Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time
Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines. These are terms
she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which
our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited
and restructured.
To learn more about this ground breaking work
please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley
Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with
Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.
The Time Shift Alerts presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time Shift Alerts. Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time Shift science or scientific results. The purpose of sharing this sampling is to educate people about the science of Time Shifts. Part of this Time Shift Alert education involves historical events including the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: The Time Shift swarm continues to at least March 18, 2012 due to ongoing solar winds, multiple M and X class solar flares, CMEs, and today's, March 10, 2012, M5.4 and M8.4 solar flares. The solar activity causes Earth to experience geomagnetic storms, solar radiation storms, radio blackouts, auroras, tech and communications disruptions, cetacean stranding, and triggers multiple Time Shifts with multiple time line changes and time line looping. Expect TS triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. TSLD, precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, poltergeist, and paranormal events will increase. |
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: The Time Shift swarm continues to at least March 18, 2012 due to ongoing solar winds, multiple M and X class solar flares and CMEs. The March 10, 2012 M5.4 and M8.4 solar flare's energy hit Earth today March 12, 2012 triggering a geomagnetic storm which triggered more Time Shifts and time line editing. Time Shift triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. TSLD, precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, poltergeist, and paranormal events will increase. The NOAA K-index chart shows the geomagnetic intensity is huge. Expect auroras. Cetaceans may lose navigation abilities, travel wrong way and strand. |
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: The Time Shift swarm continues as another solar flare and Earth directed CME has erupted on the sun. This time it's an M7 class solar flare. Its radiation storm is already hitting Earth and the CME is expected March 15, 2012. Much of this Time Shift warm came from larger than Earth sunspot 1429, seen in these NASA photos, which is rotating out of Earth side range. Expect more time line edits and Time Shift triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. TSLD, precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, poltergeist, and paranormal events will increase. Cetaceans may lose navigation abilities, travel wrong way and strand. |
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: The Time Shift swarm continues. The expected last CME from sunspot 1429 is here triggering a geomagnetic storm. This NOAA solar magnetic field chart shows how the energy leaving the sun, which then reaches Earth, moves in an outward spiral. Remember our solar system is in motion. For as long as this magnetic spiral exists, the Sun and Earth are literally connected by this Time Shift triggering power source. Expect more time line edits and Time Shift triggered quake, volcano, tornado, weather, and geophysical events. TSLD, precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, poltergeist, and paranormal events will increase. Cetaceans may lose navigation abilities, travel wrong way and strand. |
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: This HAARP chart recorded the solar energy hitting Earth's magnetic field from today's CME impact. It triggered a geomagnetic storm and continued the Time Shift swarm. Remember what I've taught. HAARP isn't causing the magnetic field disturbance. That source is solar. HAARP is only recording the disturbance. It may be the last hit from sunspot 1429. Expect auroras and Time Shift triggered time line edits, quake, volcano, weather, and geophysical events. TSLD, precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, poltergeist, and paranormal events will increase. Cetaceans may strand. |
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: Due to the solar wind hitting Earth the past 3 days the Time Shift swarm is extended past the March 18, 2012 date I said the swarm might end due to sunspot 1429 rotating on the Sun's farside. If no other Earth directed solar activity erupts in concert with this solar wind then the end of this solar wind hit and Time Shift trigger will be the end the TS swarm. The next Time Shift Alert would be a new TS cycle. This dazzling March 18, 2012 Canada aurora shot by Sylvain Serre was caused by this solar wind hitting Earth's magnetic field. Expect Time Shift triggered time line edits, quake, volcano, weather, and geophysical events. TSLD, precognition, synchronicity, deja vu, poltergeist, and paranormal events will increase. Cetaceans may strand. |
Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: March 19, 2012,
I said this Time Shift swarm would end if no other solar activity
happened in concert with the current solar wind storm. It's because
sunspot 1429, the source of much of the Sun triggered Time Shift swarm,
had rotated away from Earth and no other solar events were expected to
join this solar wind. Something did happen. Electrons in Earth's outer
radiation belt elevated significantly
causing an extension of the solar wind and geomagnetic storm effect
even tho the original events have waned. This aurora in Sweden by photographer
Chad Blakely shows the effect of this extension. In fact scientists are
puzzled at how auroras have blazed 17 days in a row. Of course, it's no
puzzle to those who follow my related Time Shift swarm reports. Update TIME SHIFT ALERT begins February 23, 2012: I just posted that this Time Shift swarm was extended because of elevated electrons interacting with the solar wind and creating elements of an extended solar wind and geomagnetic storm. Even tho solar activity has waned, the raised electrons create the conditions that can trigger Time Shifts and time line edits. Today's 7.4-7.6 Mexico quake is a Time Shift triggered quake, as are other quakes, tornadoes and weird weather and geophysical events during this Time Shift swarm window. Solar activity does not cause these Earth events. Time Shifts, due to the frequency changes associated with time line edits, can and do. Some, but not all Time Shifts are triggered by solar activity impacting Earth's magnet field. ![]() 7.4 quake rocks southern Mexico, shakes capitalAn earthquake measuring 7.4 struck today in southern Mexico, about 110 miles from Acapulco, the U.S. Geological Survey reports. Update at 6:10 p.m. ET: The governor of Guerrero state is now saying that least 800 homes collapsed in Igualapa, CNN reports. Igualapa is a city of about 10,000 people in the coastal region south of Chilpancingo. Update at 5:07 p.m. ET: The USGS says the quake was caused by "thrust-faulting on or near the plate boundary interface between the Cocos and North America plates" along the Pacific coast. |
The long-lived Time Shift swarm, which began February 23, 2012 & caused untold number of minor & major time line edits, has ended as of March 25, 2012. The next Time Shift Alert will herald a new Time Shift cycle. This SOHO photo shows sunspot 1429 erupting on March 24, 2012 with another large CME. Unlike other 1429 eruptions which contributed to the historic Time Shift swarm, yesterday's CME was on the farside of the Sun & won't hit Earth. Also there are no Earthside coronal holes which could send a solar wind Earth's way. Even if the 1429 March 24, 2012 CME defies physics & hits Earth, that would be caused by new Time Shift activity. Now the most important part of studying the past Time Shift swarm begins - trying to glean how the many time line edits altered our world. |