

The Starfire Body Of Light
Astral Projection And Out-Of-Body
Visual Imagery Technique

© Researched, Developed and Written By Starfire Tor


The purpose of psi protection is to insure that you have a safe OBE journey. The key to that protection is to mentally create a personal force field that no other energy can penetrate or manipulate. Your brain is a very powerful tool, and you can program it to provide you with the best psi protection you'll need to OBE safely, or engage in any psi activity safely.

To program your brain, you have to creatively visualize this powerful protection manifesting and activating at your command. Think about the best protection you can give your computer. You want the best fire wall, the best anti-virus, anti-trojan, anti-spyware, and anti-spam software. You want to OBE without concern that a malicious "program" or astral energy can get past your defenses. Educate yourself on these computer defenses, and then program your brain to create the same type of protection for yourself.

How will you know if you've successfully created powerful and effective psi protection for yourself? It won't be because you followed some method or ritual from a book or teacher, and only went through the motions. If you've created the psi protection I'm talking about, you'll know because you'll feel the force of it as a personal energy shield. Once experienced, you won't have to ask anyone if you got the job done. And once experienced, it becomes a recognizable and essential part of your being.


Most astral travel and OBEs [Out-Of-Body Experiences] happen spontaneously, usually just as a person is falling asleep. The onset of a spontaneous OBE sometimes begins as an electrical humming sound that starts in the brain, and then travels the length of the body. The body then becomes immobilized, usually followed by a floating sensation that you are physically rising above your bed. This floating sensation is called an OBE launch, and what happens from there is dependent on one's experience and personal mental programming.

The immobilization of the body can be a frightening experience, especially when other sensations intrude. Some of those sensations can be the feeling that there are intruders in your room, that the intruders are menacing in some way, or that you are even being abducted by these intruders. Another sensation can be the perception that your surroundings have changed, as if you are in an altered world that I call the "not quite right world".

The immobilization of the body is a normal condition of sleeping and dreaming, so that the body will not become physical when the brain is in a dream state. In fact, most OBEs spontaneously launch from the dream state. This is the most frequent and natural OBE launch that exists.


Unlike what so many sleep and dream experts claim, dreams are not merely the psychological rehashing or scrambling of a person's daily events. The brain is actually interfacing with streaming data , either sourced directly from the Core Matrix, or from any number of co-existing time lines supported by a Core Matrix program. It is this interfacing that sometimes allows certain people to dream and OBE to past, current, or future events. The brain is also a multi- dimensional transceiver, and can transmit as well as receive data into and out of multi-dimensional realms and co-existing time lines. This would be the science behind a "psychic" dream or OBE future event.


Disciplined mental programming, combined with creative visualization, are the foundations of the most basic and primary way to induce an OBE from a waking state. What we think can, and does, effect the accepted physical world, the many dimensions, the many co-existing time lines, the many realms of the astral world, and is a power that is the key to successful controlled OBE journeys.

The following technique is one that I use to induce OBEs on command, and have successfully used it and taught it to thousands of people. Not all OBE techniques work for all people, and even the best techniques may not work all of the time. But my "Body Of Light OBE Technique" can at least help you to hone your creative mental visualization skills in creating an astral body, which is essential for a waking OBE launch. My OBE technique involves the creation of what I call a 'Body Of Light', which is a natural extension and amplification of your personal energy frequencies, as directed by and through the brain. In effect, your "Body Of Light" is a thought form that becomes your astral body. Your astral body becomes a free relatively free roaming extended interface with the co-existing time lines and data streams of the Core Matrix. Once in this "Body Of Light" astral body form, your conscious self is no longer limited to the perceived earth bound world.


Make yourself comfortable, either sitting up or lying down, in a darkened room with no distractions. Relax, take some deep breathes, close your eyes, and release the day's tension like streams of water running down a hill. As the tension drains from you, the water becomes clearer and clearer until it is crystal clear and free from impurities.

Focus your mind on the middle of your forehead, just above your eyebrows. This is known as the region of the third eye, or the doorway of the soul.

Visualize a luminescent glow where your third eye - or doorway of the soul - is, Choose one of these colors:electric blue, royal purple, lavender, gold, silver, or white, and fill the third eye area with this color. Try out the colors on your third eye doorway, and choose and stay with the color that you attune to best. You'll know the right one for you, because it will radiate the most energy for you.

With your personal color radiating from the third eye position, visualize an image of yourself appearing in the center of your third eye window. This is your doorway to the astral realm, from which you will launch your OBE. The image of you, in the third eye doorway, is your self manifested 'Body Of Light'. It is this astral body which will take the OBE journey. Visualize your Body Of Light floating away from your third eye doorway, and standing or floating before you in the room. Your Body Of Light will radiate your chosen color. Hold that focus until you can feel your Body Of Light gain strength and purpose. Your Body Of Light can journey through any dimension , any co-existing time line, and can interface with the Core Matrix. Your Body Of Light is a conscious extension of you in all these realms.

Visualize your Body Of Light moving about the room as it encounters objects in the room. See the objects in all their color, form, and texture, through the senses of your Body Of Light.

If you wish to end the exercise here, return your Body Of Light to your physical body through your third eye doorway. Allow the third eye doorway color to dim and fade, and then close the third eye doorway by envisioning your forehead returning to normal and becoming cool. Release your protective force field in a gentle swirl until it naturally dissipates. Slowly orient yourself to being back in your physical body, and write down your experiences.


Visualize your Body Of Light moving through a wall of the room and into the room beyond it. Imagine that this wall is no longer solid but is made up of particles of light that brush by you as you pass through them.

Move your Body Of Light through other rooms until you've explored all of the rooms. Explore objects, and any people and animals found there, through the senses of your Body Of Light.

If you wish to end the exercise here, return your Body Of Light to your physical body through your third eye doorway. Allow the third eye doorway color to dim and fade, and then close the third eye doorway by envisioning your forehead returning to normal and becoming cool. Release your protective force field in a gentle swirl until it naturally dissipates. Slowly orient yourself to being back in your physical body, and write down your experiences.


Visualize your Body Of Light moving from inside the room, through a wall, and into the outdoors. Explore the immediate outdoor grounds like you did all of the rooms. Feel the energy of the trees, plants, animals and people as you experience the physical plane through the senses of your Body Of Light.

If you wish to end the exercise here, return your Body Of Light to your physical body through your third eye doorway. Allow the third eye doorway color to dim and fade, and then close the third eye doorway by envisioning your forehead returning to normal and becoming cool. Release your protective force field in a gentle swirl until it naturally dissipates. Slowly orient yourself to being back in your physical body, and write down your experiences.


From either indoors or outdoors, where ever you feel you're in the most control, visualize your Body Of Light floating up and away from you. Let it explore the rooms and the grounds from an aerial point of view. See it all through the senses of your Body Of Light.

Visualize an earth bound destination, like a distant location that you're familiar with, and fly your Body Of Light there. Experience the journey and explore the location site through the senses of your Body Of Light. Visualize your Body Of Light returning to the original location where your physical body is and stand it before you in the room.

If you wish to end the exercise here, return your Body Of Light to your physical body through your third eye doorway. Allow the third eye doorway color to dim and fade, and then close the third eye doorway by envisioning your forehead returning to normal and becoming cool. Release your protective force field in a gentle swirl until it naturally dissipates. Slowly orient yourself to being back in your physical body, and write down your experiences.


Visualize your Body Of Light floating up and away from your physical body.
Concentrate on meeting your Guardian Angel, Guardian Spirit, Soulmate, Kindred Spirits, Astral Friends, and Astral Animal Companions in the higher astral realm. Enjoy the adventure.

If you wish to end the exercise here, return your Body Of Light to your physical body through your third eye doorway. Allow the third eye doorway color to dim and fade, and then close the third eye doorway by envisioning your forehead returning to normal and becoming cool. Release your protective force field in a gentle swirl until it naturally dissipates. Slowly orient yourself to being back in your physical body, and write down your experiences.


Visualize your Body Of Light moving through space, time, realms, dimensions, and co-existing time lines. Allow your Body Of Light to experience the streaming co-existing time lines as they source from the Core Matrix.

Send and receive psi data downloads from and to other Bodies Of Light. Experience future, current, and past events and lives in co-existing time lines. Meet with multi-dimensional teachers and guides and further the education of your soul. Commune with real angels. Experience the music of the cosmos, and find your own rhythm within it. Heal your body, mind. soul, and spirit. Lift the veil of illusion, see the Core Matrix, understand Time Shifts, and pass it forward.

If you wish to end the exercise here, return your Body Of Light to your physical body through your third eye doorway. Allow the third eye doorway color to dim and fade, and then close the third eye doorway by envisioning your forehead returning to normal and becoming cool. Release your protective force field in a gentle swirl until it naturally dissipates. Slowly orient yourself to being back in your physical body, and write down your experiences.



No words can describe phase seven.



Body Of Light (BOL) OBE Technique
Visual Imagery Technique For Astral Projection







Starfire Tor encourages the sharing of her material, found on her http://www.starfiretor.com website, in free sharing zones. Starfire Tor's material is copyrighted, and if shared with others must include the full title of the material, Starfire Tor's name as author and researcher, and the Starfire Tor web page of origin from this web site. Sharing Starfire Tor's material, without proper acknowledgement as stated, is an act of plagiarism. Please report any infractions, with URL, to Webmaster - Sharri Lorraine
