


Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured. 

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


Core Matrix, Time Shift, and Co-Existing Time Line Info

In answer to the question: Can anyone, as an individual or a group, shift to a better and more peaceful time line? Here is what can and cannot be done. The knowledge, that I am sharing, is based on my unique discoveries, research, and ability to understand the science - psience of it all.

1. No person or being, nor group of people or beings, can trigger or control a Time Shift and the formation of new co-existing time lines. This is strictly the domain of The Core Matrix and its time line edit mechanism.

2. No person or being, nor group of people or beings, can shift themselves or others to a different co-existing time line. Which co-existing time line, that we exist in, is actually determined by a Core Matrix program that regulates which co-existing time line our conscious brains recognize as the dominant co-existing time line.

3. The Core Matrix cannot shift us to a better more peaceful co-existing time line because one does not exist - yet.

4. As a sentient collective, whose brains interface with - but do not control - The Core Matrix, we have the ability to influence the manifestation of a better and more peaceful dominant co-existing time line. This can be done through a very specific type of Reality Shift Manifestation mission. I do know how to make this happen. There are methods and rules which must be followed, and cannot be broken.

5. A Reality Shift is not the same as a Time Shift. A Time Shift is a Core Matrix mechanism that creates new co-existing time lines through the action of time line editing. When a new dominant co-existing time line is created, the replaced dominant co-existing time line is retired. A Reality Shift can manifest changes to the already existing time line - but without creating a new co-existing time line. There are methods, and very strict rules, which must be followed and cannot be broken. I know these rules and methods, and I know how to do do Reality Shift manifestations on command.

6. Because our brains are the interface to The Core Matrix, it is through our brains that we can naturally psi-see - and sometimes communicate with - other retired co-existing time lines. This is where precognition and future-past sight comes from. This is where psychic and synchronicity experiences come from. This interfacing is what the dreaming brain is doing. Think of this as visiting, because no one can actually alter their brain programming so as to physically live in a retired co-existing time line. The Core Matrix's prime directive shielding prevents this from happening.

7. The Core Matrix never reinstates a past dominant time line to be a current dominant time line. Such an action is incompatible with life in general, due to the thousands of time line edits that have happened since the retired co-existing time lines were dominant. Yet all co-existing time lines continue to stream, as saved time lines. This happens because all co-existing time lines are connected. They all exist in the same space, and are only separated by their individual frequencies.

8. One day, I hope to teach you all how to Reality Shift manifest a better and more peaceful time line. I do have the answer. Just keep in mind that there are rules and ethics which must be obeyed. Also, 'peace' does not mean weak. 'Peace' is a very specific type of strength involving will, character, and a true understanding of planetary conditions and human nature. Also, the definition of 'better' is based on what elements actually work - and not necessarily what any individual or group wants the world to be like. There is a Reality Shift Manifestation formula that can work for everyone of good and selfless intent - and I know what it is.

Starfire Tor


Time Travel Claims
Truths and Lies

I am a time anomaly and time travel expert. The reason is very simple. When I discovered Time Shifts, and all that it entails, I also discovered the rules that govern actual time travel. Yes, time travel is a viable reality, but that does mean that all time travel claims should be believed. How, you may ask, can an inquiring person discern between time travel claim truths and time travel claim lies? Good news. Discerning is easier than you think - if you follow the criteria that I outline.

In this report, I am only going to address the public claims of people who say that they are or have been part of a time travel program. I will not be naming names. I am only giving you the knowledge that you need to discern between truths and lies – no matter who is making the claim. This report does not address the public claims of people who report having encountered spontaneous time travel related experiences. These two different types, of time travel claims, fall into different categories – and therefore require different investigative techniques.

I have found, as a result of my unique research – and research abilities, that some spontaneous time travel experiences are genuine. That doesn’t mean that the experiencer actually knows what their time travel like experience entailed. It just means, that the experience they report is well within the realm of the possible. On the other hand: public time travel claims, that involve a secret organized time travel program, are not believable. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a secret time travel program. It just means that the public claimants are not – and never have been – part of that program. Why? Because not one single one, of the field of time travel program claimants, have included the actual way that time travel works. Instead, such people have created a fantasy world that seems to be based in the way that science fiction and myth has promoted the topic of time travel.


Day 7 - The Sun Has No Sunspots
Solar Activity Low - But Not Gone Completely
Mystery Auroras Appear - Possible Time Shift Markers
July 1, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On June 8, 2016 I reported that the Sun had gone blank, at least on the Earth facing side as far as sunspots were concerned. Then sunspots returned. On June 23, 2016, I again reported that the Earth facing side of the Sun was blank - meaning that there were no sunspots to be seen. It is now day 7, without any sunspots appearing on the Earth facing side of the Sun. A few days ago, there was some solar activity sourcing from the far side of the Sun, but that area has yet to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. The Sun has obviously developed into a "now you see them now you don't" sunspot phase.

As I have said before: Other experts will, no doubt, blame the zero sunspots on the ups and downs of solar minimums and maximums - upon which an 11 year cycle is attached. Perhaps, but in my line of work, I recognize that there are often other elements involved in the Sun's behavior - such as Time Shift activity. This is why I am less inclined to jump on that standard theory - at least for now. Interestingly, only days ago the Antarctic lit up with aurora activity. This was particularly interesting because there was no visible trigger for the auroras. There was no advantageous solar wind hit, no coronal mass ejection [CME] hit, and no other obvious Sun-Earth dynamic that would have caused the auroras to appear - and yet there they were. This aurora appearance may very well be a Time Shift marker.

June 29, 2016 Reality Shift Manifestation Rain Mission Update
RSM Technique Will Be In My New Book - Work In Progress

You've now seen how I've utilized my Reality Shift Manifestation protocols and abilities to create rain when no rain was forecast. I've done this many times before - in the public eye and out of the public eye - for 2 reasons: 1. to be helpful in saving lives; and 2. to demonstrate just how solid and important my Time Shift discoveries and research is.

When I discovered Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, Co-Existing Time Lines, and The Unified Field Theory Of Psi, it led to my gaining a deep understanding of our true human gifts - and relationship with everything. Through research and experimentation, I discovered the key that unlocked the science [psience] behind what the human brain - and the soul - can do. Through various means, and under a variety of names and beliefs [prayer, wishing, intent, spells, group consciousness, etc], humans have been able to manifest a variety of items and changes. These changes are not Time Shifts, in that these changes did not create new co-existing time lines. Humans can not trigger Time Shifts. Reality Shift Manifestation changes remain local to the already existing dominant co-existing time line. These changes do not require energy beyond the interface between the brain and the Core Matrix. In other words, a Reality Shift Manifestation does not require the same energy trigger as does a Time Shift, such as a direct planetary hit from a coronal mass ejection or a solar wind etc.

In order to further my understanding, of what I had discovered, it was necessary to study the belief and efficacy of prayer. It became obvious, that a prayer coming true was a hit or miss thing. I found out why, and through this revelation was able to uncover the true science [psience] of manifestation. Regardless of what energies and entities may or may not be involved, in your personal manifestation beliefs, the science [psience] of manifestation is always the same. This is one of the things that you will learn in my book. But make no mistake, there are some very strict rules and protocols that come with this knowledge and ability. This includes some very strict ethics, that are in place regardless of a person's belief system or personal desires. Break these rules, and the manifestation will not work. Fail to adhere to the protocols, and the manifestation will not happen. There are safeguards in place, which are part of the very creation of who and what we are.

Starfire Tor


SUCCESS Update.  June 27, 2016:  Today's California rain, which is still falling in the mountains and the Inland Empire, caught weather forecasters and broadcasters by surprise. Because of this, all of their published 7 day weekly forecast charts were off. Because of the surprise rainstorms - some with thunder and lightening - it has been hard to find online documentation of the change in weather. Only now are news outlets and forecasters beginning to put out information about these rainstorms. The rain is expected to continue falling through tomorrow Tuesday and Wednesday.

Finally, a broadcast station has amended their forecast weather chart and included rain for the California mountain areas for tomorrow Tuesday, June 28, 2016 and Wednesday, June 29, 2016. Today is Monday June 27, 2016. I am making a point of this, because as you can see, I am posting tomorrow's weather chart today. If I posted it tomorrow, this oddity would not be documented. The chart does not include today's date. It starts with tomorrow's date.

Stay tuned for more, as the documentation becomes available. Do read my original Reality Shift Manifestation Rain Mission launch from June 24, 2016. ~ Starfire Tor

SUCCESS! Update June 27, 2016:  Per my Reality Shift Manifestation rain mission, launched on June 24, 2016, it is now raining in parts of California. I'm putting together the documentation for a more comprehensive report. ~ Starfire Tor

UPDATE:  June 26, 2016:  Folks, there is just me on watch here. I have to prioritize my workload, which means basing my research and reports in the order of most importance. Saving lives goes to the top of the list. This means that the weather, rain, fire Reality Shift Manifestation mission takes priority over finishing and publishing my Time Shift research breakthrough report. This is why the RSM report will post before the Time Shift research breakthrough report. And as you can see, I am replying to individual comments and questions associated with both topics. Please read my replies, because I've given some big clues as to what is going - or not going - on. The rest of the information will be in the related updates and reports.

Lastly, please keep in mind that I am still in recovery after almost dying from severe medical negligence. While my brain is still Starfire sharp, my body still isn't as strong as I need it to be. I'm working on that. So while I experienced an incredible miracle, in what I recovered from, post miracle life still requires some healing and a slow down of what I do and how I function - at least for now. 

Update Report: June 25, 2016
The Reality Shift Manifestation Rain Mission
Launched June 24, 2016

I have had some success, and so I am continuing the RSM rain mission in an effort to do better. While engaged, in this mission yesterday, I encountered some very strange things. These things caused me to understand that the problem is connected to a national weather problem and mystery, and not just California. Something very whacked out is going on with the weather. I'll be writing an update soon, which will contain documentation. Stay tuned. Read the original mission description, from June 24, 2016.  

This mission has an open window. This means that the RSM energy can be generated at any time - for the time being, with the goal of rain on fire.

Starfire Tor

CA-Fire-Map_06-24.jpgCA-Fire-HeatWave-10dayForecast_06-24  CA-Fire-HelicopterOverFire_06-24.jpg  CA-Fire-Blaze_06-24.jpg  CA-Fire-Smoke_06-24  

Bring Rain To The California June 2016 Fires
RSM Mission Launch: Friday, June 24, 2016

For those who have followed my research - as well as personal capabilities demonstrated through the years - you know that I have developed a technique called Reality Shift Manifestation [RSM]. It is an extension of my knowledge on Time Shifts and co-existing time lines. One of the Reality Shift Manifestations, which I have been able to accomplish, is the ability to bring rain to where there are wild fires. I have done this many times in public and privately. You can find out more about them by listening to some of my past shows with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland. In fact, I manifested rain on a wildfire as recently as May 2016. You all may not even be aware of this, but this rain RSM is documented on this FaceBook page in the visitor post section. Go to the May 3, 2016 entry regarding the Fort McMuray fire in Canada. You'll see exactly what I did, and how that rain caused the beginning of the end to that dangerous fire. I gave it a try because someone asked me for help. I cannot answer ever prayer for help - but I do my best.

Right now, in California - as well as elsewhere in the US - there are many devastating wildfires. Along with the fires is an out-of-season heat wave that is making matters much worse. Firefighters are overwhelmed and exhausted, homes and property is being destroyed. animals - domestic and wild - are being injured and killed, and humans have lost their lives. There is no rain in the forecast - just another heat wave of over 100 degrees. Something has to be done to help, and I'm going to try. There is no guarantee that I can make it rain, but if Reality Shift conditions are right then I can. The key is in my ability to locate other co-existing time lines where there is rain, and then performing a copy-paste technique of that rain from those rainy co-existing time lines to this current fry co-existing time line. If I can't find a co-existing time line, that has rain, then a Reality Shift Manifestation cannot be done. That's the science of it. But if the conditions are just right, then rain will fall where none was forecast.

I've uploaded some images related to the many California fires. This includes the 10 day weather forecast, starting today June 24, 2016, as well as some photos of the dangers and devastation. Some of you, who are reading this, have been trained by me in this RSM technique, and in years past have participated in this type of RSM mission. Please join me on this mission, which begins immediately. These photos are the front loading images to be used. As usual, I'll be going into a vortex today to solidify the RSM. I apologize to those who want to join in, but have not yet been trained by me. You will eventually find the instructions in the book I'm writing. I'm making this public, so as to reach as many of my students as possible. I'm hoping for the best, but won't know the outcome until I try to locate the right rain in co-existing timelines. If rain cannot be achieved, in this situation, I have no problem with having put the RSM Rain Mission out there. I consider every RSM to be a learning experiment. This is about trying to save lives.

Photo credits: ABC News, Ringo Chui, Rueters, CA Fire Dept, and FOX News.

Starfire Tor

SunSpot-None_201606-23_213000  K-index_2016-06-June-23_2130

Again The Sun Has No Sunspots Day 1
Mystery Geomagnetic Storm Remains A Mystery
Calling For Clarification Of Mystery Geomagnetic Storm
June 23, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On June 8, 2016 I reported that the Sun had gone blank, at least on the Earth facing side as far as sunspots were concerned. I uploaded an SDO photo that looked just like this one from today June 23, 2016. The Sun has obviously developed into a "now you see them now you don't" sunspot phase. Other experts will, no doubt, blame the zero sunspots on the ups and downs of solar minimums and maximums - upon which an 11 year cycle is attached.

I, on the other hand, am less inclined to jump on that theory - at least for now. Why? Because it follows what may have been a Time Shift marker of a geomagnetic storm, which I reported about yesterday June 22, 2016. As it stands, that mystery geomagnetic storm - which has since calmed - is apparently not the solar wind hit that forecasters have been touting. As a matter of fact, those experts have now repositioned that solar wind hit as arriving tomorrow June 24, 2016. No one, except me, has even mentioned yesterday's unexpected geomagnetic storm. I am calling upon the experts to please identify - what you believe to be - the source of yesterday's geomagnetic storm, and whether or not the forecasted June 24, 2016 solar wind hit is from the same or a different solar wind event. See the current NOAA k-index chart.


Mystery G1 Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Triggered
June 22, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth has just been hot with a G1 geomagnetic storm, which looks like it's on the way to becoming worldwide. The source of this geomagnetic activity may be a solar wind, that was expected to arrive on June 23, 2016. Since this is June 22, 2016, it's a good guess that this is that solar wind hit - a bit early. Time Shift, and time line edit activity, is in progress.

Frankly, there are some odd things about the appearance of this solar wind which indicate that it presents a Time Shift marker. It's a bit early, which may or may not be significant due to it being only part of a day early. Still, it takes the solar wind 4 days to travel from the Sun to the Earth. This solar wind, apparently, has made the trip in 3+1/2 days. Something had to speed up the process - if this is the expected solar wind. There's yet another mystery. It's that the Bz is currently pointing north, and the solar wind is only blowing at a mild 388 km/sec. As I've said before, When the Bz points north, energy from the solar wind is mainly repelled. When the Bz points south, energy from the solar wind can get in and cause geomagnetic activity. A solar wind, this light - with the Bz pointing north - should not have created geomagnetic storm conditions. Then there's another thing. As of now, which is the first recorded hit of the geomagnetic storm, the northern latitudes have not been impacted. Put this all together and this geomagnetic storm hit presents a mystery. Check out this NOAA k-index chart.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more.

June 19, 2016
Terrible and miserable heat wave in LA, California and other parts of the US. Tomorrow is supposed to be much hotter here. Expected: LA Basin 105, LA valley 110, LA desert 118, and LA beaches at 100. To make matters worse, there is a big fire that has been fouling the air for days - plus destroying property and land and killing animals. Smoke from the fire has affected people more than 100 miles away. Therefore, if you are in the path of this heat and this fire's bad air - heed the warnings and take care of yourself and your animals.

G2 Geomagnetic Storm In Northern Latitudes
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Triggered
June 17, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth's northern latitudes experienced a geomagnetic a storm today June 17, 2016, due to a solar wind hit. Geomagnetic storm conditions were diminished, due to the Bz [Earth's magnetic field] having been pointing north much of the time. When the Bz points north, energy from the solar wind is mainly repelled. When the Bz points south, energy from the solar wind can get in and cause geomagnetic activity. Because of the relationship, between the solar wind and Earth's magnetic fields, it's usual that most geomagnetic storm hit northern latitudes. Depending on conditions, geomagnetic storms can be generated at lower latitudes as well. This NOAA k-index chart shows how today's geomagnetic storm was recorded, as well as the previous June 13+15, 2016 worldwide geomagnetic storm.

Whether a geomagnetic storm is limited, or worldwide, has no baring on whether that solar wind hit can or can't trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Once triggered, Time Shift activity envelops the entire planet - and not only where a geomagnetic storm happens to be. Why? Because it's the solar wind hit that triggers the frame dragging that triggers the Time Shift. Geomagnetic storms are only markers, that Time Shift trigger conditions may be in progress. Geomagnetic storms do not, of themselves, trigger Time Shift activity.


Meat Loaf actually survived collapsing while performing on Thursday, as The Daily News correctly reported.

(© Arnd Wiegmann / Reuters/REUTERS)
Nicole Lyn Pesce
Friday, June 17, 2016, 11:02 AM

What a bunch of meat heads. 

The factually-challenged New York Post declared Meat Loaf dead in a front page flub shared on its news apps early Friday.

Of course, the rest of the world — including the New York Daily News — was well aware that the rock legend survived collapsing on stage during a Thursday night performance. 

Meat Loaf's rep blames dehydration for the singer's collapse on Edmonton stage. 

But someone at the Post fell for an internet hoax that said the “I’d Do Anything for Love” singer was done for. So readers tapping the rag’s apps saw the headline, “Meat Loaf: Rock legend dies after gig” screaming on Page 1 Friday morning and directing them to page 10.

“A sloppy writer fell for an internet hoax. It’s embarrassing,” a Post source told The News.
This version of the New York Post cover wrongly reported Meat Loaf dead.

The amateur mistake appears to have been scrubbed online and edited from the late city final print edition Friday morning once someone realized that reports of Meat Loaf's death had been greatly exaggerated. A rewrite confirming the singer was unconscious, not deceased, then appeared on page 5. 

But the fixes weren’t made before some sharp-eyed readers could grab screenshots of the careless mistake.

“This is rather a big error in the @nypost,” tweeted reader Roland Scahill. “Front page of the paper says Meat Loaf is dead — story says he collapsed.” 

Thanks to the internet, this boneheaded blunder will live on — like Meat Loaf himself.

G2 Geomagnetic Storm In Northern Latitudes
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity Triggered
June 17, 2016 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth's northern latitudes experienced a geomagnetic a storm today June 17, 2016, due to a solar wind hit. Geomagnetic storm conditions were diminished, due to the Bz [Earth's magnetic field] having been pointing north much of the time. When the Bz points north, energy from the solar wind is mainly repelled. When the Bz points south, energy from the solar wind can get in and cause geomagnetic activity. Because of the relationship, between the solar wind and Earth's magnetic fields, it's usual that most geomagnetic storm hit northern latitudes. Depending on conditions, geomagnetic storms can be generated at lower latitudes as well. This NOAA k-index chart shows how today's geomagnetic storm was recorded, as well as the previous June 13+15, 2016 worldwide geomagnetic storm.

Whether a geomagnetic storm is limited, or worldwide, has no baring on whether that solar wind hit can or can't trigger Time Shift and time line edit activity. Once triggered, Time Shift activity envelops the entire planet - and not only where a geomagnetic storm happens to be. Why? Because it's the solar wind hit that triggers the frame dragging that triggers the Time Shift. Geomagnetic storms are only markers, that Time Shift trigger conditions may be in progress. Geomagnetic storms do not, of themselves, trigger Time Shift activity.

Here is a brief summary of what to watch for in Time Shift markers. Due to frequency and time line edit changes associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand or swim wrong way. Auroras will form. Time Shifts create an amplification of paranormal activity, ghost activity, haunting activity, poltergeist activity, apports, synchronicity, psi abilities, time/word/object prompts, deja vu, psychic dreaming, precognition events, awareness of Time Shift Living Dead persons, altered time line events, time line looping, altered terrain, altered structures, altered world events and more. 

Learn more about Time Shifts:



All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor