Beginning January 19, 2012
Starfire Tor is the discoverer and chief researcher of Time
Shifts, The Core Matrix, and Co-Existing Time Lines. These are terms
she coined to describe astounding interconnected phenomenon in which
our reality and dominant current time line is constantly being edited
and restructured.
ancient origin of the Core Matrix, Time Shifts, and Co-Existing time
lines involves a black hole, matter, anti-matter, and other exotic
elements. Despite the immense, and symbiotic cosmic powers that
brought the Time Shift mechanism into being, the continuation of this
mechanism's function requires a source of power capable of triggering
the Core Matrix's prime directive. The sun is one of those power

is why some Time Shifts are triggered by certain types of solar
activity impacting and interacting with the Earth's
magnetosphere. Whether from the Earth's magnetic field being
hit with solar winds, solar flares, or CMEs the effect sets into motion
the Time Shift mechanism which involves the altering of
frequencies which are the foundation of all Core Matrix
Co-Existing time line programs. The above graphic illustrates the flow of energy between the Sun and the Earth.
To learn more about this ground breaking work
please listen to Starfire Tor's many interviews, including the ones with Whitley
Strieber on Dreamland and her many appearances on Coast to Coast AM with
Art Bell, George Noory and Whitley Strieber.

The Time Shift Alerts
presented by Starfire Tor do not represent all Time Shifts or Time
Shift Alerts. Nor does this Time Shift information present all Time
Shift science or scientific results. The purpose of sharing this
sampling is to educate
people about the science of Time Shifts. Part of this Time Shift
Alert education involves historical events including the September 11,
2001 attacks in the U.S., the December 26, 2004 earthquake and tsunami
in the Sumatra-Indonesia region, and the March 11, 2011 earthquake and
tsunami in Japan.

TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: On January 19,
2012 an Earth directed M3 Class solar CME erupted from sunspot 1401 and
will hit Earth's magnetic field beginning January 21, 2012. Expect the
charged solar particles to trigger Time Shift timeline edits. Expect
geomagnetic disturbances and auroras. Due to frequency changes
associated with Time Shifts there may be Time Shift triggered
earthquake, volcano, weather, and geophysical events. Tech
communications may be disrupted, cetaceans may strand, and paranormal
events and precognition will increase.

Update TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: This is a NASA/SOHO photo of the
CME involved with this Time Shift Alert. The powerful eruption happened
on January 19, 2012 and it's charged particles have begun to impact Earth's
magnetosphere. Time Shifts require a humungous source of energy, which
the sun has in ample supply.

Update TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: It's here. Earth is
being hit with a powerful CME as I described in my original Time Shift
Alert message. This HAARP chart that has recorded the start of the
hit, which also marks the solar triggering of time line edits as well as
fantastic aurora displays.
Remember what I've taught. HAARP does not create this energy. HAARP only
records it. The same goes for any earthquakes, volcano blows, weather,
or any geophysical phenomena happening during any Time Shift window. If
you see someone promoting HAARP in that way please correct them. It's
best not to mix HAARP black ops truth with HAARP disinformation.

TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21,2012: It's here. Take a look at this
dazzling January 22, 2012 Alaska aurora that corresponds to that HAARP
chart, the CME, and the Time Shift that I alerted about. Note how all of
the information that I've shared corresponds. It's important, as I do
my best to teach you about Time Shifts while giving you the tools to
ward off disinformation. Aurora photo by Ronn Murray.

TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: Due to today's January 23,
2012 M9 class solar flare erupting from sunspot 1402 and the fact that
in the past 24 hours Earth has experienced geomagnetic storms, solar
radiation storms, and days. NOAA reports the Earth hasn't had this
powerful a radiation storm since May 2005. This is now a Time Shift
Cluster Alert meaning multiple Time Shifts are possible.
Shift related: Global news media are talking about the historic
multiple Sun-Earth solar storm events that are currently hitting the
Earth. Click the URL to read the entire article about the current
Time Shift cluster. Click here to watch NASA's videos of the solar flare.
(AP) – The sun is bombarding Earth with radiation from the biggest
solar storm in more than six years with more to come from the
fast-moving eruption.
solar flare occurred at about 11 p.m. EST Sunday and will hit Earth
with three different effects at three different times. The biggest issue
is radiation, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center in Colorado.

solar flare erupts on the sun's northeastern hemisphere. The sun is
bombarding Earth with radiation from the biggest solar storm in more
than six years, with more to come from the fast-moving eruption.
SDO image (AIA 193) shows M9-Class solar flare erupting on the sun's
northeast hemisphere at 03:49 UT, January 23, 2012.

The solar flare occurred at about 11 p.m. EST Sunday and will hit Earth with three different effects at three different times.

This image from January 19, 2012, shows the solar flare captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Radiation from Sunday's flare arrived at Earth an hour later and will likely continue through Wednesday.

This image, taken Monday from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, shows a flare shooting out of the top of the sun.
The radiation—in the form of protons—came flying out of the sun at 93 million miles per hour.

Here, sunspots seen early Monday. The radiation is mostly a concern for satellite disruptions and astronauts in space.

During the stranding alert windows 90 pilot whales beached on New
Zealand shores. Some were rescued and lived while others either died on
the beach or washed up dead. This is an area of New Zealand that gets
pilot whale strandings during magnetosphere disruptions, because
it also disrupts their ability to navigate safely, which is why my
stranding alerts should be used as a specific heads up to New Zealand
cetacean advocates.
Pay special attention to the end of the article where it says that
scientists have no idea why they strand. Really? I know and I've been
teaching this knowledge for years.
Dozens of pilot whales beach in New Zealand
23 January 2012 Last updated at 01:18 ET
A group of 90 pilot whales have beached on a spit at the northern tip of
New Zealand's South Island - the second incident in the area this
The whales in Farewell Spit, Golden Bay, are being kept cool by conservation staff. ...snip...

Update Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: This chart shows how HAARP recorded the massive historical
solar storm as it hit Earth's magnetosphere. Because this type of
charged solar particle hit triggers Time Shifts, the HAARP chart also
unwittingly records Time Shift activity. Remember what I've taught,
which can be plainly seen on my FB wall. HAARP isn't the source of the
energy or the Time Shift triggered events that go with it such as
quakes. HAARP only records the energy. Neither does this type of solar
energy cause quakes. The solar energy triggers Time Shifts & it's
Time Shift activity that causes the quakes & other TS phenomena. See
my original TS Alert for more.

As expected the Aurora have been spectacular
during this solar storm and Time Shift cluster window. Enjoy this
dazzling Lapland aurora display. Photo Chad Blakely.

The Whale And Dolphin People Project The
same scientific condition that creates auroras is connected to the same
conditions that prompt my Whale, Dolphin, and Porpoise Stranding Alerts
still in effect. It's because the same solar activity that causes
auroras, i.e. charged solar particles hitting Earth's magnetosphere,
also causes the disruption in cetacean navigation that can cause
stranding. Cetaceans can hear & see auroras over their head &
when the lights are reflected on the water like in this beautiful green
swirling aurora over the coastal waters of Tromso Norway. Photo by Bernt

The Whale And Dolphin People Project Update
extended WHALE, DOLPHIN, & PORPOISE STRANDING ALERT Begins January 21, 2012:
Due to ongoing solar activity impacting Earth's magnetosphere, which is
the main factor behind my stranding alerts, the original stranding
alert is extended. It includes an X class solar flare & solar wind
stream. This amazing photo of a January 28, 2012 aurora over Greenland was taken
by Brian Whittaker from his plane at 34,000 ft. Disturbances in Earth's
magnetic field disturb cetacean bio navigation & communication. This
disturbance can confuse cetaceans which leads to stranding & wrong
way travel. -- The aurora themselves are
not harmful to cetaceans. It is the energy that causes them, which
disrupts the Earth's magnetosphere, that is the problem. Therefore,
aurora's become markers that whales, dolphins, & porpoises may
become confused. The same goes for any Earth creature that depends on
Earth's magnetic lines of force for navigation and/or communication.

Update Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: This January 24+25, 2012 chart shows how HAARP recorded the ongoing
massive historical solar storm as it hits Earth's magnetosphere. Because
this type of charged solar particle hit triggers Time Shifts, the HAARP
chart also unwittingly records Time Shift activity. Remember what I've
taught and proven. HAARP isn't the source of the energy or the Time
Shift triggered events that go with it such as quakes. HAARP only
records the energy. Neither does this type of solar energy cause quakes.
The solar energy triggers Time Shifts and it's Time Shift activity
that causes the quakes and other TS phenomena. See my original TS
Alert for more.

Update Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: This Time Shift cluster
is extended because of ongoing Earth directed solar activity. January 27, 2012
Sunspot 1402 erupted with an X class solar flare that caused energetic
protons to swarm Earth at the same time Earth was being hit with a
separate solar wind. This followed the historic solar storm event
connected to this original Time Shift Alert.

Update Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: This January 24-25, 2012 chart shows how HAARP recorded the ongoing
massive historical solar storm as it hits Earth's magnetosphere. Because
this type of charged solar particle hit triggers Time Shifts, the HAARP
chart also unwittingly records Time Shift activity. Remember what I've
taught & proven. HAARP isn't the source of the energy or the Time
Shift triggered events that go with it such as quakes. HAARP only
records the energy. Neither does this type of solar energy cause quakes.
The solar energy triggers Time Shifts & it's Time Shift activity
that causes the quakes & other TS phenomena.

Continued Update Extended TIME SHIFT ALERT Begins January 21, 2012: This NOAA video of the January 27, 2012 X class solar flare, which
extends the Time Shift Alert, shows energetic protons heading for Earth.
I wanted to show you this because I've read disinformation claiming
that these protons were UFOs orbiting the Sun. Wrong. Also wrong are
other claims where solar particles and known astronomical objects have
been promoted as UFOs. Please don't spread UFO disinformation. There are
authentic UFOs and space craft. Don't muddy the field of truthful UFO
research by promoting disinformation.

Update: Time Shift cluster now Time Shift
swarm. Since my January 19, 2012 Time Shift Alert and it's many extensions due
to solar activity impacting the planet as Time Shift triggers, Earth has
experienced only a small window of low activity. Because a solar wind
is hitting Earth again it extends the earlier Time Shift cluster to a
state of Time Shift swarm. One Time Shift can create problems depending
on what time line events are edited and altered and what impact the
Time Shift mechanism has on triggering quakes, volcano blows, dangerous
weather and cetacean stranding. Time Shift Living Dead and
precognitive phenomena increase.
9 More Stranded Dolphins Rescued From The Cape
February 2, 2012
RESCUE) CAPE COD — Yesterday, the International Fund for Animal Welfare
(IFAW) rescued nine dolphins in danger of stranding off of Cape Cod,
Massachusetts. In January alone, 102 dolphins lost their way along the
Cape Cod coastline. Global Animal reported earlier this month on
beachings and rescues in the area, and we’re happy to report that the
month of February has started off on a positive. Read more on the latest
rescue mission. — Global Animal
ongoing dolphin stranding in Massachusetts is connected to the cetacean
stranding alert I put out at the same time as my Time Shift Alert.
Because Earth has been experiencing a Time Shift swarm the continuing
magnetic field disturbance continues to disrupt cetacean navigation
abilities. The area of these strandings has a a hooked land mass jutting
into the sea which adds to navigation challenges the confused dolphins
already have because of the disturbance in the magnetosphere.

Extended: Time Shift cluster now Time
Shift swarm. Since my January 19, 2012 Time Shift Alert and it's
extensions due to solar activity impacting the planet as Time Shift
triggers, Earth has experienced only a small window of low
Because a solar wind is still hitting Earth and a CME erupted today
February 6, 2012 the Time Shift swarm is extended. One Time Shift
can create
problems depending on what time line events are edited and altered and
what impact the Time Shift mechanism has on triggering quakes,
volcano blows, dangerous weather and cetacean stranding. Time
Living Dead and precognitive phenomena increase. This SDO image
the February 6, 2012 CME.
February 6, 2012: Today's deadly 6.7 quake in the Philippines is an example of a Time
Shift triggered quake. There have been many during this Time Shift
swarm. Such quakes are by-products of the Time Shift mechanism and
aren't the focus time line editing of a Time Shift. Some people will
note today's CME and quake. They will think the CME caused the quake.
It's not wrong to see a connection but they're missing the Time Shift
part of the equation. Because you're reading this you're correctly
informed. Remember this science: Solar activity does not cause quakes.
Some solar activity triggers Time Shifts. Some Time Shifts trigger
quakes. Not all quakes are triggered by Time Shifts.
6.7 Earthquake Kills Dozens
Teams search for Philippine earthquake survivors
6 February 2012 Last updated at 23:39 ET
... The quake hit 70km north of Dumaguete city on Negros island. The 6.7
magnitude earthquake struck at 11:49 (03:49 GMT) at a depth of 20km,
according to the US Geological Survey. As of 08:00 local time, an
official report put the death toll at 15 confirmed dead, 44 reported
missing and 52 injured. ...

Let's see. The Earth's magnetic field is being
buffeted by an "unexpected" solar wind today. Unexpected. What an odd
thing for NOAA to say but oh so true. Time Shift time line edit
by-products do generate unexpected events even from outer space. This
hot SDO photo is from today as sunspot 1410 does filament loops. We're
going to feel that soon. You could say the sun has gone loopy. Bottom
line: The Time Shift Swarm continues. Are you watching world events? I
suggest you do.

plasma twisters dance across the sun in this still from a NASA video
recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory during a 30-hour period
between February 7 and 8 in 2012. Credit: NASA/SDO
I put out Time Shift Alerts I say that Time Shifts also cause a
condition that creates and amplifies paranormal activity and
precognitive events. It's because the brain is the interface to
The Core Matrix which houses and streams all Co-Existing Time Lines and
raw elements. With the ongoing Time Shift swarm creating so many
time line edits and new time lines, people everywhere must be having
more psychic and paranormal experiences, plus Time Shift edit weirdness,
than ever. What have you experienced? Have you been
dreaming about future events that come true? Got a ghost?
Has poltergeist activity gotten annoying?
Learn more about Time Shifts:

All contents copyright ©2012 by Starfire Tor