

October, 2015  TIME SHIFT  ALERT

Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines.  These are terms she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited and restructured. 

The ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic elements.  Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering the Core Matrix's prime directive.  The sun is one of those power sources.
This is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's magnetosphere.   Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of  frequencies which are the foundation of all  Core Matrix Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth. 

To learn more about this ground breaking work please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.


The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts.  Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results.  The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts.  Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.



3rd Powerful Far Side CME Blasts Beyond Solar Rim
Giant Earth Facing Sunspot 2443 Is X Flare Worthy
October 31, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Happening right now: An unidentified far side sunspot is firing off a solar flare so powerful, that the coronal mass ejection [CME] has reached beyond the Sun's right solar rim. This is the 3rd such CME from that solar region since October 27 and 29, 2015. See those reports to learn more about them, and why these solar flares and CMEs do not appear on any solar flare charts.

Because these powerful CMEs sourced from the far side of the Sun, Earth is not going to be hit with the energy from any of these CME. However, giant sunspot region 2443 has grown even larger and harbors the type of solar energy that can trigger X flares. See my earlier reports on 2443, including photos.


Geomagnetic Storm Hits Northern Latitudes
Triggers Time Shift Activity
October 31, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected geomagnetic storm was mostly derailed, except for a brief spike in the northern latitudes that sparked a flash of bright green auroras across the artic. This green beauty of light was photographed by Ole Salomonsen in Norway.

The geomagnetic storm also triggered Time Shift activity. Most Time Shift marker reports, so far, have involved acts of synchronicity involving words and time prompts. So, keep aware of any Time Shift markers that you experience. Also, being that it is Halloween - or Samhain as some prefer to refer to October 31 - the Time Shift activity is bound to boost actual paranormal activity.


Spooky Halloween Flyby Of Asteroid 2015 TB145

In case you haven't caught the buzz, there is an asteroid doing a flyby on Halloween October 31, 2015. The scientific name for this asteroid is TB 145. But many scientists have nicknamed the asteroid "Spooky". This is why there will be a Spooky Halloween flyby, and not because the asteroid is supernatural. In fact, it's not even scary, because it will not come closer to us than about 300,000 miles. So even though Spooky is the size of a bus, there is no danger of impact. It will, however, get closer to the Moon than to the Earth. Check out this graphic, by Celestia, which shows Spooky's trajectory. Of course, if you want to think that this flyby has something to do with the energy of Halloween - be my guest. Stranger things have happened at this time of the year, including Time Line looping.


Giant Sunspot 2443 Grows Even Bigger
Poses Earth Facing M and X Flare Risk
October 30, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday I showed you all a first look at large and active sunspot 2443. It had just rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun, but had already made itself known because of the flares that it was firing off while on the far side of the Sun just behind the solar left rim. Take a look at this recent SDO photo of 2443, which reveals that this sunspot is even bigger than previously thought. It dwarfs the other sunspots in both size and flares. So far, at least while it's been on the Earth facing side of the Sun, 2443 has been firing off C flares almost non-stop. This one has to be watched for its potential to fire off Earth facing M and X flares, which produce Earth directed CMEs.


Far Side CME May Have Been An X Flare
Halloween Asteroid FlyBy
October 30, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Here is a SOHO photo from yesterday's October 29, 2015 far side coronal mass ejection [CME] that triggered an S1 radiation storm. The fact that this blast sources from the Sun's far side, and the fact that the explosion and energy output was so powerful, indicates that this eruption may have been a low level X flare. Regardless, being on the far side means that - aside from the S1 solar storm that already happened - none of this CME energy will reach Earth.

On the opposite Earth facing side, of the Sun, giant sunspot 2443 grows even larger as it fires off C flare after C flare. I expect more powerful Earth facing flares from this one.

Meanwhile, the expected solar wind hasn't been able to impact Earth because the Bz has been pointing north for a couple of days. The Bz is the orientation of Earth's magnetic field, which then acts as a shield around our planet. When the Bz points north, the magnetic field tends to prevent solar winds and CME energy from getting past the shield and causing geomagnetic storms. When the Bz points south is when this type of solar energy can get past the shield and trigger geomagnetic storming. So right now, the expected solar wind may not impact Earth. It's still something that needs watching. There is also a CME on the way, which sources from the October 27, 2015 that I reported about.

The Sun isn't the only action involving our planet. On Halloween, which is October 31, 2015, a moderately sized asteroid will do a flyby of Earth. It's called 2015 TB145. No worries, because it's going to stay 300,000 miles away at its closest approach.


Huge Sunspot 2443 Rotates To Earth Facing Side
Far Side CME Triggers S1 Radiation Storm
Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Storm Still Expected
October 29, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday, I reported that there was a very active sunspot getting ready to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. Today it did just that, it has been numbered 2443, and with this SDO photo you can see how large this sunspot is compared to the other much smaller sunspots sprinkled across the Sun. In case you need a neon sign to find 2443, it's that large spotted region near the left solar rim. Right now, 2443 is firing off C flare after C flare. But it has the potential to firer off much more powerful solar flares in the days to come.

Meanwhile, there has been another coronal mass ejection [CME] firing off from behind the Sun's right rim. This one was so powerful, that it triggered an S1 radiation storm. An S1 radiation storm has no biological impact on Earth life. However, it can cause problems with HF radio in the polar regions. There hasn't been any sort of radiation storm in quite a while. Oh yes - I should mention this again. Because this powerful CME sourced from a region on the far side of the Sun, the event is not put onto any solar flare chart. Again I encourage those scientists, who work with this data, to create a separate chart that addresses and identifies - as best as possible - solar far side events. At the very least do have a chart that acknowledges the event.

While I'm at it, stop re-numbering already existing sunspots, just because they rotate onto the far side of the Sun before rotating back onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. By choosing to change the numbered identity of a sunspot, the scientific continuity study of that sunspot is lost. Point blank - renumbering is highly unscientific.

As for the expected solar wind, that I reported about yesterday, it's still on the way and may hit later today. If nothing strange happens to it, on its journey to Earth, this solar hit could very well trigger a geomagnetic storm. From that, it's only the blink of an eye to having a Time Shift triggered.


CMEs Coming and Going
Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Storm Coming
October 28, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

As you can seem in this SOHO photo from yesterday October 27, 2015, the Sun is still active and firing off coronal mass ejections [CMEs]. This rather wide CME began as a C flare, emanating from the Sun's right rim. Since this is the solar region, where sunspots are rotating off of the Earth facing side of the Sun, this CME energy is not likely to have any impact on Earth. However, just before and after this right rim CME, the Sun fired off another CME from just behind the Sun's left rim. This is the active region that will be rotating onto the Sun's Earth facing side very soon.

Meanwhile, there is a lot of solar wind activity to report. Starting tomorrow - if nothing interferes - the Earth will find itself in the path of more than one solar wind stream. Yep, it's another solar sector boundary crossing. This happens when more than one solar wind amasses in space and creates a turbo=like effect to the solar wind. It's like a solar wind wave or tsunami. This tends to create a slightly higher velocity wind stream, compared to what a wind stream velocity would be if it was left alone to travel. When this hits, the chances are good that it will spark a geomagnetic storm. I'll let you all know, especially if the geomagnetic energy triggers Time Shift activity. Just remember that a geomagnetic storm is only one way that a Time Shift can be triggered, A Time Shift can be active without the appearance of a geomagnetic storm, as happened over the past weekend.


Time Shift Wave Beginning October 20, 2015
Time Shift Living Dead Person
Maureen O'Hara Dead Again October 24, 2015
October 27, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Starting October 20, 2015, we have been going through a wave of Time Shift time line edits that resulted in many new co-existing time lines. This Time Shift activity happened, regardless of whether Earth was or wasn't experiencing geomagnetic storming - which are known to trigger some Time Shift activity. I'll have more to say, about this wave of Time Shift activity, after I analyze the mountain of data that I have. Meanwhile, one of the Time Shift markers involved Time Shift Living Dead activity, which is a huge Time Shift marker.

Maureen O'Hara, a well known actress who appeared in many famous movies, has died again on October 24, 2015. She was of 95 years old. She is a Time Shift Living Dead [TSLD] person. Maureen Ohara was first reported, as a TSLD person, when she made an appearance to receive an Honorary Award at the 2014 Governors Awards. Her appearance caused thousands of people to report her as a TSLD, as all reporters knew her work well and had remembered her dying many years before she received that award. Now she has died again, and like many multiple time TSLD people she has died at an advanced age. With little exception, most multiple time TSLD people continue in advance in age even when they have died in some of the co-existing time lines in which they exist. The Time Shift Living Dead enigma is perhaps the most profound Time Shift marker of all.

The photo is a studio publicity photo when O'Hara played opposite John Wayne in the movie "The Quiet Man". She was also in such favorite movies as "Miracle on 34th Street", "How Green Was My Valley", "Rio Grande", "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame", "The Black Swan", "The Parent Trap", "The Long Gray Line", " Sinbad the Sailor", and many more/


Earth Facing Sunspot 2434 Fires Off Long Duration CME
Time Shift Activity Confirmed With Time Shift Markers
Time and Clocks Out Of Phase
Time Shift Living Dead Person Marty Ingels
October 22, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth facing sunspot 2434 fired off a long duration solar C4.4 flare today, which lasted for 3 hours. It's no surprise that this flare developed into a coronal mass ejection [CME]. Most flares, that are of short duration, usually fall back to the Sun without ever becoming CMEs. But a long duration flare, which keeps erupting with solar mass, will usually develop into a CME. These CME rules do get broken, at times, but this is usually the way things work on the Sun. Anyway, I expect that some of this CME will make it to Earth, in about 3 days, while the rest of the energy will fly wide pf our planet. This could change, if 2424 or possibly larger 2436, fires off a CME that is very powerful and wide within hours. Such a powerful and fast moving CME can catch up with and redirect a slower earlier CME. You know the way the Sun is - it's all about power. This SDO photo shows the flare at its peak.

I can now report, that Time Shift activity has been confirmed for yesterday October 21, 2015. Yes, I know it was "Back To The Future" day, as i reported. But it just so happens that the #1 Time Shift marker was also reported from all around the world. The #1 Time Shift marker is the Time Shift Living Dead enigma. In particular, the TSLD person is actor, comedian, and theatrical agent Marty Ingels who died - again - on October 21, 2015 at the age of 79. He has been on my TSLD list for years, because he has been a reported TSLD person in years past. Marty Ingels will not be the only TSLD person from yesterday. There may have been hundreds to thousands. But this is the one that hundreds of people reported. Check out my website to learn more about the TSLD enigma

Of course a TSLD isn't the only Time Shift marker to be reported, from yesterday. Many of you already know that time itself was playing at being out of phase, such as with time seeming to jump around and clocks not being able to stay synchronized with other time pieces. This included atomic clocks, as well as the awareness of missing or altered time.

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Geomagnetic Storm Spreading Around The World
Earth Facing Sunspot 2436 Firing Off Many Flares
October 21, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected geomagnetic storm, which I reported had started a little early in the northern latitudes, has finally arrived with the main wave of the solar wind. As you can see, in this NOAA k-index chart, the geomagnetic storm has begun to build and spread out around the world. Since the Bz is tipping south right now [it had been tipping north only hours ago], I suspect that this geomagnetic storm may grow a bit stronger. FYI: when the Bz is pointing north, which is part of Earth's magnetic shield against solar energy intrusion, solar energy is rebuffed. When the Bz is pointing south, this allows solar energy to slip past Earth's magnetic shield. The solar energy, in question, can be either a solar wind or a coronal mass ejection [CME].

I still have not received sufficient Time Shift marker reports, as yet, that would indicate that this geomagnetic storm has triggered Time Shift activity. Of course, this could change in the blink of an eye. Please report, any Time Shift markers, in a reply comment to this post.

Meanwhile, large Earth facing sunspot zone 2436 has been firing off C flare after C flare - even though it has enough energy stored up to fire off M flares at us. This is especially true, since none of the solar flares has produced a coronal mass ejection [CME]. When that happens, the flare's energy just falls back to the sunspot zone so that the sunspot builds up more energy instead of decaying. If enough of this magnetic solar play keeps happening, 2435 might have the energy to blast off an X flare. This SDO photo shows one of the C flares firing off.


Geomagnetic Storm Arrives Early
October 20, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

I recently reported that an expected geomagnetic storm would be hitting Earth starting as early as October 22, 2015. But, as you can see in this NOAA k-index chart, the northern latitudes are already being hit with a geomagnetic storm. Since the Bz is tipping south, I suspect that a push of solar wind made it through and affected the northern latitudes. Basically, when the Bz is pointing north, which is part of Earth's magnetic shield against solar energy intrusion, solar energy is rebuffed. When the Bz is pointing south, this allows solar energy to slip past Earth's magnetic shield. The solar energy, in question, can be either a solar wind or a coronal mass ejection [CME].

I have no Time Shift marker reports, as yet, that this northern latitude geomagnetic storm triggered Time Shift activity. Of course, this could change. Please report, any Time Shift markers, in a reply comment to this post. Stay tuned.

One of my favorite lines from Dr. Who is: "Precognition is remembering things in the wrong direction". 


Sun Primed To Unleash Earth Directed CMEs
October 19, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

This current SDO photo shows you the many Earth facing sunspots existing right now. The big sunspot, that is center disc Earth facing, is 2434 which is large and has been very active. If it fired off a coronal mass ejection [CME], the solar energy will make it to Earth. So far, today, it has only unleashed C flare activity with no CME. That larger island sunspot, at about 9 o'clock high, is 2436 and is building up the energy for an X flare. It will be, on the Earth facing side of the Sun, for at least another week. 2437, which is the smaller sunspot in the 8 o'clock position, fired off 2 M flares only days ago just before it rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. In all, there are currently 5 sunspots on the Earth facing side of the Sun. ironically, the only CME for the day - at least at the moment - fired off from a solar prominence and not a sunspot. The CME is not heading to Earth, due to its position on the Sun's left rim.

The geomagnetic storm has ended. The next one is expected in about a week, unless something unexpected happens between then and now. Hey, it's the Sun. The unexpected is known to happen. However, just because the geomagnetic storm has calmed does not mean that Time Shift activity has stopped. While geomagnetic storms can trigger Time Shift activity, the calming of the storm does not always herald the end of a Time Shift wave. This is why Time Shift markers are important to detecting Time Shift and time line edit activity.

K-index_10-18_1223 CME_10-18_004013_SDO_A1A-335

The Sun Is Awake and Very Active
Double M Flares From New Unidentified Sunspot
R1 Radio Blackouts
New Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
New Time Shift Activity In Progress
October 18, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The Sun is definitely awake and very active. Late yesterday there were 2 M flares, which produced 2 R1 radio blackouts. New powerful sunspots continue to form and blast out solar flare after solar flare. One of them, 2434 is now directly Earth facing. This is important to know, because 2434 has the energy to produce an X flare - and it's not the only new sunspot that does. New sunspots, 2435 and 2436, have just rotated on to the Earth facing side of the Sun - and they are letting their arrival be known. 2436 is particularly large, with multiple hot spots connected by magnetic loops of energy. And as if things weren't exciting enough, with Old Sol, there is yet another powerful sunspot about to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. Although not here quite yet, its blasts can already be seen just behind the Sun's left rim. This SDO photo shows one of the M flares firing off - and it's powerful. So far, amid all of the flares going on, there have not been any significant coronal mass ejections [CMEs]. When this happens, the material from the flare falls back to the sunspot - and this makes the sunspot even bigger and more powerful.

Meanwhile, a new geomagnetic storm is happening right now. You can see the emergence, along with the gap between this one and the previous one, on this K-index chart from NOAA. Based on the Time Shift marker reports I have received, new Time Shift activity is in progress. So keep alert. Interesting things van happen in the month of October.


Double CMEs Blast Away From The Sun
Geomagnetic Storm Still In Progress
Time Shift Activity Still In Progress
October 14, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The mystery sunspot, which has been so active just behind the Sun's left rim, has now rotated onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. It now has the number 2434. Starting on October 13, 2015, and going into the 14th, 2434 and a huge plasma canopy both erupted at nearly the same time. The plasma canopy caused the really big coronal mass ejection [CME], while 2434 was the source for the smaller lower CME. Because of where they are positioned, neither CME will make it to Earth. Soon, 2434 will be in a more geoeffective position, and that's when its CMEs will travel in our direction.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm is still in progress - with more on the way due to a gigantic coronal hole that has opened up and is spewing solar wind straight at the Earth. In our cause and effect world, the geomagnetic storming has continued to trigger Time Shift activity. So keep alert for Time Shift markers. So far, the dominant Time Shift markers have been psychic dreaming as well as poltergeist-like activity featuring changes in objects and electronic equipment that seems to turn itself on and off. Nothing malevolent was reported.


Near M Flare From Mystery Sunspot
Geomagnetic Storm Still In Progress
Time Shift Activity Still In Progress
October 13, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday, I told you all about a large and powerful sunspot that was just beginning to rotate onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. This sunspot, not yet numbered, created solar sunspot activity after 7 days of sunspot flat lining, A short while ago, this mystery sunspot - still on the Sun's left rim - fired off a C9.5 solar flare. That's a near M flare. I expect a lot mire from this sunspot, especially as it begins to rotate into view and Earth is in the line of fire for any coronal mass ejections it may throw at us. This SDO photo shows the C9.5 flare peaking.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm - which I reported about yesterday - is still hitting Earth. Time Shift and time line edit activity is once again in progress. So keep alert for Time Shift markers. So far, the dominant Time Shift markers have been psychic dreaming as well as poltergeist-like activity featuring changes in objects and electronic equipment that seems to turn itself on and off. Nothing malevolent was reported.

October 12, 2015
This week's ongoing auroras, triggered by the wave of geomagnetic storms, have been magnificent. This explosion of colorful aurora appeared in the skies of Norway. Photo: Robert Alexandersen


Sun Wakes Up With CME From Mystery Sunspot
Another Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth
Time Shift Activity In Progress
October 12, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

After 7 days of sunspot flat lining, the Sun finally woke up as a sunspot exploded and triggered a long duration coronal mass ejection [CME]. It's not yet known what sunspot this is, since it is still on the Sun's left rim and not exactly visible from Earth. Not only has this mystery sunspot fired off this C3.2 flare, that area of the Sun - just behind the rime - has been quite active over the past 2 days. The area is only hours away from rotating onto the Earth facing side of the Sun, and there's no reason to believe that the action will stop just now. Who knows, this sunspot may be one of the very active sunspots that was blasting us when it was on the Earth facing side of the Sun only 10 days to 2 weeks ago. Stay tuned for more. This SOHO photo shows the CME blasting into space from the left rim.

Meanwhile, another geomagnetic storm is hitting Earth right now. The source is yet another solar wind, from a coronal hole that opened up 4 days ago. Due to this new geomagnetic wave, Time Shift and time line edit activity is once again in progress. So keep alert for Time Shift markers.

October 10, 2015
This aurora in Finland was so bright, that it turned the night sky into an otherworldly looking green daylight. Photo by Matti Helin.

Large Powerful Plasma Canopy Tries To Escape Sun
Geomagnetic Storm Still Active
Time Shift Activity Still Active
October 9, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

There is only one very small sunspot on the Earth facing side of the Sun, and it isn't erupting. For several days now, sunspot flare activity has been flat lining. But there is something going on with the Sun, as can be seen on the right rim of the Sun in this SDO photo. A very large plasma canopy has developed, and is trying to blast away from the Sun altogether. Maybe it will and maybe it won't. One thing is for sure: the last time a plasma canopy like this blasted away from the Sun it caused an XXX coronal mass ejection [CME] event, it was on September 30, 2015 and it was in the exact same spot.

Meanwhile, the geomagnetic storm is still active, spiked up a bit in the northern latitudes, but on a worldwide scale is beginning to calm down. It could rev up again, if more solar wind comes our way in the next 24 hours. Whatever, Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress.   


This intense geomagnetic storm has produced some of the most dramatic auroras this year. The red, purple, white, and green energy rays, of this aurora, looks like something that has a wide and powerful wingspan. What does this aurora look like to you? Photo by Marianne Bergli in Norway.

AuroraForcast_10-08_1420UT K-index_10-08_1348

Intense Worldwide G3 Geomagnetic Storm Continues
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity In Progress
October 8, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The intense geomagnetic storm, which began yesterday, has spiked in intensity as well as maintaining its previous intensity of G3 levels. Check out this NOAA k-index geomagnetic intensity chart to see just how solid and intense this one is. I've also included today's NOAA Ovation Aurora Forecast model, so that you can see how strongly this geomagnetic storm has affected the manifestation of auroras.

Time Shift and time line edit activity is still in progress, due to the continued and intense geomagnetic storming. So stay alert for Time Shift marker experiences. You never know when one or more Time Shift markers will provide a clue to what time line elements have been edited, as new co-existing time lines are created

October 7, 2015
How incredible is this geomagnetic storm? It triggered this gorgeous Alaskan aurora, which appears to take on the shape of something exotic taking off in flight. What does it look like to you? Photo by Marketa S Murray


Intense G3 Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift and Time Line Edit Activity In Progress
Time Shift Markers Reveal Protection
October 7, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

The expected geomagnetic storm is here, and as I suspected would happen, it has risen above the G2 level predicted. It is now at G3 levels worldwide. Check out this NOAA k-index geomagnetic intensity chart to see just how solid and intense this one is.

Time Shift marker reports have been very interesting. So far, the most reported enigma has been a feeling if protection. Whether it was a dream, a meditative state, a spirit encounter, or even a ghostly encounter - the experience produced the overall sensation of being protected. I find that very interesting. Besides that, the most reported Time Shift marker to date, during this new geomagnetic storm wave, is poltergeist-like and apport activity where objects appear from out of nowhere,


G2 Geomagnetic Storm Expected October 7, 2015
Another Time Shift Wave Expected
October 6, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

On October 3, 2015 I reported that a large Earth facing coronal hole's solar wind would hit Earth around October 7-8. NOAA expects the ensuing geomagnetic storm to reach G2 levels. This SDO photo shows that coronal hole today, as well as a secondary coronal hole to the upper left of the Sun.

I expect this coming solar wind hit to trigger another Time Shift wave. So stay alert for Time Shift markers, which are the heralds that a Time Shift is in progress.

Meanwhile, lone sunspot is 2427 is getting closer to the Sun's right rim, where in a couple of days it will rotate onto the Sun's far side. It hasn't erupted in days. Because of this zip activity, the Sun is flat lining as to solar flares. But this is the Sun, after all, and things tend to develop in the blink of an eye. The wait is on.


Geomagnetic Storm Still In Progress
Time Shift In Progress
October 5, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth is still experiencing geomagnetic storming, with the most intense activity being a powerful G4 spike in the northern latitudes. Part of this is due to a solar wind hit, and part is due to the influence of the XXX CME event from September 30, 2015. This k-index chart shows you the geomagnetic activity now and throughout the week. Right now, the northern latitudes are experiencing a powerful G4 geomagnetic spike.

Time Shift marker reports remain at elevated levels. This generally means that the types of Time Shift triggered time line edits, triggered by a geomagnetic storm, are indicators that a new wave of Time Shift activity is in progress.

Right now, the only Earth facing sunspot left is 2427, which is not a very active or large sunspot. Days ago it fired off 2 C flares, and that's been it so far. There have been no flares from other solar activity, such as non-sunspot eruptions. But you know the way the Sun works. Things can be quiet one minute, and then the Sun's dynamics change and the action levels rise.


This beautiful aurora, created by geomagnetic storm activity, was photographed by Anders Jildén in Sweden.


Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
XXX Event Energy Reaches Earth
Time Shift In Progress
M1 Flare and R1 Radio Blackout
October 4, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Earth is experiencing geomagnetic storming worldwide, with the most intense activity being a powerful G4 spike in the northern latitudes. Auroras have lit up the skies. This k-index chart shows you the geomagnetic activity that I've been reporting about for days. Today's more intense geomagnetic storming was helped along by the energy from XXX CME event of September 30, 2015.

Time Shift marker reports have intensified. This generally means that the types of Time Shift triggered time line edits, triggered by a geomagnetic storm, are indicators that a new wave of Time Shift activity is in progress.

Powerful sunspot 2422 has now rotated onto the far side of the Sun. It fired off one more M1 flare before it left Earth view. This M flare, although not triggering a coronal mass ejection [CME] did trigger an R1 radio blackout on Earth. Right now the only Earth facing sunspot left is 2427, which is not a very active sunspot. Yesterday it fired off 2 C flares and that's been it so far.


Coronal Hole and Solar Wind
Geomagnetic Storm In Progress
Time Shift Markers and The Core Matrix
October 3, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

An Earth facing coronal hole has opened up, as you can see in this SDO photo. The solar wind it's produced is expected to reach Earth and trigger geomagnetic storming on or about October 7-8, 2015. Right now, Earth is experiencing geomagnetic storming in the northern latitudes, as well as unsettled magnetic field conditions in the rest of the world.

So far, Time Shift marker reports have been on the lighter side. This generally means that the types of Time Shift triggered time line edits, triggered by a geomagnetic storm, are not as radical compared to time line edits that are radical.. An example of a radical time line edit would be the Core Matrix causing an edit meant to repair something devastating to the planet such as a planet ending comet strike. As I have explained before, the Core Matrix - which acts live a cosmic hard drive that both stores and streams all co-existing time lines - has its own set of prime directives where preserving the planet and the Cosmos guides its actions. These prime directives come from the natural order of the universe and not the Core Matrix itself. The Core Matrix is not a being, and its functions are not controlled by anything or anyone other than the prime directive of life.

Meanwhile, powerful sunspot 2422, and smaller sunspot 2220, are now sitting on the Sun's right rim where they continue to fire off C flare after C flare. 2422 is still capable of some M and X flare activity, which if it happens may still be visible from Earth. Right now the only Earth facing sunspot is 2427, which only today fired off 2 C flares. None of the flares produced coronal mass ejections [CME], which means that the flare's energy falls back to the Sun and the sunspots do not decay.   


3 More M Flares From Super Active and Huge Sunspot 2422
R2 Radio Blackout
Geomagnetic Storm
October 2, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Today, super giant and active sunspot 2422 fired off 3 more M flares. One of them was a powerful M5.5, with the other 2 both being an M1. Like most of the flares from 2422 there was no coronal mass ejection. This means that the energy, from that flare, fell back to the Sun. Although 2422 has decayed a bit, since if was involved in the plasma canopy XXX event, this powerhouse sunspot is obviously still going strong. As you can see, in this SDO photo of the M5.5 flare peaking, 2422 is in the process of rotating off of the Earth facing side of the Sun. Sue to its size, I have little doubt that it will rotate back onto the Earth facing side of the Sun. It may not be as large, but it will still be intact - but with a different number assigned to it. If 2422 fires off an X flare, from it's current solar rim position, some of that energy could still make it to Earth. Other than something dramatic happening in the next few hours, we must bid farewell to 2422.

Meanwhile, the triple M flares from today did generate an R2 radio blackout. At the same time, Eath is experiencing an expected solar wind hit that has produced geomagnetic storming in the northern latitudes, plus unsettled magnetic field conditions elsewhere in the world. The energy, from the recent XXX event, has yet to arrive.  


M4.5 Flare From Super Active and Huge Sunspot 2422
R1 Radio Blackout
Geomagnetic Storms Expected Tomorrow
October 1, 2015 Solar Activity and Time Shift Activity Report

Yesterday I reported about a large plasma canopy explosion that triggered a massively powerful and wide coronal mass ejection [CME]. The photos were spectacular, and showed why I dubbed the event an XXX flare event. The explosion wasn't only coming from the huge plasma canopy. The explosion was actually a series of explosions that triggered co-eruptions from sunspots 2322, 2223, plus some very far reaching magnetic loop explosive action.

You might think, that now that the plasma canopy is all but gone, that the heavy duty action would be over to. It's not. A short while ago, giant sunspot 2224 fired off an M4.5 solar flare that triggered an R1 radio blackout. This SDO photo captures the moment the M4.5 flare peaked. So far, it looks like there many not have been a CME involved. If this changes I'll let you know. Although 2224 is still on the Earth facing side of the Sun, it is nearing the right rim where it will disappear onto the far side of the Sun. This, however, will not stop the many power eruptions I expect to continue with this sunspot.

Meanwhile, Earth is on geomagnetic storm watch. A solar wind wave is expected to hit Earth tomorrow, due to a solar wind wave - aka co-rotating interaction region [CIR] - heading toward us. But wait! There's more! Yesterday's XXX blast added its own energy and mash up into the solar wind mix. This is why tomorrow's Earth hit may be more than just a solar wind wave. Stay tuned to see what happens tomorrow and the next day.  
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