blasting out from opposite ends of the Sun, and in fact are just about doing that. The CME on the right sourced from a sunspot on the Earth facing side of the Sun, that is located near the Sun's right rim. The left CME sources from an unseen are just behind the Sun's left rim. The 2 CME give a pinwheel effect.


Giant Sunspot 2585 Rotates Onto Earth Facing Side
More CMEs Firing Off From The Sun
Geomagnetic Storm Ends / Time Shifts Continue
August 31, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

I want you to take a look at this huge sunspot complex, which has just rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. It has been given the number 2585, has been firing off C flares, and is responsible for the earlier CME that it produced when it was still behind the Sun's left rim. This is a sunspot to keep an eye on. Image from SDO.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm has ended - but Time Shift and time line edit activity continues. This is not unusual. Why? Because geomagnetic storms do not trigger, and do not control Time Shifts. A geomagnetic storm can be a Time Shift marker, because both a geomagnetic storm and a Time Shift can be triggered by the same solar energy. Therefore, the calming, of a geomagnetic storm, has no relationship to Time Shift activity.

Learn more about Time Shifts:



All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor