Beginning February 13, 2012
Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time
Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines. These are terms
she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which
our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited
and restructured.
ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time
lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic
elements. Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that
brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this
mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering
the Core Matrix's prime directive. The sun is one of those power

is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar
activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's
magnetosphere. Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being
hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion
the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of
frequencies which are the foundation of all Core Matrix
Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth.
To learn more about this ground breaking work
please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley
Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with
Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.

The Time Shift Alerts
presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time
Shift Alerts. Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time
Shift science or scientific results. The purpose of sharing this
sampling is to educate
people about the science of Time Shifts. Part of this Time Shift
Alert education involves historical events including the September 11,
2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami
in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and
tsunami in Japan.

TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins February 13, 2012: Due to a powerful Earth
directed CME and a separate solar wind, Earth's magnetic field is now
being hit and a geomagnetic storm is expected. The solar energy hitting
Earth's magnetosphere will trigger Time Shift timeline edits and create
new Co-Existing Time Lines. Due to frequency changes associated with
Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered earthquake, volcano,
weather, and geophysical events. Tech communications may be disrupted,
cetaceans may strand, auroras will dazzle, and TSLD, precognition, and
paranormal events will increase.
Something powerful this way comes.
The Earth's magnetic field is now being hit by an Earth directed solar
CME and a separate solar wind. A geomagnetic storm is expected. The
disruption in the magnetic field also disrupts cetacean communication
and bio navigation. The loss of these abilities can lead to stranding
and wrong way travel. Watch for pods and loners near coasts and
waterways and block stranding with noise and sound pingers. Refloat and
stay with stranders until the disruptive event has passed or they may
re-strand. Be vigilant at places cetaceans have stranded before. Expect
auroras, which cetaceans can see and hear.

TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins February 13, 2012 Update: Earth
is currently in a geomagnetic storm. That's not unusual since I did put
out an alert that included a coming geomagnetic storm with auroras.
Here's what's really interesting. NOAA reports that it doesn't know
where the geomagnetic storm came from, or the auroras, because there's
no evidence of Earth being hit with a coronal mass ejection [CME]. The
cause is a Time Shift time line edit where the restructured dominant
time line has retained the effects of a CME hit but in which the CME hit
itself has been edited out of the dominant time line. This NOAA K-index
chart shows the dramatic disturbance in Earth's geomagnetic field as I
said it would be. Yet there's no separate data showing the CME impact
itself. It's great Time Shift time line edit evidence.

SHIFT ALERT Begins February 13, 2012 Update: This February 15, 2012
view of a giant aurora whirlpool over the Bering Sea was taken
by a US Defense Meteorological Program satellite. This type of
behavior hasn't been seen in years and forecasting experts still
aren't sure what caused the energy ripple in Earth's magnetosphere that
caused it. Read what I wrote about this yesterday and you'll
that the expected Time Shift is involved.

huge streak of solid green aurora was taken by the International Space
Station February 14, 2012. As I posted earlier, this was the day the science
community [except yours truly] was surprised when brilliant auroras
started blazing even tho these same scientists could not find the reason
why the auroras appeared. On this date there was no CME or solar wind
hit. I wrote that the auroras would be here in my February 13, 2012 Time Shift
Alert. These 'mystery' auroras were caused by a Time Shift time line
edit where the restructured dominant time line has retained the effects
of a CME hit but in which the CME hit itself has been edited out of the
dominant time line. February 18, 2012 another solar wind hit and the auroras are
Learn more about Time Shifts:

All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor